Today we want to go and talk about our neighbor Avengers: Endgame, one of the most anticipated films of the first months of 2019 and already guaranteed success. Going straight to the point, in the trailer released on the morning of 7 December 2018 various things were shown and the inevitable speculations on what will happen inside the film began on the web (a bit like it was for the “Toto Death"of Avengers: Infinity War).
Let's immediately put the dots on the i, all those who do not want to run into the possibility of receiving spoilers (which is saying something as it is mere speculation) can stop reading; for everyone else instead, let the show begin! Let's see the 10 theories that are making their way into the minds of fans of the most powerful heroes of the Earth (and at this point also of space).
Tony Stark adrift
The full-time billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and superhero Iron Man opens the trailer of the film with a monologue dedicated to his beloved Pepper Pots, of which we have no news afterwards Avengers: Infinity War and that she may have fallen victim to the madness of the mad titan Thanos.
But speaking of Tony, we left it together with Nebula su Titan and now we find it inside the Benatar, or the ship of the Guardiani della galassia, alone and adrift on what appears to be a failed return journey that will lead the character to a death that is the same Tony he says he's ready to accept (but we all know it can't happen, right?).
So the question mark is as follows: how will it do Tony to get back on Land? We can imagine that the ingenious Strong can take advantage of his "last moments" to work on a new suit, patched up by pieces of the ship adrift, in a way not unlike what happened in the first Iron Man, as if to pay homage to the film that started the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also, the atmosphere might be a bit reminiscent of Tony's next-door stories Guardians of the Galaxy, seen in comics over the past year.
It's a short step from Hawkeye to Ronin, but why?
After Civil War between Postcode e Strong there is a character in particular who has never been heard of again, Clint barton (Hawkeye). However, in this trailer he returns with great fanfare.
Hawkeye, in the film series by Avengers he has always been a bit of a side character, but this time it will definitely be different. The dear and loving father of a family introduces himself this time in the shoes of Ronin, which in the world of comics is personified by the same Clint after abandoning the guise of Hawkeye following the death of Scarlet Witch. For the uninitiated, Ronin is a mercenary assassin, fighting against the Skrull in Secret Invasion and today mysterious sought by fans after disappearing into thin air.
Now that we've seen the character's biography roughly, let's put it in the context of Avengers: Endgame. In all probability the plea agreement of Clint with the US government after the Civil War and his great ability with weapons contributed to the inclusion of Ronin in 'MCU, but a motivation linked to the mad titan with purple skin cannot be excluded.
In fact it is very likely that Clint has "transformed" into Ronin following the disappearance of his family (to which we see him very attached in Avengers: Age of Ultron) due to the disastrous outcome of theInfinity War. So among all the heroes that Thanos must fear, if that were to really be the reason for the arrival of Ronin, the old Clint is definitely at the top of the list. Furthermore, at least for now, it is very likely that there are no reasons related to the arrival of this lethal swordsman Skrull, enemies of the race Kree of which it is part Captain Marvel.
Nomad outside, Captain America inside
The dear old man Steve Rogers (Captain America), which after the conclusion of the Civil War disappeared from the radar, joined theInfinity War in the shoes of a revised and stylish Nomad bearded. However, it seems that this moment of "adolescent madness" is over. In fact in the trailer for Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers is back clean-shaven but he doesn't seem to be back to embody the American dream yet.
In the video we can see a half-length shot of the character wearing a suit similar to that of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, even if slightly darker and, importantly without its distinctive symbol, namely the vibranium shield (returned to Strong during the Civil War).
What convinced the Postcode to return to his old identity? On the web there is an answer that has been around for months, and it seems very papabile, in fact it seems that to bring back to itself Steve has been Captain Marvel. Of course we understand each other between captains, but we can't be sure since Carol Danvers does not appear in this trailer.
Very plausibly it is also likely that in Stark's absence, Rogers decided that someone needed to take control of the situation and then retraced his steps in order to look more convincing. However, the definitive answer will only be available in April. The only certain thing is that this will be the last movie in which we will see the captain since Chris Evans has just finished his contract with i Marvel Studios (we begin to prepare the handkerchiefs).
Ant-Man is back in town
At the end of the trailer it is possible to witness the arrival of Scott Lang (Ant-Man) in front of the door of the Avengers complex, which bursts into the scene as only he can do, easing the tension that has been created in about a minute and a half of film.
But the thing that we all, without exception, asked ourselves is (SPOILER), how did he do it Scott Lang to get out of the quantum realm he was trapped in Ant-Man and the Wasp? As usual, let's venture into the world of "Fan Theory" in search of answers.
