Guide after guide, we are accompanying you to discover the immense world of the recent Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and as per tradition for the various home productions Ubisoft - of which you can read the review at the following link -, once again the title will allow all interested parties to go in search of an enormous number of collectibles. Among these the so-called Mysteries also appear, which can be presented in the following types: Tumoli, Altars of offerings, Mysteries in motion, Treasures of Great Britain, Events, Legendary Beasts, The lost Drengr, Daughter of Lerion, Anomalies of the Animus, Flying Agarics, Monoliths.
The Eurviscire contains a total of 16, which are automatically marked with a blue icon as soon as the synchronization through the observation points is performed, in order to help you find them all we have decided to make this guide. Hoping that the text will be useful to you, we refer you to our section dedicated to Assassin's Creed Valhalla, where there is new in-depth material.
Ready to discover all the Mysteries of the game? You can consult our dedicated text at the following link.
Before leaving you to the text, we remind you that in the following lines you may find some major or minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, regarding some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully, especially if you have not finished the game in its entirety.
1 - Legendary Animal (The Bloody Pig)
Go to this place and kill the boar.
2 - World Event (Art-Scop)
A Donecaestre talk to the bard. Pay him to finish this Mystery. If you really didn't want to spend this money, you can get the coins back by stealing them.
3 - World Event (Historia de Cordibus Patetico)
A Donecaestre talk to the woman. Choose “Speak of her strength and beauty” to end the Mystery.
4 - Treasury of Great Britain
Enter the cave of Wiccan. Climb up the wall to the right and use the ledges to continue forward. When you get to a cave with a tree, go left, swing along the ledge, then from the tree branches head to the right of the cave. Keep going from ledge to ledge until you can no longer continue, go through the corridors of the cave. Eventually you will reach what appears to be a witch's lair. Find the ice wall and break it. Climb through the alcove in the wall and you will come to a new area with a room with chickens on the right and a crevice to slide under on the left. Enter the room with the chickens, kill them and through the barred door shoot an arrow at the oil jar on the other side to destroy the wall. Now, slip under the crevice and kill the boars. Approach the door with the gate and shoot an arrow at the lock to enter the room with the treasure.
5 - Cairn
You have to go to Ingelborg and you will find the stones.
6 - World Event (Submerged Hope)
Go to the lake west of Jorvik, talk to the girl in the water. He wants you to find his father. Dive into the water, look for a flight of stairs that go down, at which point use your sight of Odin to find the father. Collect the loot and return to the daughter to give it to her. So, it's up to you to tell the girl the truth or not.
7 - Anomaly of the Animus
Go to Thorngurg Henges and complete the platform challenge.
8 - Lost Drengr
Defeat the Drengr and talk to him. Done? well now you can delete it.
9 - Flight Agaric
South of Dobby's Altar, find the blue icon, go to that place on the map and kill all your enemies.
10 - Altar of Offeringse
This time just a Dobby's Altar, you must have recovered 5 fabrics. These are easily found all over the world in small chests.
11 - World Event (Dellingr Rabbit)
North of Picheringa talk to the man next to the rabbit. Completed the mystery by winning.
12 - Flight
This time just a Picheringa , find the icon of the Mister, to solve it any answer will be fine, it will still count as a victory.
13 - World Event (Broken Dreams)
South of Scarborought interact with the note written near the rock and then head to the nearby village of Picheringa. At the market you will find a woman who mentions her husband. Talk to her to break the bad news. You will also have to decide whether to return the ring to her or keep it.
14 - World Event (Jurthgard Village)
As soon as you get to the marker for this Mystery, you should see a woman running. Chase her until she stops at a house. Choose any option to end this Mystery.
15 - Stones
Go to this marker, first break the ice. This will open a pit. Enter it and you will find the solution.
16 - Lost Drengr
Defeat the Drengr and talk to him. Done? well now you can delete it.