The historical period we are experiencing is very particular, and very probably the most difficult that the modern population has ever faced on a global level. Video games have been one of the small lifesaving anchors right from the start, a bulwark that has helped us defend ourselves from malaise and more. In such a landscape it might be difficult - or at the same time purely easy - to understand what we players need, but like the knight in shining armor who proverbially appears in the right place at the right time, here comes It Takes Two, a title so pure and genuine, but at the same time fun and funny, that it hits almost every goal it has set itself. Moving away from the much more action themes we have seen with their A Way Out, the Swedish studio of Hazelight Studios offers us a gem that is not too complicated or difficult to complete, but which is able to entertain players of all ages with lots of praise. A title with a strong emotional charge focused on cooperation, the themes of love for a daughter and that of a couple crisis placed in a surreal situation, but with a lot of comic shoulder and nice secondary characters to make everything more sparkling and cheerful . Let's find out this new together EA Original in our review.
A marriage to be repaired ... or to be rebuilt?
The Game Director of the game Josef Fares has already accustomed us from the first work of the studio to a really detailed and deep narration, capable of touching particularly delicate keys. Well, It Takes Two is also of the same stuff, but this time these themes will be the engine of the game from the beginning of the adventure to the end credits (which will keep you busy for at least 12 hours). If A Way Out called us to collaborate in a setting that is anything but family friendly, this time Hazelight changes the pace and takes us to a world at the same time real and fantastic, and where fun is guaranteed to say the least for all ages.
Cody and May are the parents of a little girl named Rose, whom they both really love. However, frictions have developed between the two parents for some time due to some “classic” family dynamics, frictions that unfortunately are leading to what could happen to little Rose: separation through divorce. Although at first it seems that the little girl remains impassive, with all her heart and the innocence of youth she invokes the help of a small booklet to make love blossom again in her parents. Just Cody and May had always been impersonated in his games by two little dolls, and he made sure that the happy ending was possible ... what if all this became reality? Maybe a little too much.
Her plea for help, her strong desire, her tears, caused a kind of magic to be activated… which brought her parents into the bodies of her dolls! Still unaware of how this all happened, Cody and May are greeted by the Book of Love by Dr. Hakim, who came to life as if she had come out of Pagemaster and who with her Spanish accent communicates her mission to the couple: to get them back together and mend their marriage! In addition to the little family, this book will be the most important supporting character in the game, who will guide (and hinder) you with his advice and actions, but above all becoming an essential and extremely successful comic shoulder. However, the couple will have the main purpose of returning to their respective bodies, so the purposes will not be exactly coincident ... that things change over time?
From here on we will not continue with the narrative details to avoid spoilers, but know that the game will be able to confirm itself interesting for its entire duration, thanks also to an excellent variety of situations and at a very high pace.
A (mini) great adventure!
The game is built as a 3D platformer to be played entirely in cooperative and with the obligation of being two. However, do not think that you are faced with a title like the others, or that it treasures a single mechanic and builds everything around it, because our long journey towards the return to normal will be extremely varied: each chapter will be divided into sections (often interspersed with narrative cutscenes), and each of them will shine with its own particularities! In fact, Cody and May will change the gadgets available from time to time based on the area where we will play, and it does so with incredible naturalness. Clearly these gadgets will be indispensable to solve environmental puzzles, For overcome obstacles, and of course for defeat the enemies if there were any. For example, in the first chapter May will have a hammer available, while Cody will have nails, and they will have to be exploited at the same time by amalgamating their powers to proceed. And at the end of the section or chapter? Well… get ready for unbelievable bossfight!
In reality there is still a lot to say: do not take the word "platform" too specifically, because although the game reflects itself for a very good percentage in this genre, there are dozens and dozens of facets and gameplay changes that will adapt every time at the moment that we are living: from changes of shot, to bullet hell sections or obstacles, to moments where we will ride vehicles, or even fight in true fighting style, It Takes Two will never make you experience the same thing twice in a row.
And again, to catch your breath during the various sections are scattered different minigames (25 in total) where you can compete head to head with your partner, and lots of them easter egg to find and that will undoubtedly make you smile.
It Takes Two: the game we needed
It is really difficult to explain for how many reasons It Takes Two is an unmissable title to say the least, because to every good characteristic, another excellent one is added. We could talk of the incredible care on the graphic level of every single part, which on PlayStation 5 reaches majestic levels, or we could talk about the perfect way in which they were characterized characters, not only in the visual presentation, but also for their personalities and the English voices that have been approached, or maybe even how it is fun in the most genuine way, also thanks to the aforementioned Dr Hakim.
However, however, the great leap in quality is conferred by the context, not just in game, but contemporary. We are dealing with a cooperative game, which pushes you to spend over 12 hours of free time with a friend, family member or loved one, and it does so by "forcing" you to collaborate and follow a really touching story, which not too subtly recalls situations. that many families find themselves living in every day. We are facing a game that will make you sit next to this person, or make you play remotely with him without even buying a new game thanks to the functionality of the friend code, and where the purchase of the product has an absolutely high quality / price ratio. We face a game that unites in a period of division, in a period of closures, where social contact is reduced to the bone. We have the right game at the right time, whether it is for luck or for foresight.