During the years, Sony has become synonymous with "exclusive". In fact, various titles have been released on the different platforms PlayStation that delighted the fans. Fantastic titles that have entered the history of video games on certain occasions. However, regardless of the quality of these titles, sometimes certain sagas disappear into thin air, even without a specific reason. Yet there are titles that fans continue to clamor for, without giving up hope for a possible revival of a series that is now off the radar. And with the ever closer advent of the new generation and of PlayStation 5, starting to dream of the return of great names from the past is a must. So what are the "disappeared" exclusives that we would like to review on the next Sony console?
Heavenly Sword
Released in 2007 and developed by Ninja Theory, Heavenly Sword was in charge of showing users PlayStation 3 the potential of the console. The title in question on a technical level was incredible by the standards of the time and could also count on the participation of Andy Serkis, both as an actor and as a Director. In terms of gameplay it was slightly immature and short-lived, but the potential for a great sequel was all there. Unfortunately, however, nothing more was done and the Ninja Theory concentrated on other projects. Nariko however, she was not forgotten by mom Sony, who added the character to the roster of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which partly bodes well for the future. And speaking of the infamous fighting game ...
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Yes, the infamous fighting game labeled by all (with good reason) as the "clone of Super Smash Bros.”Yes, the points of contact with the license plate series Nintendo are blatant, and Sony has certainly not passed its title off as something groundbreaking. As if in the world of video games (and not only) there were no "author plagiarism". That said, with all its limitations, the Sony title was fun and a new chapter in the series could correct certain shortcomings and defects of its predecessor, and above all add more characters to the roster.
Syphon Filter
The series developed by SCE Bend Studio, at the time of the release of the first chapter in 1999 for PlayStation, was considered by many to be the draft of the much more famous Metal Gear Solid, released the year before. Initially ignored by many, he managed over time to build a loyal audience of his own, which prompted Sony to fund sequels. Two more titles were released for the first PlayStation, one chapter for PlayStation 2 and two video games for PlayStation Portable (with respective conversions on PS2). The last title in the series came out in 2007, and radio silence ever since. The guys from SCE Bend Studio have dedicated themselves to other projects (such as the recent Days Gone), and a new chapter of Siphon Filter for now is not mentioned.
Gravity Rush
The fate of Gravity Rush it has been inauspicious since its inception. It should have been, along with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, the title that would drag the new Sony portable console, or PlayStation Vita, but we all know how it ended. Sony did, however, attempt to save the franchise, as Gravity Rush had met with good critical acclaim. In 2016, a remastered version of the game called Gravity Rush Remastered was released and the following year the sequel was released, titled Gravity Rush 2. Unfortunately, however, the latter, in terms of sales, was a real fiasco, and we will hardly see a new chapter. Who knows.
Although the last chapter of the series accompanied the launch of PlayStation 4, since then of InFAMOUS all traces have been lost. Developed by the guys from Sucker Punch Productions, the first InFAMOUS released in 2009 was highly acclaimed by critics and audiences, and its sequel confirmed this love from fans. In the role of Cole macgrath, a conduit with superhuman abilities related to electricity, we would have to decide what kind of character to be, whether a hero or a villain. The chapter released for PlayStation 4, Second Son, was received in a much more lukewarm way while remaining a good product. Currently Sucker Punch are busy developing the Ghost of Tsushima, and this means that for at least a few more years a new chapter of the saga will not be talked about.
Sly Cooper
Another series of Sucker Punch, another exclusive left to gather dust. The anthropomorphic raccoon franchise was a staple of the PlayStation 2 era, but in the transition to PlayStation 3 something must have gone wrong. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (also released for PlayStation Vita), although appreciated by critics and the public, it did not meet the hoped-for success at an economic level. As we have already said, the Sucker Punch are working on a new IP and we will hardly see the gentleman thief any time soon.
Resistance: Fall of Man, released at the same time as the PlayStation 3 launch in 2006, was a surprising success. The FPS developed by Insomniac Games he managed to have his say in the vast panorama of first-person shooters. The success of the Sony exclusive led the series to continue. After a sequel that improved throughout the previous chapter, it moved on to a third episode that disappointed many fans. Added to this is a terrible spin-off exclusive to the ill-fated PlayStation Vita, that Burning Skies of 2012 which currently appears to have put the tombstone on the series. Ted Price, CEO of Insomniac, said his team has no plans to work on a new chapter in the saga. Given the incredible success of Marvel's Spider-Man, developed by Insomniac itself, it seems that things are not destined to change immediately. That Sony can entrust the franchise to another studio?
Jak & Daxter
Of all the franchises listed so far, the "death" of the Jak & Daxter is probably the one that makes fans around the world suffer the most. Created by the boys of N, by Jak & Daxer have been lost since 2009 when it was released on PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2 A challenge without borders, a title that represented in effect a new official chapter of the series even if developed by another team (the High Impact Games). Since then only a remastered of the trilogy on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita and lots and lots of silence. Jak & Daxter have to come back, the fans want it and Sony probably wants it too, waiting for the right moment to drop the bomb. Fingers crossed!
And then…
Sony's “out of use” exclusives certainly don't end there. The Order, Ape Escape, Parappa the Rapper, SOCOM, Twisted Metal... in short, the Tokyo company has many arrows in its bow and with the arrival of PlayStation 5 something will move. Or maybe new IPs will be announced, who knows. Certainly Sony has shown over the years that it does not make too much trouble to retire some of its leading brands, and this in some respects is also an undeniable advantage.