By now there are many franchises that land on mobile systems under the guise of free to play and, in the case of the JRPG, assuming the format "porridge": they are those games in which you have to draw the characters through a kind of lottery, the best are obviously the rarest and the players who want to try their luck more often can always put their hand to their wallets and cross their fingers. Think for example of Fire Emblem Heroes, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius or Tales of Link, all more or less successful gacha that try to capture the spirit of the original titles by compromising with the app market and the reviled microtransactions. The appeal also lacked Shin Megami Tensei and Atlus has seen fit to fill the gap with Liberation Dx2: we played it for several hours and concluded that it is probably one of the best gacha titles that we have had the opportunity to try, net of some uncertainty.
A little gacha gacha?
The first thing to understand about this Shin Megami Tensei is that, conceptually, it is closer to the spin-off Devil Survivor than to another chapter of the parent series or even to the now much more famous derivative franchise. Person. Liberation Dx2 is set in the near future, in Japan, and tells the vicissitudes of a band of colorful characters, able to control a wide range of demons, who oppose a faction that uses the same powers to achieve a much more purpose. left. Like any good self-respecting gacha, and winking at the series Atlus real, the story - not particularly engaging - is told through long dialogues between one mission and another: a peculiarity of this Shin Megami Tensei, however, lies in the rhythm of the gameplay, because if it is true that the series usually prepares itself for very long and demanding game sessions, Liberation Dx2 was designed to be nibbled a few minutes at a time. This choice obviously translated into a simplified approach to the historical combat system and a not particularly high level of difficulty.

The combat system is in fact inspired by the traditional "Press Turn"that the Shin Megami Tensei series has been using for years. Each demon has one or more weaknesses and by attacking with the right elemental spells, or dealing critical damage, the target is stunned while the player, who controls a team of up to four demons, gains one more turn. Liberation Dx2 however implements a small difference from previous Shin Megami Tensei or Person: the Magic Points or MP that the player consumes to cast spells are always ten at most and are recharged in the turn of the enemies. The strategy therefore consists in deciding when to consume them and when to save them: in the first fights it may seem trivial, but after a while we need to think more carefully about our actions. The surrounding dynamics are good or bad the usual Shin Megami Tensei and it is even possible recruiting demons talking to them and choosing the right answers based on their bizarre personalities.

The fusion of demons, a key mechanic in every self-respecting Shin Megami Tensei, takes the lion's share in this Liberation Dx2. The various entities are distinguished by different degrees of rarity and potency, of course, and the gacha model allows you to fish the various demons to add to our compendium: unfortunately the chances of the rarest demons coming out are really very low and discourage you to use this kind of lottery and above all to give in to numerous and a little advertisements pushy that invite the player to spend real money. Nevertheless, the fusion system Liberation Dx2 allows you to recycle unwanted demons and get almost all the others, including the strongest: it is a long and laborious process, but undoubtedly satisfying for those who decide to commit to the game and dissect its many contents. In this sense, however, we must be careful: the app it is not optimized very well and gives some problems on older devices, moreover draining the battery at great speed.
Tested version Android 1.4.0 Digital Delivery Google Play Resources4Gaming.com7.5
Your voteSEGA has developed a title that manages to capture the spirit of Shin Megami Tensei, translating it into an app that lends itself to fast and not particularly demanding sessions. Liberation Dx2 is full of content and the fusion system itself guarantees good longevity, even if it takes a really long time to achieve satisfactory results: the gacha component is in fact a bit too stingy, even if the app does not get tired never to promote various microtransactions. We especially recommend it to those who would like to get closer to the Atlus series and to all fans who are looking forward to Shin Megami Tensei V.
- Fedele allo spirito di Shin Megami Tensei
- Almost all demons can be merged without going through in-app purchases
- Several contents
- The plot isn't exactly memorable
- The odds of drawing a rare demon are very low
- It stresses the devices a lot, especially the older ones