The last effort of Insomniac Games, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, of which we invite you to read our review, is finally available. The adventure of Miles Morales, despite being quite short, it is full of secrets and collectibles to collect such as, for example, the Postcards. In this guide we will go to see where to find all 8 Postcards, necessary both to complete the game 100% and to get the silver trophy Journey into memory.
ATTENTION: Before letting you continue reading, we remind you that in the following lines you may run into some major or minor spoilers on Marvel's Spider-Man and / or Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, as regards some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully before completing the game in its entirety.
1 - House of Miles
The first Postcard will be in Miles' house. To get it you will have to go home and sleep; when you wake up you will have obtained the first Postcard and you will see the position of the other seven marked on the map.
2 - Upper West Side
In the lower right corner of the search corner, under a statue depicting four men kneeling with a sphere on their shoulders.
3 - Midtown
On top of the Empire State building, it stands at the foot of one of the binoculars.
4 - Greenwich
On one of the balconies of the museum - more or less in the middle of the building - above a fossil.
5 - Financial District
You can get it from where the “CODBs Nightclub” neon sign is. Jump to the lamp attached to the wall using L2 + R2. From here you just have to grab the postcard.
6 - Chinatown
On the back of the Lobster statue at the entrance to the Seafood Restaurant.
7 - Upper East Side
On the red mailbox at the entrance to the gate, take it and head to the last one.
8 - Harlem
It is located at the basketball court, all you have to do is look under the basket.