Borderlands the Pre-sequel Crypt Symbols Guide [360-PS3-PC]
As in the previous chapter, also in Borderlands the Pre-sequel it will be important to find all the Crypt symbols.
Guide collectible symbols
In Borderlands the Pre-Sequel ci sono 45 crypt symbols scattered throughout all levels of the game. Finding these points is important for several reasons. First of all they will allow you to earn new ones badass points which are essential to enhance the character (you will have 100 points for each symbol found).
Not only that, it will also take 2500 Badass points to get a particular weapon, theExcalibastardo, which will also allow you to unlock the achievement "The weapon in the stone".
In the video below you can see where exactly all the Crypt symbols are located in Borderlands the pre-sequel, while the list shows the exact minute of the movie related to each specific area of the game.