You may not even notice it, while the integrated update system will take care of downloading and installing the new Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar files, but the developers wanted to pay homage to the glorious era of the Commodore 64 by inserting the theme in this short interval music of the Ocean house loader.

Only the most elderly will grasp this touch of class, which however definitely put us in a good mood when we decided to deal with the mobile reduction of one of the franchises that made the history of RPG on PC. Without particular haste, for a specific reason: the first versions of the game published on the App Store suffered from a large number of technical problems, which manifested themselves in particular on devices not of the latest generation and resulted in very evident drops in the frame rate, as well as lag. and bugs of various kinds during multiplayer sessions, with companions disappearing and games abruptly interrupted. We knew releasing some updates would fix a lot of things and they did, so let's focus on what we're up against. Lady British, Queen of Britain in place of her late father, desperately needs heroes to free her kingdom from the onslaught of evil forces. In Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar we are one of these heroes, and initially we have the possibility to select the warrior class or the wizard class for the character, basically distinguished by the type of attack (close or "ranged") and for the physical characteristics. In any case, we are given a way, in full Ultima style, to "discover" what our alter ego corresponds to by answering some questions aimed at defining our inclination to value, courage, compassion and so on. Once the creation process is finished, let's go on an adventure ...
Are you looking for adventure? There is plenty of it in Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar
A touch of fury
We did not expect a faithful translation of the mechanics that made the episodes of Ultima famous on PC, it is clear, and in fact Quest for the Avatar, while clearly citing the work of Richard Garriot in some situations, stands as a different experience , simplified, designed for a touch control system that cannot be more basic: touch a point in the scenario to move in that direction, touch an enemy to attack it automatically. Any evasive maneuvers, which also prove necessary after a few hours of play, must be carried out simply by moving the character and trying to memorize the attack pattern of the opponent on duty.

However, it is fun to play the game together with other people, whether they are friends or complete strangers, thanks to a truly immediate system that allows us to create a party at the entrance of each dungeon to explore it in company and thus share risks. and booties. Then there are those aspects of the Electronic Arts production that actually stand out and reveal its true potential, that is a large number of quests, even fairly articulated, and a world full of adventures just waiting to be grasped, traveling on the world map from one place to another in the traditional way or by moving quickly by spending a few bronze keys. And so we come to analyze the freemium elements of Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar, which bases most of its appeal on looting but which allows us to open chests with three different types of keys: gold, silver or the already mentioned bronze keys. The more valuable the keys are, the better the loot will be, which means that those who want to find weapons and armor of a certain workmanship rather than items of little value are pushed to purchase packages of golden keys. Can you avoid spending? Yes, in the usual way: proceeding with patience and perhaps preparing to repeat some mission. At least things don't work like they did in Dungeon Hunter 4, meaning the degree of challenge doesn't increase exponentially as you level up, which allows you to enjoy the progress made rather than cursing its uselessness after a few minutes. It is certain that on the technical front there is not much to rejoice about: the technical problems have been almost completely solved, but the graphics are still not up to the Gameloft title, even remotely, and even the controls have edges that are difficult to digest. a certain point onwards.
Version tested: iOS (2.0.0) Terminal used: iPhone 4S Price: Free Link App Store Resources4Gaming.com7.2
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Are you looking for adventure? In Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar there is plenty of it, thanks to the large number of available quests, an engaging storyline, many interesting supporting actors and different scenarios. It is possible to face the dungeons alone or in company, in a very simple way, and enjoy an "honest" difficulty balancing system, which does not increase the challenge in an artificial way to push us to spend. Of course, if you want the chests found during the missions to actually contain treasures you will have to make sure to use the golden keys, which can also be obtained with a little patience. Quest for the Avatar has little to do with the best episodes of Ultima on PC and technically it hasn't driven us crazy, but its potential is undoubted and fans will hardly be able to resist it.
- Many quests, great adventure
- Excellent sound accompaniment
- Very simple touch controls ...
- ... maybe too much
- Disappointing graphics, despite the fixes
- The freemium elements at some point make themselves felt