Silent Hill Downpour - Trophies and Achievements Guide [360-PS3]
Here is the complete solution to unlock all achievements and trophies of Silent Hill Downpour. In this guide, the tips from to unlock all achievements and reach Platinum on Playstation 3 or 1000 G on Xbox 360.
How to unlock all achievements with only 2 games.
As you will see in the guide due to the different endings Silent Hill Downpour requires to be completed over and over again if you want to get the 1000 G / Platinum. Here's what you need to do to unlock everything in just 3 games:
Match 1
Make all the negative moral choices, then kill the monsters when they are on the ground, leave Cunnigham, insulatte JP, make a choice at the end of the game (kill), then reload the checkpoint and make the opposite choice (don't kill). You will have obtained the final B and D and the relative results.
Match 2
Start over, this time make the positive moral choices, spare the monsters that remain on the ground, save Cunnigham, console JP. Start the "Leap into the Past" quest and dig into 6 of the 7 places you need to find to complete the quest. When you have excavated at the 6th place save the game on a USB stick in order to keep the save and do not finish the quest. Now go to the end of the game, make a choice (don't kill), then reload the checkpoint and make the opposite choice (kill). You got the A and C endings and their results. Now take the save from the USB stick and start from there. This time finish the quest and continue to the end to also see the ending E. Here in just two games and a little more you have unlocked the 5 results related to the endings.
Obviously, during these two games try to unlock all the other achievements too, paying attention to those that require you to kill / not kill monsters, which must be unlocked in the first and second game respectively.
Useless memories Completed the "Leap into the Past" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
To all units Completed the "To All Units" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Security service You have completed the "Stolen Goods" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Art lover Completed the "Art Collector" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Silent alarm You have completed the side mission "The Bank". Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Do you have coin? Completed the "Homeless" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
The dark room Completed the "Cinéma Vérité" side quest. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Back in time Completed the "Gramophone" side quest. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
How do I know? Completed the "Shadow Play" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Betrayed by the heart Completed the "Dead Man's Hand" side quest. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Dust to dust Completed the "Ashes to Ashes" side quest. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
A step into the void Completed the "Ribbons" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Find the differences Completed the "Mirror, Mirror" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Winged man Completed the "Aviary" side mission. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Firearms expert Kill or counter 25 monsters with your pistol or shotgun. Any firearm is fine for this result. Weapons and ammo aren't plentiful in the game, so I recommend weakening enemies with melee weapons and then finishing them off with firearms so you don't waste ammo. On easy difficulty level, a single hit will be enough to kill a downed enemy. As explained at the beginning of this guide there will be a game where you have to kill enemies to unlock certain achievements, so unlock this achievement in that game. |
Hypochondriac Used 20 med kits. |
Silence is golden Eliminated or neutralized 10 Screamers. They are the first monsters you will encounter in the game, you will have no difficulty in unlocking this achievement. |
Boxer of darkness Eliminate o neutralizzate 10 Doll. Again, you will have no difficulty getting to 10 over the course of the game. ![]() |
Pinata game Eliminated or countered 10 Weeping Bat. You will encounter these monsters for the first time when you arrive at the Devil's Pit. |
Isolation Eliminated or countered 10 Prisoner Minions. You will meet them after leaving the Devil's Pit, around Silent Hill. ![]() |
The bigger they are ... Eliminated or countered 10 Prisoner Juggernaut. You will only see these monsters in the penitentiary, so be careful to get to 10 as soon as possible. |
Bite or run? You escaped from 20 monsters. Running away from a monster means getting away from any monster without killing or incapacitating it. You will most likely unlock it naturally over the course of the game. |
Silent Hill Historical Society Completed Murphy's Journal with all Mysteries. Refer to our guide dedicated to Murphy's Diary Mysteries. |
Grace You neutralized 20 monsters without killing them. To neutralize the monsters without killing them you have to hit them enough to make them go to the ground without finishing them while they land. You will unlock this achievement when you play the game to get the A and C endings as explained at the beginning of this guide. |
Good behaviour Complete the game on any difficulty level without killing monsters. Eliminating monsters means killing them after they have been landed. It means that if you kill a monster while fighting (i.e. when the monster is standing and facing you) you will have no problems and you will still unlock this achievement. The important thing is not to kill them when they are on the ground. |
Silent Hill Travel Guide You have completed all side missions. Follow the complete guide to all Silent Hill Downpour side missions |
Capital punishment You have completed the game on the hard "game difficulty" level. As explained at the beginning of the guide, you must complete the game at least 2 times to get all the trophies. Play hard when you play the game with positive moral choices, when you don't have to worry about killing all the monsters but you can avoid them and move on. |
Higher intelligence Completed the game on the hard "puzzle difficulty" level. In one of the two games that you will have to play if you want to unlock all the results, set the difficulty of the puzzles to hard. Complete the game leaving this setting to get the result. If you have difficulty, check out our guide to solving all the Silent Hill Dowmpour puzzles. |
Eternal rain You have collected all the trophies. |
Silent Hill Downpour Secret Achievements and Trophies
Now You're Cooking... Survived the Diner Otherworld. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Out of the Frying Pan Rode the Sky Tram to Devil's Pit. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Going off the Rails Escape from Devil's Pit. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Found a Friend! Meet DJ Ricks at the radio station. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Whatever Doesn't Kill You... Escape from Otherworld Radio Station. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Ashes, Ashes Collect 3 pages of the book of rhymes. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Broken Cycle Defeat The Bogeyman. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
No Turning Back Make your way to the Overlook Penitentiary. This achievement is tied to the story, keep playing and you can't miss it. |
Ending A Get the "Forgiveness" ending. Follow our guide dedicated to the Silent Hill Downpour endings. Also read the introductory part of this guide. |
Ending B Get the "Truth & Justice" ending. Follow our guide dedicated to the Silent Hill Downpour endings. Also read the introductory part of this guide. |
Ending C Get the "Full Circle" ending. Follow our guide dedicated to the Silent Hill Downpour endings. Also read the introductory part of this guide. |
Ending D Get the "Execution" ending. Follow our guide dedicated to the Silent Hill Downpour endings. Also read the introductory part of this guide. |
Ending E Get the "Surprise!" Ending. Follow our guide dedicated to the Silent Hill Downpour endings. Also read the introductory part of this guide. |