Layers of Fear can be considered one of the best survival horror titles released in recent years, capable of transporting the player on a hallucinating and insane journey through the eyes of a brilliant and tormented painter. As we know the title, at the end of our adventure, it leaves us with the bated breath e some questions to which we do not know how to give an answer; fortunately all this is explained in the first DLC entitled Layers of Fear Inheritance, available for PlayStation 4, PC e Xbox One.
We go back home!
This time the game allows us to take on the role of the daughter of the painter, protagonist of the main adventure. The girl, now an adult, decides to return to the old house family inherited to face the dark e dreadful terrors that are hidden in his past. The house has now lost the warmth of the past, turning into one dark abode e gelida and the girl, exploring every corner, will have to collide with the memories of his childhood that will become more and more frightening and surreal.
Thorough plot but little fear
Il narrative sector of Inheritance is one of the aspects to be considered more successful of production, as, thanks to his new point of view, it allows us to deepen in detail the complex figure of the painter and the consequences of his madness towards his wife and young daughter, as well as to better understand the more human side of this obsession. Layers of Fear Inheritance, despite its duration, allows us to return to the villa of the original chapter and find out fascinating background on the past of this troubled family. A negative point that we would like to underline is the atmosphere: Unfortunately, as intriguing as it may be, it gives a sense of "Already seen" as anyone who has played the main chapter is no longer able to be scared. This negatively affects the product because, despite everything, it fails in its most important aim: be scary.
Gameplay and atmosphere
Il gameplay Layers of Fear Inheritance doesn't stray far from the base title; in fact we will take on the role of our character, we will interact with the surrounding environment through the R2 button and we will cross a path that, from time to time, will be interrupted by small puzzles o jump scare. Unfortunately, however, even in this case the DLC does not reach the levels of the original chapter due to the too simple puzzles and with jump scare totally predictable or, in any case, not very scary. Another novelty is the real concept of childhood memories: in every corner and room of the house there will be hidden some memories, short or long, of the young girl that we will be able to experience firsthand, but with a less frightening atmosphere than in the past. Each memory will be able to make us relive a moment in particular concerning the protagonist's relationship with her father and, thanks to our choices, we will modify the way in which the memory takes place; we will even be able to change opinion of the same protagonist towards her father. Finally, at the end of each memory, the girl will make a comment, explaining to us how our choices have changed his perception of actions. These comments, along with the numerous collectibles present inside and at the end of the memories, they will influence the final decision of the protagonist towards the father, leading to several alternative endings, some well hidden and intriguing.
From the point of technical view, Layers of Fear is a title graphically good: we will be able to observe warmer colors e bright rooms. Furthermore, also the sound compartment it is excellent thanks to the most melancholy piano melodies and disturbing noises, able to make all horror lovers happy. It is necessary to underline what was said previously: the adventure unfortunately it is not particularly long-lived and the game can be completed within one or two hours maximum. However, thanks to the presence of the different endings and a good number of secondary trophies, Layers of Fear Inheritance offers a good replay value.
To conclude
Layers of Fear Inheritance is a title that perfectly follows the gameplay marked by the previous title, offering a new story with a series of new and interesting endings, which give the story of Layers of Fear a worthy conclusion. Although the atmosphere of terror has faded slightly, the DLC offers excellent ideas for embarking on a new adventure. At the price of 4,99 €, Layers of Fear Inheritance is a more than excellent DLC, recommended for anyone who has loved the original adventure.