If you are playing it, you will have noticed: Red Dead Redemption 2 has many weapons, different in many ways. This diversity also creates multiple approaches to use to complete missions, but it will be vital in the game to heal your weapons to avoid getting into awkward situations. Here are some tips to help you choose your arsenal
The choice
Weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be divided into 5 types: revolvers, repeating pistols, shotguns, shotguns, and stealth weapons (such as bow, throwing and combat weapons). The choice of weapons will be fundamental, first of all because you can't always have them all on your back, but above all because each one will have a different style. Revolvers are the basic weapon of the game, the repeater pistol is a sort of fast rifle with a reduced range, while the other two weapons respectively marry distance and width of impact as a peculiarity. After choosing which way to play - whether stealth, ranged or close impact - you'll also need to choose which ammo to use, each different in terms of damage and effects.
The maintenance
Each weapon will require a certain type of maintenance: you will have to clean it - in a sort of minigame - otherwise they will be ruined and lose effectiveness. So be aware of the state of the weapon you are using, and if you need to upgrade it, improving its elements.
Go for the Dead Eye
Arthur's ability is very useful in many situations: by pressing R3, you can slow down time, automatically target the targeted enemies and fire deadly shots. This will be useful in big shootings or with fast enemies. In case you don't want to bet everything on this skill, you can always take advantage of the game's autolock, which by pressing L2 to aim, will automatically point to the closest enemy. Playing with the pressure of L2 in speed will allow you to have the situation under control without exploiting the Dead Eye.
The coverage
The stealth in Red Dead Redemption 2 is very present in comparison to the previous chapter: exploiting the silence and hiding places will be vital to go unnoticed and wreak havoc on enemies. In case you don't succeed, the covers will be your salvation: from there you can see the situation, study a plan and aim easily to kill the enemies.
Also, if you are playing a Red Dead Redemption 2 and you want to discover all the secrets you can find below all our other guides:
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- How to upgrade Dutch's accommodation
- How to contribute to the growth of the camp
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- Guide to honor
- Dinosaur Bone Guide