So let's start from the beginning: Scott Lang got stuck in the Quantum realm following the snap of the fingers of Thanos which made disappear (among all) even the Dr. Pym and his family. The only possibility that would plausibly come to mind is that somehow Scott has unlocked the function of his suit that allows him to return to life size, a bit like what happened in the first one. Ant-Man during the final confrontation with the Hornet.
Too easy? According to some there is a possibility that the true Scott Lang died in Quantum realm and that what appeared is a version of him from another dimension or even better that it is him but that he went back in time through one of the famous time portals mentioned by Pim's wife in the post credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp.
In short, there are many theories on this part of history, but the most plausible one is that Lang has found a way to exploit some mechanism invented by Pym, who designed the second suit of Ant-Man (which would actually be the third) with a special function to prevent anyone wearing the latter from disappearing into the Quantum realm as happened to his wife.
This second theory would marry with the famous images of the set that have been running for months, in which Lang, Stark e Rogers they have some weird gadgets attached to their hand, which in all likelihood will be needed at a specific time in the film to get to and from the Quantum realm, who knows maybe to imprison there Thanos so that it can no longer harm anyone. At the moment the only sure thing is that Scott Lang it is not a copy coming from who knows what dimension or past / future (this is because the Russo brothers themselves have stated that they will not include time travel within the film).
The theory of time travel is also back in vogue: although the Russos have repeatedly denied this idea, Long in front of the Avengers Complex goes there with the same van containing the technology to travel in the quantum realm, the same view at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp: that they have nothing but mocked us with their claims?
Thor has nothing more to lose, and it shows
The majestic God of thunder and second legitimate heir to the throne of Asgard in this trailer he is portrayed in a way that no one would ever expect to see him. Indeed, Thor in the video he appears only once and is seated and pensive with a melancholy air. Although the reasons for his state of mind are clear, it would be appropriate to focus on his function within Avengers: Endgame.
Indeed, if in the comic Infinity Gauntlet, the very strong Thor makes a fuss against Thanos, in Avengers: Infinity War it's different, everyone around him is dying. After the events of Thor: Ragnarok and the same Infinity War, the God of thunder stands alone and in mourning for his people and his brother Loki, passed away again and probably still not for real.
Returning to Thor, in possession of his new "Thanos-killing weapon" (Stormbreaker), In Avengers: Infinity War the hero seemed sure of himself with that bold tone of his that characterizes him and with his audacity that cost him his life in the world of comics. So now we ask ourselves: what has changed? But more than anything else, has anything changed?
undoubtedly Thanos he left Thor speechless making him feel like a failure for not aiming for the head in the finale of Avengers: Intfinity War. Most likely Thor in this new chapter of the saga he will feel downcast and indirectly responsible for the death of half of life in the universe, including his entire people.
However, the latest is not yet said, Thor he's a tough nut to crack and most likely is in the top three heroes from which Thanos he has to watch his back (and this time his head too). His inclusion in the trailer is entirely indicative since probably his only thought at that moment in all probability is to kill the mad titan once and for all and thus avenge both the Asgardians and Loki.
It remains a feeble voice, but in fact the Asgardian God in a story of a few years ago also lost the possibility of using his weapon after discovering that he was not worthy: what if his failure made him so?
Thanos has hung the glove on a nail
In the finale of Avengers: Infinity War we have seen Thanos, as he announced, rest watching the sun rise over a "grateful" universe. But what will become of him now that his plan is successful (which not all Villain can boast), will follow the path taken in the comics, where at the end of the first part of the war of infinity Thanos he gives himself to agriculture by abandoning the Infinity Gauntlet.
In the trailer the road looks like that, in fact we can see the mad titan in passing walking in the middle of a field wearing what remains of the infinity gauntlet, shattered after the snap of his fingers, while his armor is hanging from a pole. to simulate a sort of scarecrow (clear reference to the scarecrow present in the comic Infinity Gauntlet).
So it seems that the fate of a Villain having achieved its ultimate goal is to do absolutely nothing else. However we know that in this new film also the old (and not so good) Thanos he will have his work cut out in facing a slew of angry heroes willing to lose whatever they have left to kill him, or at least render him harmless.
Hulk will return to fight
As we know Bruce e Hulk in Avengers: Infinity War were not exactly in top form, both because of the malevolence of humans towards the jade giant (who is "frightened" by the possible reaction of the latter in his return), and because of the mountain of blows taken by part of Thanos at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War.
