Dead Space 3 - How to Unlock the "Peng is Forever" Achievement / Trophy [360-PS3]
In this guide we see how to unlock the Trophy / Objective "Peng is Forever" from Dead Space 3.
It is always there
Yes, it's always there, as the description of this Achievement / Trophy says, Peng's treasure is also present in Dead Space 3. Here how to proceed to find Peng and unlock this achievement.
In Dead Space 3 the Peng treasure is found in Chapter 14. This time it is hidden inside the optional mission "Reaper Barracks". To unlock this mission you need to find the Reaper Barracks key which is located in a room with an elevator. This room will be found during the normal course of the main story, so after taking the key, select the optional mission in the RIG and follow the waypoint. Shortly after entering the Reaper Barracks, go through a trap with a piston that moves back and forth. Peng is behind the piston, so use Stasis to slow the piston and the Kinetic ability to pick up Peng. Unlocked result
Here is a video that shows it all