Continuing with our guides, we accompany you to discover the immense world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, as per tradition for the various home productions Ubisoft - you can read the review of the latest title at the following link -, once again the game will allow all interested parties to go in search of a huge number of collectibles.
The Suthsexe contains a total of 5 Artifacts, which are automatically marked with a blue icon when synchronized via the viewpoints. Hoping that the text will be useful to you, we refer you to our specific section of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, where there is new in-depth material.
Ready to find all the Artifacts in the game? You can find them in the guide accessible at the following link.
Before leaving you to the text, we remind you that in the following lines you may find some major or minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, regarding some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully, especially if you have not finished the game in its entirety.
1 - Cursed Symbol
In a poison pit, use a torch to dispel it. You will find it by moving the bodies.
2 - Map of the Treasure Hunter
Enter the house to get it, it's to the northeast.
3 - Cursed Symbol
In the center of the region, go underground and move the obstacles.
4 - Cursed Symbol
On a nest, in the lower part of the region.
5 - Map of the Treasure Hunter
Break the wooden barricade, then go underneath.
6 - Fragment of Rigsogur
On the top floor of the house, in the center of the region.
7 - Flying Card
Follow the card to get it, it's south of Croindene.
8 - Flying Card
South of the Cistern Tower, chase the card to get it.
9 - Roman artefact
After the eighth Artifact, jump into the straw and use the zipline.
10 - Map of the Treasure Hunter
Close to the Wealth 19 of the place, here the guide.
11 - Roman artefact
Blow up the temple, then go underwater.
12 - Cursed Symbol
Inside the well from which poisonous gas comes out.
13 - Roman artifacto
On the border with Hamtunscire, shoot the load and climb the zipline.