The series of Luigi's Mansion has always gone quietly enough, thanks to the release on portable consoles which, inevitably, cut off a lot of possible buyers not attracted by the target of the device. Luckily the big N has thought of switch, which encompasses both portability and the opportunity to play comfortably on your home TV. That's why we are thrilled to tell you about Luigi's Mansion 3, third chapter that will arrive on Halloween, the day more than appropriate to release the product. The game is a perfect combination of “terror” and comedy: fear is really veiled, but just enough to allow the user to appreciate every single detail of the experience and some clichés revisited just for the occasion. The atmosphere of the videogame is captivating, probably the same Count Dracula if he decided to stay in a hotel would choose the Miramostri, and with all honesty after the time we spent in his rooms too, leaving him to go home was more difficult than expected. Our scary holiday took place in a monstrously pleasant way, so much so that we can tell you with certainty that the mansion that hosts the adventure is suitable for any type of age and user.
Not all that glitters is gold
We have just arrived at our destination, at the foot of the hotel. The whole family (Luigi, Mario the three Toad e Peach) was invited to stay in a beautiful hotel and enjoy a well-deserved vacation from the usual hardships of work. Needless to say, the mansion where they will stay is frighteningly magnificent, everything is tidy and clean, it looks like the classic 5-star hotel where nothing is left to chance with meticulous attention to detail able to satisfy any palate. The luggage is sent to the respective rooms and, once settled on the bed, you can take a well-deserved break. Nothing is as it seems, however, the nightfall will be enough to unmask what hid such a beautiful facade. The spell that gave the hotel such a Dionysian aspect is fading, allowing the entire structure to show itself to our eyes for the first time with its true face, that of fear. The bright and intense colors, the light that illuminated the corridors and walls of the hotel give way to a more dull and somber palette, but with an exceptional level of detail that gives the entire title a charisma never seen before in the series.
The drastic change of setting inevitably hits the attention of Luigi who will come out of his room in search of friends: he will find himself in front of him again KingBoo which in a short time he has already transformed into paintings Mario and the others. It goes without saying that Luigi's mission will be to recover all the ghosts and free his family. The narrative incipit, as you will understand yourself, is not particularly refined but in any case it does its job as it will lead you to the natural exploration of every corner of the Miramostri hotel. This spooky place has secrets hidden in every corner, to be discovered with the help of your weapon, a practical modified vacuum cleaner capable of capturing any paranormal entity and, above all, large portions of objects present in the scenario. The whole adventure will take place inside the building, you will go up and down the floors with a shocking naturalness and then scan all the rooms finding rare ghosts and treasures. The level design, however, is exceeded since each layer of the structure is a unique theme, with respective super inspired environments. We have never experienced the feeling of being in two identical rooms, which incredibly dampens the sense of monotony of the adventure.
This place is filthy
The adventure of Luigi's Mansion 3 it is basically divided into moments of pure gameplay and videos useful for the narrative. There are two phases of the game: the first in which you will find yourself solving the riddles of the various rooms in order to continue, and the second where you will find yourself fighting against bosses and ghosts, in which your skills as players must also be combined with a sprinkle of ingenuity. Each environment has its rules and its objects to exploit, all of which, however, inevitably binds to Luigi's abilities and the capabilities of his weapon. The vacuum cleaner will be your faithful companion who will help you throughout the experience. You will be able to suck and repel objects, make a jump powerful enough to shake the earth to shake things, hit enemies with a blinding light to momentarily paralyze them and, above all, have a special beam that can show materials hidden from the eye. human. These mechanics are well established within the saga, but the developers for this new episode have decided to introduce something new: the Gommiluigi. This is a liquid copy of Luigi that will help you solve various environmental puzzles and many other headaches. It can pass between closed bars or gates, avoid arrows and more. But be careful not to get it wet because otherwise its life will reset and it will return to Luigi in its watery form.
There will therefore be couple riddles or situations that will require you to use one or the other. In any case, know that the puzzles are fun and not particularly complex, even if some (two in particular) we found them really elaborate. What struck us in these cases is the exceptional physics of the game, with the various objects that have their own specific weight and the movements that are influenced by the way you play and move. The number of details used to create the various environments is crazy, often it will be enough for you to have moved a chair by mistake to find a huge secret. To what has just been said, however, we must also add an exploration phase, since the game provides secondary elements that, regardless of whether you decide to find them, will be able to give you additional hours and guaranteed fun. As previously mentioned, however, an important part of the experience offered by Luigi's Mansion 3 is also summed up in the fighting. As for the simple ghosts or if we want classics, the formula has remained unchanged compared to the past: you will have to hit the various spectra first with the light and then suck them up. To make it easier and more fun, if you capture and pull the ghosts hard enough you can yawn them left and right by repeatedly pressing the A key. Slightly different speech for the bosses, in this chapter particularly inspired and characterized by an accessible challenge level and satisfactory.
Bravo Luigi
Experience is also strong on an online and offline multiplayer component. You can have fun with your friends locally between the various floors of the hotel to complete the story, but the game also offers challenges to all users who do not have friends or brothers always available. On each floor of the hotel you will have to achieve a goal, such as capturing ghosts or rescuing the Toads by leading them to safety, all within a certain time limit. In these cases, if you run out of energy, you will no longer be able to move, but you can still recover by pressing the A key repeatedly or waiting for another player to save you. On a technical level, the work is flawless, of course we don't touch stunning graphics, but what Nintendo does is a clean, precise and well done job. As mentioned at the beginning, the game in any case is a feast for the eyes, capable of capturing people of all ages. As for the frame rate, also in this case nothing to report, even in the most chaotic moments the experience proves to be stable and adequate to both modern standards and the Switch itself. We tested Luigi's Mansion 3 obviously also in its portable version and even in this case we had no problems playing it, on the contrary, we were captured and hypnotized.
In conclusion we can say that Luigi's Mansion 3 is a really great game which, although strong in mechanics already consolidated in the series, manages to add an extra touch that is absolutely not obvious. The title is certainly the most successful of the franchise and will be able to entertain children and adults without differences. The refined level design makes each room unique, reducing the repetitiveness that, in a product like this, always risks being overwhelming in the long run. Fortunately, we have not experienced anything like this and indeed, we had fun from start to finish experiencing this new adventure in one breath. The comic line that characterizes the whole experience fits perfectly with the environments created by Nintendo, dark, daring and just the right fun. Anyone who owns a Switch can't do without Luigi's Mansion 3 in his library, as it ultimately proved to live up to both our expectations and what we would have imagined for a third installment of any saga. Our holiday at the Miramostri hotel was not a relaxing one, but we would certainly have regretted not having gone there.