If you have followed a minimum of the mobile landscape of recent years, you will surely have an idea of how the RPGs specially developed for Android and iOS have been configured: they are basically all related to a rigid canon that constitutes one of the sub-genres of most successful these days, at least from the point of view of the amount of games released within it. Just staying on the pages of Resources4Gaming.com, in recent months we have reviewed Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin, Epic Seven and Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner which basically represent quite precisely what we are talking about: role-playing games with turn-based combat, quests made up of waves of progressive enemies, deep management of the characters and an emphasis on the collection of the latter, through an evocation system with in-game currency spending that corresponds to the typical mechanics of the "gacha".

It is amazing to see how this list of features corresponds in an extremely precise way to a now boundless amount of Mobile RPG, as well as a Raid: Shadow Legends, protagonist of this review. The Plarium game is a really good champion of this videogame genre, indeed the problem is that it is too much: there is absolutely nothing new proposed in this title, which also using a decidedly standardized setting such as classic fantasy it cannot even count on a strong and specific identity. However, there are also several compelling aspects to Raid: Shadow Legends, in case you are still willing to spend time with this type of game. Coming into a period of total market saturation for i gacha-RPG, whose playful offer is now clearly offering its side to other less inflated gaming solutions, it must be said that, at least, the Plarium game does its duty honestly, starting from a truly impressive graphics.
Heroes collection
La history speaks of the crisis of the world of Teleria, now on the verge of collapse due to the continuous wars waged by the dark forces of Siroth, against which the Arbiter tries in every way to put a dam. Within all this, we find ourselves having to compose an army of fighters and free various areas of the game world by carrying out the quests of the Countryside, structured as simple sequences of fights with progressive difficulty. Advancing in the game also unlocks other modes such as Dungeons (substantially similar to quests), Arena, Clan Boss and Faction Wars which also involve PvP, but as a structure you remain anchored to the classic turn-based RPG where all the gameplay revolves around at the character management. Just to clarify: theautoplay it is activated by default and is actually the best choice to adopt, considering the extreme repetitiveness of the fights and game situations.

The aspect on which we find ourselves acting, more than anything else, is therefore the construction of the army and its management. The first aspect is based on the acquisition of new characters as in-game rewards or through the summoning system with the expenditure of gems, which triggers the typical gacha dynamic with micro-transactions integrated. Raid: Shadow Legends is not among the worst pay-to-win cases seen on this front, it must be said, but the rate of high-profile summons is so low that the use of a few in-app purchases to get something more substantial it seems practically inevitable. On the other hand, the continuous and exhausting pop-ups that draw attention to the various packages on offer to buy are decidedly explicit on how the game's economy is set up. The power relations between the fighters are regulated by the classic rock-paper-scissor circle even if the reflexes of this system are almost imperceptible in combat, where instead the management of the equipment acquires great importance. On this front, Raid is quite deep and complex, with the possibility of combining weapons and objects with common characteristics to obtain related bonuses, with interesting and rather varied chain effects. The problem, in this sense, is represented by a 'interface rather confusing and uncomfortable, with extremely small elements (at least on smartphones) that can complicate the precise understanding of the operation of the equipment and the various upgrades.

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Like many other competing titles, Raid: Shadow Legends arrives rather late at the mobile RPG gacha banquet hoping to conquer a prominent place thanks above all to a considerable care taken in the technical execution of the imposed canvas, but on the table there seems to be little left to to eat. It is likely that this genre will continue to hold its own in the mobile field for a long time, but beyond excellent graphics and strict adherence to the canonical rules, it would be reasonable to expect some original contribution on the front of the features or the game structure to be able to silhouetted against a tide of other games that have now widely exploited the same concept. It would also be unfair not to recognize the merits of Raid: Shadow Legends, which as a Mannerist work lacks in specific character but is distinguished by a truly impeccable execution of the imposed stylistic features.
- Truly remarkable graphics
- Good ideas on gear, effects and evolution
- Classic fantasy without too many frills
- Absolutely devoid of original elements
- Hard to understand interface in certain situations
- Repetitive game mechanics