It is certainly not the time to stop, because after a few weeks from the release of Dreams the Sogniverso continues to be populated at all times, offering all Dreamers some magnificent works created by the community that certainly shouldn't be overlooked.
Let's get straight to the point then, here is a list of other 10 Dreams, the best among those experienced during this week. For each work we will provide you with quick links to the page of the Dream and the author, which can be consulted through the Indreams.me site, but our invitation is to turn on your PS4 and dive into these works in person.
Do Robot Dream of Electric Imps?
Link - Single Player Game of SlurmMacKenzie
An interesting puzzle game, where the Dreamers are put in the shoes of a programmer who will have to spend his skills to bring the goal from point A to point B, calculating everything before the path is started.
Link - Single Player Game by c00kedturkeyDifficult to break away from this revolutionary and rather difficult puzzle game in continuous evolution.
HEROES OF ALDRENOR - Co-op Fantasy RPG (Beta Build)
Link - Single Player and Multi Player Game by DarkestEssence
Here is one of the with infinite potential, who wants to bring the idea related to coop role-playing games in Dreams with the right support.
Link - Exhibition of APE_MONKEY_BOY21
A particular Star Wars themed exhibition, which shows how detailed the creations of the Dreams Dream Universe can be.
SURViVE - Teaser [HD open world survival RPG]
Link - VirtuallyVain Single Player Teaser
Here comes the teaser related to an RPG that needs a lot of work, which will soon shine particularly.
Dreamwater City
Link - SakkusMind exhibition
An audiovisual dream of a magnificent city recreated within Dreams, which partly winks at the style of Bioshock.
Laser Sword Arena
Link - Single Player and Multi Player Game of videogamerkid7
Really fun testable in single player mode but already designed for Multi Player, a really well thought out project.
The Offroad Lands
Link - Single Player Game of Majoneskongen and Narvikgutten
It is an unforgettable and truly suggestive journey by car, which will want to be experienced in one breath.
The Pilgrim
Link - Single Player Game of narvikgutten and Majoneskongen
An extremely dynamic and fun adventure, which features excellent longevity accompanied by numerous creative flashes.
Old Man of the Mountain
Link - Single Player Game by IansaneArtist
Really nice and well done, able without any doubt to entertain the Dreamers with what is proposed.