If the new Ubisoft game, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, you are thrilled to know that at the end of the game, last but not least, you will need to unlock the secret ending. There are many arcana in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, including 10 Anomalies of the Animus. These are collectibles, represented by an inverted green triangle icon on the map. In this guide we describe where they are located.
Before leaving you to the text, we remind you that in the following lines you may find some major or minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, regarding some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully before completing the game in its entirety.
- Only one Anomaly is found in Norway, exactly at Hultrholt in Hordafylke. After completing the puzzle go back to England where you will find all the other 9.
- Location Needham Lake, East Anglia, is located near the river in the center of the region.
- Kildesbig locality, Ledecestrescire, is in the center of the map, more precisely near the fast travel point just above Raversthorpe.
- Location Briudun Hill, Snotinghamscire, in the central part of the region. In this case it would be preferable to have the power level at 250.
- Quartzite Ridge locality, Sciropescire, located on the northern border near Glowecestrescire.
- Location Isle of Wiht, Hamtunscire. To get there you have to climb a small mountain near the sea.
- Location Basilica Ruins, Lincolnscire. Climb onto the wooden platform in the ruins.
- Thornburg Henges, Eurvicscire, is just above Jorvik.
- Aqueduct locality, Oxenefordscire, is on the right of the main lake.
- Seven Sisters location, Suthsexe, in the far south of the map, exactly near the cliff.
Once all the pieces have been found, the video of the secret ending will be unlocked.
We hope we have been useful, if you need further help on the games of the moment we refer you to our guides section.