Recently arrived, Disney + and his huge catalog is making us rediscover titles we thought we had forgotten or didn't know at all, so we selected 10 movies to start the streaming platform experience with. The productions are not in a specific order, as it would be impossible to catalog them due to their gender diversity. There will also be no films that are part of the universe Star Wars nor ofMCU
# 1 Mrs. Doubtfire
The late Robin Williams he plays a voice actor who, after arguing with his boss, loses his job and consequently his marriage; to stay close to the family, he disguises himself as a cleaning lady, thus trying to continue to raise his children and win back his ex-wife. A masterpiece of other times for the whole family that, even with a basic script and a direction of the same level, manages to excite and move above all thanks to the acting skills of Williams who, with this film in particular, makes him miss him.
# 2 Avatar
James Cameron takes us into a completely new world called Pandora inhabited by creatures known as Na'vi, humanoid beings over three meters tall and with bluish skin. To survive in these lands, called hybrids are then created Avatar, empty shells capable of hosting a human conscience and from which a war for the salvation of Pandora will begin, but where it is difficult to understand which side to be on. Blockbuster film that led to the revolution and the beginning of a new cinema era thanks above all to the CGI used, a piece of history that is worth watching but, more importantly, understanding, having nuances that, despite being a title of ten years ago, they are surprisingly current.
# 3 Pirates of the Caribbean - Saga
In this case, let's look at all the films released so far, as they are connected to each other. The saga tells the adventures of the pirate Jack Sparrow grappling with the greatest seafaring folklore legends, from Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman to Blackbeard via Ponce de Leon. An exceptional cast thanks to the presence of incredibly famous actors such as Jhonny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, a well crafted script and an excellent signed soundtrack Hans Zimmer make this work a cult of modern cinema. Furthermore, the fact that, according to rumors, the sixth and final chapter of the saga is in production makes Disney + a great way to get a complete recap.
# 4 Alice in Wonderland
The masterpiece of Lewis Carroll revised by the genius Tim Burton brings us back to Wonderland once again together with Alice, The Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat; set 13 years after the events of the book, Alice will have to defeat the Red Queen to free from tyranny the Underworld. Tim Burton doesn't deny himself this time either, bringing an excellent reinterpretation of Carroll's classic, along with a Jhonny Depp in full form and first-rate musical productions under Elfman. Nothing better to rediscover one of the classics of literature.
# 5 Toy Story - Saga
The childhood of an entire generation, a story full of feelings and teachings to give to the little ones, moments of lightness alternating with reflective moments that carve out the perfect signed saga Pixar Tom Hanks as Sheriff Woody in the original version while we dubbed the never forgotten Fabrizio Frizzi. A work that deserves to be seen even just to understand how much, even just a cartoon, can still give us emotions. In case you are interested, here you can find our review.
# 6 Mary Poppins
The oldest film on the list, 1964, historical cult based on the series of novels by Pamela Lyndon Travers. Arrived from the east wind, the supertata Mary Poppins he will take care of the Banks family and young Jane and Michael, lively kids who had put their previous caregivers on the run. It is useless to go around so much, we are in front of one of the most famous musical film ever, with exceptional songs such as "Un poco di Zucchero", "Chimney sweep" and "Supercalifragili"; rediscovering this film means going back to the beginning of the Disney songs that made history, before “Let it Go” and even before “The Circle of Life”.
# 7 Taron and the Magic Pot
The twenty-fifth Disney classic, classified in this way by the same, was released in 1985, and immediately caused a sensation and scandal for the dark tones and "clearly directed towards horror", as suggested by the reviews of the time. The plot is about Taron, aide to the pig keeper Dallben, who dreams of becoming a warrior and finding the Magic Pot. Although the critics at the time were not at all enthusiastic about the work, later, during the following years, the film gained popularity and visibility with an exponential growth of fans who gave, as the reason for the lack of success of the film, the period of release. in the halls. In fact, in the 80s it was unthinkable to be able to release a cartoon, therefore a product for children, focused on the horror theme. A Disney classic that deviates from the ropes we're used to is definitely worth seeing.
# 8 The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Taken from the second book in the saga of CW Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia speaks of a world parallel to ours, where the forces of good and evil have been colliding for thousands of years and where, thanks to a passage hidden in a closet, four brothers end up, finally having to choose which side to take sides. A film that offers very profound teachings on what is good and what is bad, sometimes mixing that small line that separates them, all accompanied by a high-level acting, with a well-studied use of Deus Ex Machina that we see again in the lion Aslan. For those who have read the books, one of the most precise adaptations ever made, for those who have not read them, an immersion in a fantasy world that recalls the Tolkenian mind under some points of view but which remains original in the right places.
# 9 Frozen - The Frozen Kingdom
Even after years, Disney never ceases to amaze us. Frozen speaks of the queen of Arendelle, Elsa, who since she was a child develops the power to freeze things at the touch; not being able to control him, however, ends up hurting his sister Anna and for this he decides to take refuge on top of the highest mountain in the kingdom. One of the biggest hits of the manufacturer, thanks also to the dubbing made to perfection and the soundtrack, with the OST “Let it Go” sung by Idina Menzel first and Demi Lovato after which reached 2 billion views on Disney's UK YouTube channel. In addition, the film contains a very important message regarding the estrangement of loved ones for fear of causing pain. A Pixar must to watch.# 10 The Lion King - Remake Live Action
For some time now, Disney has been making remakes of their classics, succeeding with some and a little less with others, but this is not the case with the Lion King, which breaks the doubts of fans about Live Action while remaining faithful to the original. In fact, we review the opening scene of the film almost perfectly synchronized with that of the classic version and the film itself is a breath of fresh air that brings novelty to the film, while reaffirming the importance of fidelity to the original work. The story remains, in fact, the same with Simba trying to do justice to the acts performed by his uncle Scar. An excellent alternative, therefore, to the classic; or useful for comparison.