However, after the appearance of Bruce at a particular moment in the new trailer Avengers, the voices of the web are pronouncing in favor of a return of Hulk right in Avengers: Endgame, but under a different guise. We are talking about Dr. Hulk, that is a character from the world of comics who, in essence, is a "definitive" form of coexistence between Hulk e Banner where the mind of Bruce it merges with the body of the jade giant, giving life to a super intelligent being who also “leads like a blacksmith”.
If this were to really be the way Hulk will come back into play in Avengers: Endgame, what will become of the relationship between Bruce e Natasha (Black Widow)? (which we got to see in Avengers: Age of Ultron), very plausibly their relationship began and ended in that film, albeit in Infinity War you can clearly see the famous "unspoken" he yearns for Peter Quill (Star Lord) ne Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 referring to itself e Gamora. However it goes between these two characters, the sure thing is that Hulk will return to actively fight.
Captain Marvel takes the field
Let's face it, despite the catastrophic events we were all breathless and with a smile on our faces when, in the post credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War, the director of SHIELD Nick Fury called the mythical Miss. Marvel with an old man looking for people.
There are now a few months left before the arrival of the film dedicated to Captain Marvel, where we will finally explore the origin and first Earth experience of Carol Danvers, which until now has always been labeled as the strongest ever to be part of theMCU.
However, it is still early to ask how this warrior will be inserted Kree in the context of Avengers: Endgame. Obviously there are rumors regarding the task of Captain Marvel within the group of heroes. Some of these voices would like an entrance on the scene similar to that of Thor in the first Avengers, where the god of thunder, Iron Man e Captain America they fight because of a misunderstanding.
In the trailer the character does not appear, but we will almost certainly see her in the next promotional films and even most likely in the final scene of the film dedicated to her as she relates to the Avengers after the call of Fury, who will not be able to welcome you personally for obvious reasons. One thing is certain, Captain Marvel is among all the heroes the one who Thanos he should fear more because of his unmatched skill.
Is Nebula with Tony or did she stay on Titan?
In the trailer we have analyzed so far Nebula appears only once and appears to be right on the Guardian ship with Tony, so presumably the two are traveling together in order to get to earth, where the bionic mercenary will be reunited with the only other surviving Guardian member (i.e. Rocket).
Tony however in the opening monologue of the trailer he does not suggest that there is someone else with him, so the possibilities at this point are mainly two: Tony deliberately leave aside Nebula even if it is there with him, or, before going adrift the good Iron Man finds a way to have the sister of Gamora, making them abandon the now doomed ship and sacrificing himself (only to find a way to get back on the Land).
However there is also the possibility that Nebula decided to stay on Titan when Tony starts again to return to the Terra, refusing at the last to make a second offensive to her adoptive father (this is because she was burned by the failure obtained in her first attack on Thanos occurred between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 e Avengers: Infinity War).
Or the less likely hypothesis is that Nebula left as it came up Titan refusing to help in the beginning Tony and going to a destination unknown at this point. In short, the possibilities are many, but the most accredited is that in dialogue Tony deliberately omitted the presence of Nebula (thesis also supported by the fact that in a precise moment of the trailer we see Nebula's hand touching the shoulder of Tony, reconfirming the fact that the two are actually in the same place).
What did Strange see in the only victorious future?
This is the question we've all been asking ourselves ever since Dr. Strange, in Avengers: Infinity War, it has seen thousands of realities and managed to find the victory of the heroes in a single future. The web is full of theories and rumors about how this story arc is destined to end.
One theory among many sees the group of Avengers put in place a plan that leads Thanos in Quantum realm to be able to imprison him and render him harmless, however it is a solution that does not seem to hold up very much, first of all because the imprisonment in the Quantum realm would only make the titan stronger (similarly to the wife of Hank Pim in Ant-Man and the Wasp).
Instead the most accredited theory is the one he sees Thanos repaid with his own coin, or the gems of infinity. In fact, it seems that most users expect that Avengers recover the gems to return everything to normal and make it disappear Thanos inside the soul gem, where (rumor has it) that all those that the titan has made disappear by snapping his fingers are also locked up (world, among other things, present in the comics and named as Soul World).
And this theory marries another that would explain the end of Captain America. In fact, in order to implement the plan it will be necessary to recover all the gems and in particular that of the soul, which (as we know) requires a sacrifice. At this point it looks like the one who will sacrifice himself on Vormir Sara Captain America, which launching into the ravine, from which Thanos has launched Gamora, will give others the only possibility announced by Strange in order to save the situation.
In closing, we would like to reiterate that everything that has been said in this article is the result of mere speculations and unconfirmed rumors, so none of this is 100% reliable. Obviously the last word belongs to the brothers Russian and the writers of Avengers: Endgame.