It was 2008 when, with the release of Iron Man, the cycle of films belonging to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From that moment on, cinecomics began to have considerable importance in the film industry, unlike what had happened only a few years earlier, with the first clumsy attempts to bring the world of Marvel to the big screen. Now avid fans and Sunday viewers find themselves less than two weeks after the release of Avengers: Infinity War rattling off theories at the bar with friends, trying to predict what will happen in this new episode. There are many questions, but one in particular is tormenting us all: no, we will not talk about the Soul Stone and where it is, also because I personally think it is one of the least relevant questions of the moment (guys it's in Wakanda, come on! ). Some time ago the insiders let it be leaked that in this episode one of the most important characters of the MCU will leave us permanently and in this editorial we will deal with just that: who will die in Avengers: Infinity War?
The web is saturated with theories and many are making macabre bets on who will leave their pens. One of the most popular seems to be Loki. The non-renewal of Chris Evans' contract made him suspect that just captain America he could have left us in the next movie, but remember that the actor still has one more episode to shoot before the deal ends. It will in fact be present in the next Avengers movie, with the title still shrouded in mystery. To try to understand what the people of the web think, we have collected the opinions of three personalities of YouTube, experts of the MCU and the comics from which the films were drawn.
The veteran youtuber Matioski, an authority on cinecomics and comics, has very clear ideas about it:
Loki will die. Its evolutionary parable is now perfectly complete and has nothing else to say. At the same time, Thanos is a complete stranger to the general public, and what better way to make him hateful than to have him kill a fan favorite in the first 10-15 minutes? I also include most of the Asgardians in the “Loki package”. Not all of them, because a small group led by Valkyrie could be saved. For the rest, all alive. I doubt that the Avengers will reunite at the end of the film, and therefore it would make no sense to kill any of them by jeopardizing the historic battle cry “AVENGERS UNITED!". Especially when Ant-Man and Hawkeye disappeared. We talk about it again in Avengers 4.
He thinks differently Caleel, who in his channel mainly deals with themes related to the fantasy world, but who also proves to be a great fan of cinecomics. It does not rule out the probable death of Loki, but leaves various possibilities open:
Given the presence of such a rich and extensive cast of characters in Infinity War, in reality the potential candidates for the toto-death of the house of Marvel could be numerous. There is already talk of possible casting changes and real reboots for the films that will follow Avengers 4, so many stories will see an end, some to resume later from scratch, others to definitively conclude everything. This therefore leaves a certain freedom to the writers, greatly expanding the stack of expendable characters. [...]
To start with the good old Captain America, who by now I am more and more certain that he will see his end in a fight against Thanos. If you have to immolate a character, have him sacrificed for the greater good, who better than the hero par excellence, with firm and strong values, willing to risk everything for the people? [...] Also Black Widow to me is very palpable as a possible death. It seems that Bruce Banner has begun to gain some control over his greenish counterpart, which, interesting as it is, distorts the essence of his character a bit. The Banner / Hulk gap has always been a defining trait of him, and I see no better way to make him lose control than seeing his beloved perish. I think it would also be an interesting conclusion to the Black Widow character. However, there is already talk of a stand-alone film for her, which would disprove this theory, but nothing is certain yet, and besides, it could always be a prequel. I also do not exclude Gamora: her particular bond with Thanos is a double-edged sword. Some may believe that the antagonist may come to show his more human side with her, but I believe it will be the exact opposite. If you have to make it clear that Thanos is a tough and unscrupulous villain, having him kill the same daughter would be a master move. Not to mention the fact that the Guardians of the Galaxy are a pretty big team now, it's very unlikely they'll stay that way until the next volume. One of them will have to leave, be it this Gamora or, just as likely, Nebula. Then the Infinity Stones come into play. We know that Vision is intrinsically linked to that of the mind, from which it seems to derive its very existence, and when Thanos comes to detach it from his body, this will most likely not survive. Similarly, in Thor: Ragnarok's conclusion we learned that the Tesseract is still in Loki's hands, which makes him a pretty easy target. In the trailer, we witnessed a rather scared God of Deception delivering the Gem to Thanos, but to find out what became of him, I'm afraid we'll have to wait a few more days.
Finally, the cinema expert Victorlazlo88 he is convinced that no one belonging to the Avengers formation will leave us, but he also claims that Thor's brother will most likely die, also giving a pinch of heroism to the character, who for some time seemed to have become a parody of himself:
In light of these opinions and many others scattered around the web, Loki would do well to touch iron, but in reality no hero seems to be really safe. To my regret (given my love for Tom Hiddleston) I am pretty convinced that it will be the God of Deception to be sacrificed. In fact, according to the latest statements by producer Kevin Feige, the deaths that will take place in Avengers: Infinity War will leave no possibility of "resurrection" open for the characters. So this goes to further support the theory that a character like Loki, who has now exhausted his storyline, could die during this episode. I do not rule out the death of Nebula or Gamora, characters linked to Thanos who could be victims of his fury. They are only theories and will remain so until April 25th. Who knows if the Russo brothers don't give us some twists, perhaps by eliminating our Tony Stark or Captain America. There are a few days left, we just have to wait and continue to argue over the various theories.
Having said that, here is a list of possible deaths in our opinion, our personal deadpool (any reference to crazy characters and mercenaries is purely coincidental):
- Loki. the God of Tricks, considered a finished character with no novelty to give to the public.
- captain America, the hero par excellence will find his end at the hands of Thanos?
- Gamora, her bond with the Titan could be dangerous for her.
- Vision, What if the removal of the Mind gem were fatal to him?
- Nebula, your revenge could cost you dearly
- Heimdall, maybe he is the owner of the soul gem so ...
- Thor, it would be a real twist if that happened.
- Black Widow, unlikely or maybe even his character could be at the end of the line by now?