Red Dead Redemption 2 it is definitely a crazy title, full of crazy and crazy people who will entrust you with different tasks that will have to be completed. While you are exploring it will be possible to meet a nice old lady who will ask for your help to find all the dinosaur bones in the game world. Although the lady is obviously missing a few wheels, offering them your services will prove to be quite profitable in terms of the rewards obtained. In this guide we will tell you about how to find all the bones. However below you can see all the other guides we have done on Red Dead Redemption 2!
- Cheat Guide
- Shooting Guide
- Guide on how to bond with your horse
- Guide on how to make money fast
- Guide to the growth of the camp
- Dutch Housing Upgrade Guide
- Guide on how to find the alien ship
- Guide to legendary animals
- Guide to means of transport
- Statistics system guide
- Guide to honor
At the beginning of Chapter 2, just southeast of Horseshoe Overlook, talk to a woman digging fossils,
in this way you will activate the secondary mission “A test of faith”. At this point it will be necessary to complete it
find all dinosaur bones.
Below is the name of the bones and their location:
- 1. Bone from the oilfield, Heartlands, at the bottom of the well below the drill tower
- 2. Bone at Dewberry Creek, Heartlands, just west of Dewberry Creek
- 3. Bone at Dewberry Creek, Scarlett Meadows, just south of Dewberry Creek
- 4. Bone on the grassy hill, Heartlands, on a grassy hill
- 5. Bone on the Rocky Slope, Big Valley, on a rocky hill
- 6. Bone in the rock face, Grizzlies, at the foot of the rock cliff
- 7. Bone at the foot of the cliff, Heartlands, at the foot of the rock cliff
- 8. Bone in the abandoned cabin, Heartlands, on the ground just south of the cabin
- 9. Desert Bone, Cholla Springs, in a small rock face at the foot of the hill
- 10. Bone at Jorge's Gap, Cholla Springs, on a knoll southwest of Jorge's Gap, slightly hidden by bushes
- 11. Bone at Pike's Basin, Hennigan's Stead, far west of the canyon, on the slightly higher plateau
- 12. Bone at the San Luis River, Hennigan's Stead, just above the river bank, north of the islet
- 13. Bone at Six Point Overlook, Cumberland Forest, at the top of the cliff
- 14. Calumet Gorge Bone, Grizzlies, in the red rock spike near the top of the hill
- 15. Ledge Bone at the Dakota River, Grizzlies, under the cliff top is a small ledge
- 16. Northern border bone, Grizzilies, on a grassy hill
- 17. Bone at O'Creagh's Run, Grizzlies, west of O'Creagh's Run on the ridge
- 18. Bone at lookout point, Roanoke Ridge, on a small rocky plateau south of the railroad bridge
- 19. Bone at Bacchus Station, Cumberland Forest, southwest of Bacchus Station, go to a stone spike at the top of the rocky cliff
- 20. Bone downstream, Roanoke Ridge, on the cliff above the path leading to Brandywine Waterfall
- 21. Bone at the Kamassa River, Roanoke Ridge, halfway up the cliffs west of the Kamassa River
- 22. Bone in Van Horn, Roanoke Ridge, on the edge of the clearing
- 23. Bone at the northern border, Heartlands, on top of the cliff
- 24. Bone at Baryl's Dream Overlook, Big Valley, halfway to the top of Mount Shann, at the point
where the path forms an "S" - 25. Bone in the gorge to the south, Heartlands, next to the drill tower is a dried up river,
follow it heading towards the top of the hill - 26. Bone in the cave to the north, Big Valley, in a cave at the foot of Mount Hagen
- 27. Bone at Del Lobo Rock, Rio Bravo, at the east end of Rio Del Lobo Rock there is a small slope
- 28. Bone at the San Luis River, Rio Bravo, on the large rocky plateau above Fort Mercer
- 29. Bone north of Tumbleweed, Gaptooth Ridge, atop the cliff on the east side, above the canyon
- 30. Bone south of Tumbleweed, Gaptooth Ridge, at the southeast end of the plateau above Tumbleweed
This was the location of all the dinosaur bones in the new one Red Dead Redemption 2. What do you think? We hope we have been helpful. Stay connected with us to not miss any news.