Hello to all gaming maniacs, and welcome back with the fourth episode of our weekly column GameScope, capable of rediscovering those titles worthy of note but which unfortunately have had very little luck. Today, we are pleased to speak of Lost Odyssey, for posting the best JRPG released on Xbox360, and one of the top 5 of the last generation of consoles. Lost Odyssey is a product Mistwalker You got it right: it is the house created by the visionary Sakaguchi, father of the Final Fantasy series, right after he broke away from Squaresoft; an absolute guarantee! So why do we find ourselves talking about it in this context? Let's find out together.
The world of Lost Odyssey is in a historical period called "The Great Magical Revolution": the discovery of an inexhaustible source of power such as magical energy has changed the lives of people, upset every day by wars to appropriate this phenomenal power. In this crazy reality lives our protagonist, Kaim Argonar, an immortal warrior tormented by indelible memories accumulated in his thousand and more years of life. Our goal is to avoid these plots, political entanglements and avert the danger of an even wider war. As we progress we will meet numerous characters, including other immortals who, having lived the same fate as Kaim, will decide to follow him and help him in this noble cause.
The gameplay is the most classic thing the oriental RPG genre can offer: this is probably also one of the reasons for the poor sales and interest of this masterpiece, considered by the new generations of gamers a title that is too "old" or dated in terms of schemes, slow and little in keeping with the current canons, which are reflected in the most played genres such as MMO, FPS, TPS, and sports titles. The combat is purely turn-based, with casual encounters and classic development at levels, with the possibility of transferring skills between mortal and non-mortal characters: as you can see, nothing new, but practically everything a fan of the genre could want. The only "novelty" is the detector ring system: it will be necessary to press the right trigger with timing to greatly enhance attacks, spells and special techniques ... a bit like what happened with the equipment of The Legend Of Dragoon, another very classic, legendary but unfortunately mistreated JRPG released in 1999 for PlayStation 1.
The technical sector is of a very good level if compared to the release date, and therefore to the current development of the now old gen: the characters are meticulously cared for and with a very high artistic level, which however clashes a bit with serious drops in frame rate and with decidedly anti-aesthetic aliasing problems. The intermission video sequences are splendid, where it will be possible to capture even the slightest emotion on the faces of the protagonists. The sound is exceptional, curated by a master of the genre: Nobuo Uematsu. The other negative side of this coin, however, concerns the dubbing, unfortunately, not up to the situation. The longevity is extremely remarkable: the 4 DVDs required will be completed in no less than 50 hours, a number destined to grow if all the numerous secondary commitments are carried out, seasoned with extra bosses and very intriguing secret missions. Simply a highly recommended gem, which we invite you to recover as soon as you have the opportunity! We look forward to seeing you with the next issue of the column, with another pearl to dust off and to give new light to!