WWE 12 - 360 Objectives List

Here is the Xbox 360 Achievement List of WWE 12
Coliseum Create an arena in Create an Arena mode. |
15G |
Beware of my Titantron! Use a Created Video for an entry in Create an Entry mode. (Single) |
15G |
Most unique and rare story Create a story containing a Created Superstar or a Created Arena. |
15G |
The Wizard of Logo Apply a Logo to a Created Superstar, Video or Arena. |
15G |
Creativity in the movements Create Finisher in front, top chord and corner in Finisher mode. |
15G |
Comeback! Use the COMEBACK skill to increase your Impact. (Single) |
15G |
New Arenas for WWE Play a Show match with a Crafted Arena. (Single) |
15G |
Submission Specialist Win times by submission in a game session. (Single) |
30G |
The rape Break 20 tables, stairs or chairs for your attacks in one play session. (Single) |
15G |
Warrior Fury Break 50 tables, stairs or chairs for your attacks in one play session. (Single) |
30G |
Challenge accepted! Win at least once on Hard difficulty or higher. (Single) |
20G |
Professionalism Win 20 times on Hard difficulty or higher in one game session. (Single) |
30G |
Legend Win 50 times on Hard difficulty or higher in one game session. (Single) |
50G |
Start as a Professional Win using a Superstar Created in the WWE Universe. (Single) |
15G |
Almost to the max! Increase Impact by up to 75% in the WWE Universe using a Created Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
Destructive impact Increase Impact by up to 100% in WWE UNIVERSE using a Crafted Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
I will be the Champion Become a No.1 Contender for a Championship in the WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
First step to glory Win a Championship title in the WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
20G |
Love for the Titles Win 3 Championship titles in the WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
30G |
Grand Slam champion Win 5 Championship titles in the WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
50G |
A historic Tag Team was born Win or defend a Tag Team Championship in the WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
Mr. Money in the Bank Win a Money In The Bank match in WWE Universe with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
Excellent collection Collect Money In The Bank in the WWE Universe and win with a Created Superstar. (Single) |
15G |
WrestleMania is my destiny! Win a Royal Rumble match in the Royal Rumble PPV in WWE Universe. (Single) |
30G |
The goal at WrestleMania is ... Enter the Royal Rumble Winner event as the winner of the Royal Rumble in the WWE Universe. |
15G |
One man, one Champion Win the final PPV WrestleMania match in WWE Universe. (Single) |
15G |
Contenders Win a Superstar match in the WWE Draft Universe. (Single) |
15G |
War declaration Interfere in a COM vs. COM in the WWE Universe and beat an opponent. (Single) |
15G |
Pandemonium Interfere in a COM vs. COM in the WWE Universe and beat all opponents. (Single) |
15G |
NXT Xbox LIVE Begins! Play an Xbox LIVE match (Player Match / Ranked Match). |
15G |
An artist was born Upload a creation to Community Creations. |
15G |
Criticisms Rate 5 or more pieces of content on Community Creations. |
15G |
Hello Universe! Create a show in the WWE Universe. |
15G |
When the Combo is lethal! Perform a Special Insult, perform the Finisher and win by pinfall. (Single) |
30G |
Against all odds Win a FREE BRAWL ONE vs. THREE (Single) |
15G |
Attack on the limbs Use the Limb Target System 10 times in a match on the same body parts. (Single) |
15G |
WWE Secret Goals 12
The Celtic Warrior! In ROAD TO WrestleMania mode, complete the story The Celtic Warrior. (Single) |
30G |
Hunter returns! In ROAD TO WrestleMania mode, complete the Hunter's Return story. (Single) |
30G |
The new hero! In ROAD TO WrestleMania mode, complete The New Hero story. (Single) |
50G |
Destructive anatomy Deal substantial damage to the opponent on the head, arms and legs. (Single) |
15G |
The art of submission Win by submitting a particularly damaged part. (Single) |
15G |
Well educated Counterattacks an opponent's Finishing Move. (Single) |
15G |
For whom the bell rings Back or subdue the Undertaker in the WrestleMania arena on Legend difficulty. (Single) |
15G |
Thanks Edge Win 37 times with Edge in one game session. (Single) |
15G |
I attack without mercy Wound the opponent in the WWE Universe. (Single) |
15G |
Your fans The content uploaded to Community Creations has been downloaded 5 or more times by other users. |
30G |
Criticisms Rate 5 or more pieces of content on Community Creations. |
15G |
The ropes are close! Reach the ropes by crawling during a submission. (Single) |
15G |
Brawl Expert Make a Finishing Move in all 44 FREE BRAWL areas. .(Single) |
30G |