The new title dedicated to the now historic saga of Assassin's Creed has finally arrived on the shelves, and it seems that qualitatively it is on a very high level, capable of learning from the past ... and even further back. But will you be able to get the game's Platinum trophy? In Assassin's Creed Valhalla are present in total 51 trophies, and none of them need to play online. To get the coveted maximum trophy you will need to spend over 120 hours on the game, but be aware that only one run will be enough. We remind you that you can play the title on any difficulty (since it will not affect the trophies) and that free roaming is available once you have completed the main story (you can visit all the regions, but the quests however will not be replayable).
ATTENTION: Before leaving you to our guide, we remind you that the guide contains major and minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla. In several cases these concern details on the game script, but also more or less advanced playful insights. In case you have not finished the experience and do not want to incur any kind of advances, we advise you not to continue reading.
Guide to all trophies
Viking legend - Conquer each trophy: As described, to get the platinum trophy you will need to get all the other trophies in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
The saga begins - Complete the prologue: as described, just complete the prologue, it unlocks automatically during the story.
Towards England! - Leave Norway: as described, just leave for England, it unlocks automatically during the story.
Difficult choices - Complete the Grantebridgescire series - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed.
The Order reveals itself - Complete the Lunden series - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed.
The good saxon - Complete East Anglia Series - Automatically unlocks throughout the story, can't be missed.
Take my hand - Complete the Cent series - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed.
I ask you a favor - Complete the Suthsexe series - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed.
The enemy of my enemy - Complete the Wincestre series - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed.
In the footsteps of the gods - Complete the Asgard and Jotunheim missions - unlocks throughout the story, can't be missed. First you have to build the Seer's Hut and then complete all 5 chapters in Asgard and Jotunheim. After completing the third of the chapters in Asgard, you will go to Jotunheim and complete its 5 chapters, then return to Asgard and continue with its last two.
As it was foretold - Complete the story “The Prophecy”: automatically linked to the story trophy that will be unlocked after you finish the Wincestre series and return to Norway to complete the storyline.
England is submissive - Complete the Hamtunscire series - unlocks automatically at the end of the story, can't be missed.
The Disorder of the Ancients - Eliminate All Order of Ancients Targets: All Order of Ancients objectives must be deleted to unlock the trophy. Here is our specific guide.
Looting! - Complete your first raid in England - unlocks automatically during the story, can't be missed. We remind you that the raids are marked on the map by two red axes.
Is alive! - Create a Jomsborg Viking: This Viking can be created at the camp in England. You will need to go to the barracks near the river and talk to the NPC there, which will then open a character randomizer to create it.
Peace of mind - Complete the puzzle of a menhir: as per description. Attention, the Menhirs count as "Mysteries".
Equilibrium - Complete 3 Cairn Challenges: As described, you will need to complete three Cairn Challenges. These also count as Mysteries.
Treasure hunt - Get the rewards of 5 treasures: trophy explained in the description.
Skadi's pastime - Perform a 150-meter slide in the snow: trophy explained in the description.
Hunting for witches - Defeat a Daughter of Lerion: trophy explained in the description. the Daughters of Lerion count as Mysteries.
Acrobatic riding - Kill an enemy from your horse: trophy explained in the description. To do this, just press the button normally used to crouch (the "O" in the case of PlayStation) while on horseback, so as to stand up on the beast. Then press R1 to carry out the assassination. To get it easily you can use training targets such as.
Silent Viking - Kill 10 enemies in series without starting a conflict: trophy explained in the description.
Everyday life - Complete 10 Story Events: Trophy explained in description. These are counted as Mysteries.
Complications II - While burning in combat, kill 3 soldiers of high difficulty without breaking their shields: trophy explained in the description.
From top to bottom! - Complete All Territories: To get this trophy you will need to complete the game 100%, which includes Mysteries, Artifacts and Riches. To obtain them, we refer you to the specific guides of Riches, Mysteries and Artifacts. CAUTION, some of these collectibles may be missing.
Get it in the bow! - Ram and destroy 5 boats in less than 2 minutes with your ship: trophy explained in the description. One of the best locations to get this trophy is Lincolnshire, where 5 or more ships often spawn at the same time.
