Rumble Stars Football is a clone of Clash Royale: it incorporates the type of visual of the Supercell title, the concept of the three points for victory, the management of the units that can be projected on the map as long as they have the necessary energy (rechargeable over time) and the enhancement of the characters through the obtaining identical cards and spending some coins.

In short, we are talking about an extremely derivative product with only one important distinction: it is a football game. The idea of applying such a very successful formula to the sports genre had not yet come to anyone, and so the developers of Frogmind Games have seen fit to take advantage of it, characterizing the project in a clear way thanks to the use of anthropomorphic animals who wear the official shirt and crowd the field with the aim of scoring. So think about that kind of gameplay strategic, with the same competitive one-on-one multiplayer, but applied to the ball: it is easier to play it than imagine it, we agree. A short tutorial introduces the controls and the prerogatives of the match, after which you can throw yourself headlong into competitive matches, which just like in Clash Royale provide for the gain of experience points and the level increase, with the possibility of accessing new fields. for a total of four variants net of "specializations" and divisions: Greenfield, green and luxuriant; El Dorado, set among some ancient ruins; Zen Palace, which recalls the aesthetics of imperial China; and finally Valle di Ghiaccio, with its snow-covered lands.
Gameplay and structure
As already mentioned, the management of the units works in a very similar way to the Supercell blockbuster, with an energy bar at the bottom of the screen that indicates when we can use certain units belonging to our deck.

The latter can be customized in various ways, by adding and replacing characters that we consider useful to our style of play, and that behind the appearance of more or less ferocious animals hide peculiar features: there are the athletes who carry the ball, those who shoot precision, the strikers who receive and turn on the net, the " mastiffs "that weaken the opponents and a whole series of figures with special abilities, such as the magnet or the cannon. In fact, the design fails to be completely coherent, but in the end the formula works: after completing a few warm-up matches, you finally enter the mechanism and take away some great satisfaction. The matches last three minutes, so they lend themselves very well to impromptu use, and it is possible to join a club to get extra rewards to add to the traditional chests, which require a variable time to open. Also from the point of view of dynamics freemium Rumble Stars Soccer does nothing but imitate Clash Royale, which means that you can download the game and use it completely free, with the possibility, however, to speed up the progression by putting your wallet. In any case, it is a free and not obligatory choice: during our tests it has never happened to be faced with significantly stronger opponents, therefore the matchmaking not only appears fast and effective but also well balanced. From a technical point of view, a good job has been done: the graphics run smoothly and the characters are nice, net of those inconsistencies we mentioned earlier, which slightly spoil the idea of using only anthropomorphic animals. The sound sector exalted us a little less due to the use of funny but a little too repetitive music.
Tested version iPhone (1.2.10) Digital Delivery App Store, Google Play Price Free Resources4Gaming.com7.8
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Rumble Stars Soccer is an interesting variation on the theme of strategic-based sportsmen, a Clash Royale clone that doesn't take itself seriously and that involves fun soccer matches played by anthropomorphic animals, each with their own unique abilities. The matches start in a few moments thanks to a particularly large community, built in the long term in soft launch, and everything works as it should, perhaps net of some perplexities related to collisions and ball management. Nothing serious, however: after a few minutes you become familiar with the game mechanics and have fun, as long as the progression system designed by Supercell has not already become bored.
- Immediate and fun
- Lots of characters to unlock
- Funny and colorful design ...
- ... but with some shade
- Don't ask him for originality
- A little repetitive music