In the course of adventures within Minecraft Dungeons you will find yourself facing hordes upon hordes of enemies, which will be quite difficult to defeat through the only use of melee weapons. The latest title branded Mojang Studios however, it offers many variations regarding the approaches, allowing you to defeat enemies with the help of many arches present. So let's see all these Ranged Weapons, analyzing their possibilities and peculiarities to be exploited. It is good to remember that, of course, the use of bows requires the presence of arrows in the inventory, which will however be found very easily simply by advancing in the levels of Minecraft Dungeons.
- bow - Simple basic ranged weapon
- Short Arch - Faster but less effective
- Long Arch - Stronger and charged attacks
- Hunting Bow - Companions attack targeted enemies
- Powerful Bow - Loads very strong attacks
- Trickbow - Hits multiple targets
- Arch of the Soul - +2 to obtaining souls
- Crossbow - Fast bullets
- Quick Crossbow - Attack speed increased significantly
- Spreading Crossbow - Shoot 3 multiple bullets
- Heavy Crossbow - Very powerful hits
- Crossbow of the Soul - +2 to obtaining souls
- Explosive Crossbow - Bullets explode on impact
- Arch of the Lost Souls - +2 to obtaining the cores and the possibility of multiple hits
- Butterfly Crossbow - High speed, capable of hitting two enemies together
- Crossbow of Oblivion - Powerful blows that knock back enemies
- Powerful Bow Elite - Loads much stronger hits
- Wild Soul Crossbow - Increases the crit of Souls, and gives +2 to obtaining them
- Flame Dart Launcher Shots explode on impact, and can cause chain reactions
- Promise of the Hunter - Companions attack targeted monsters, chance to regain arrows
- Implosive Crossbow - Darts explode on impact attracting enemies
- Lightning Harp Crossbow - 3 bullets that can ricochet
- Arch of the Master - Pets attack targeted monsters, more damage dealt
- Short Mechanical Bow - Increase attack rate
- Violet Storm - Greatly increases attack rate
- Red Snake - Strong charged attacks, possibility for arrows to explode
- Crossbow of the Slayer - Powerful shots that can bounce
- The Slicer - Faster projectiles that can pierce through enemies
- Caller from the Void of the Soul - Crossbow that attracts enemies and provides +2 to obtaining souls
Before leaving, we refer you to our review of Minecraft Dungeons and to our specific section of the guides, where you can find useful material on this and other titles.