Warhammer 40.000 Space Marines - 360 Objectives List
Complete list of Objectives available.
Here is the Xbox 360 Achievement List of Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine
The strength of the righteous Kill 100 enemies. |
5G |
Success is measured in blood Kill 500 enemies using melee weapons. |
20G |
Death angel Kill 500 enemies using ranged weapons. |
20G |
Dispenser of death and violence Kill 2500 enemies. |
30G |
Firepower Kill 250 enemies using unusual weapons. |
10G |
The bigger they are ... Kill 25 Kapo Orks. |
20G |
They are not that tough Kill 10 Tozti Orks. |
20G |
A massacre in a big way Kill 75 enemies using Executions. |
10G |
Dead Get 100 headshots. |
10G |
Master of clean kills Get 250 headshots. |
30G |
Sow terror Kill 150 enemies using the attack charge. |
20G |
Death from heaven Kill 25 enemies with the Down to Earth attack. |
15G |
The Emperor's sniper Kill 10 enemies in a row with a single Ranged Fury activation. |
20G |
Taste my anger Kill 250 enemies using melee Fury attacks. |
30G |
The Emperor protects us Complete Part 1 of the game on Hard in a single session without dying or starting over. |
25G |
Nobody can stop you Complete the entire game on Hard. |
125G |
Kapo kaputt Win 10 duels against the Orko Kapo. |
20G |
Wide range explosion Multiple kill of 5 enemies with a frag grenade. |
5G |
Lethal accuracy Multi-kill 2 enemies with a Hunter-model Requiem hit. |
5G |
Chain death Multiple kill of 10 enemies with the sequential 5-charge explosion of the Avenger Cannon. |
10G |
Master of Swords and Rifles Complete a chapter of the campaign using only the Requiem pistol and chainsword. |
5G |
Burn them all Complete a chapter of the campaign using only plasma weapons. |
5G |
Excessive use of force Complete a campaign chapter using only the Avenger Cannon and Power Ax. |
5G |
Fury and elegance Complete a campaign chapter using only the Hunter-model Requiem and chainsword. |
5G |
Lexicanum Collect 10 servoteschi. |
10G |
Macragge Librarian Collect all the servoteschi. |
75G |
Warrior brother Raise a multiplayer character to level 10. |
10G |
Veteran Raise a multiplayer character to level 20. |
15G |
Captain Raise a multiplayer character to level 30. |
20G |
Chapter Master Raise a multiplayer character to level 40. |
30G |
Warrior of light and shadow Play 10 multiplayer games as a Space Marine and 10 as a Chaos Space Marine. |
15G |
Shapeshifter Play with each class in multiplayer mode. |
10G |
Factotum Play 10 multiplayer games with each class. |
25G |
Arms master Complete 5 Weapon Challenges. |
20G |
Keeper of the armory Complete all weapon challenges. |
30G |
Hero in armor Complete 10 armor challenges. |
15G |
Defender Kill 25 rivals as they conquer your control point in Capture the Goal. |
10G |
Devastation! Achieve a 10 to 1 ratio of kills to deaths in a single Annihilation game. |
25G |
Perfected Fully customize a Space Marine character and a Chaos Space Marine character. |
10G |
Air disaster Kill 50 Assault / Predator Marines while airborne. |
30G |
A worthy son of the Emperor Kill 40.000 enemies in the game (adding up all game modes). |
75G |
Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine Secret Goals
To death the heretics Kill 50 Chaos Space Marines. |
20G |
Command Squad Rejoin your Space Marine brethren. |
5G |
Break-in Fight your way up to the crashed Rokka. |
10G |
Let the cannon be silent Destroy the orbital cannon. |
10G |
A heavy burden Retrieve the Energy Source. |
10G |
We will take the risk Unleash the Psionic Scourge. |
10G |
I'm done with you Kill Warboss Grimskull once and for all. |
10G |
Hammer of the Imperium Use the Invictus to destroy the orbital cusp. |
10G |
Here, where everything will end Kill Demon Prince Nemeroth ... |
20G |