To the nth degree - Achieve a power of 280: trophy explained in the description. The advice is to earn XP through quests and by defeating enemies, but also by completing the Mysteries. It will be necessary to complete some secondary activities, as the story alone will allow you to get 180 power points.
Grace and grace - Smash 30 fragile objects on the run: trophy explained in the description.
The foundations - Reach Settlement Level 3: Trophy explained in the description. Settlement Level 3 is automatically reached as part of the story, and consequently is not to be missed. It will unlock after completing the East Anglia streak.
Home Sweet Home - Reach Settlement Level 6: Trophy explained in the description. The settlement levels up as a reward for completing the arches of certain territories and creating new buildings. With the end of the story you will automatically reach settlement level 4, while the remaining levels must necessarily be obtained by crafting new buildings in your settlement (for level 6, you will have to create them all).
Pioneer - Reach Vinlandia: You will visit this region (located in North America) as part of the questline regarding the Order of the Ancients.
A tone to the environment - Place an object in each decorative point of the settlement: trophy explained in the description.
You have the wrong person - Successfully overcome a guard in a hostile area by camouflaging yourself among a group of monks: trophy explained in the description. One spot where this action will be feasible is the town of Colcestre, located in the Essexe region in south-east England.
Face me and tremble! - Activate 8 skills: trophy explained in the description. Skills count as Riches, so if you follow the guide dedicated to finding all the riches you will unlock the trophy automatically.
All point - Upgrade and fully upgrade a piece of equipment: trophy explained in the description.
Fly! - Get thrown 30 meters away by a destroyer or a huscarlo: trophy explained in the description.
Firefly of my eyes - Release a firefly in your settlement: After catching a firefly during the night looking for it in the English countryside, return to the camp and go to the pond with the waterfall, to the right of the Seer's Hut. Walk to the shore of the pond and a prompt will appear asking you to release the firefly by holding down triangle.
Archeology Museum - Complete all Roman Collector Challenges: Trophy explained in the description.
The die is cast - Defeat all Orlog players: trophy explained in the description.
It was so big! - Catch a fish of each type using the fishing line: trophy explained in the description.
Master's Apprentice - Spend your first mastery point: trophy explained in the description.
Is there anyone out there? - Light the extinguished braziers on Hadrian's Wall: trophy explained in the description.
Extroverted lines - Complete all rhymes challenges: trophy explained in the description. Rhyming challenges count as Mysteries.
Caladfwlch - Extract Excalibur from the rock: trophy explained in the description.
It is not a bug! - Complete your first Animus Anomaly: Trophy explained in the description. Anomalies count as Mysteries.
Seahorse - Swim for a total of 3 kilometers with the horse: trophy explained in the description. First of all you will have to build the stables in the camp, and from them buy the skill "Swimming Lessons", which will enable our horse to swim.
Occult truth - Collect all video fragments and watch the hidden truth cinematic - the trophy will be awarded once you have found all 10 anomalies of the Animus. As mentioned, these anomalies count as Mysteries.
Hunting Master - Defeat all alpha animals - trophy explained in the description. Alpha animals also count as Mysteries.
Dream catcher - Destroy 10 cursed symbols: trophy explained in the description. Cursed Symbols are considered Artifacts.
Divine reward - Get Thor's Helmet: To get Thor's helmet in Assassin's Creed Valhalla you will need to perform 3 steps.
- The first thing to do is to defeat 3 Daughters of Lerion: each of them will give you a dagger. Beware, these are level 350.
- The second thing to do is to enter an underground section in East Anglia: go east, but not on the islet, but immediately west of the river. Not too far from the bank, you will find a semi-dilapidated building with the entrance to the basement.
- Reach the end of the dungeon, where you will find in the last room the statue of Lerion with three slits, where you will insert the three daggers obtained earlier. The Statue will move, and it will discover stairs that will lead you to the chest where the Helmet of Thor is contained.
Smartella all - Wield Mjolnir: Trophy explained in the description.
That's it for the platinum guide Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and we remind you that for the more complex and specific trophies, detailed guides are available, which you can find on the dedicated page and in the links proposed in this article.