2 Rage It features a fast travel system that can be used to move between places in the region quite quickly. Access points are few, limited to commercial cities, Mutant Bash TV location, and The Hippodrome. In this guide we will explain how to travel fast and where it can be done. First, you must not be inside buildings or engaged in other activities.
As you can see from the image, for which we thank AOTF, all you have to do is access the game map and highlight one of the positions indicated:
• Wellspring
• Lagooney
• Gunbarrel
• Mutant Bash TV Blasting Range
• Mutant Bash TV Killbox
• Torn Plains Racetrack
Then move the cursor to the point of interest, a box with the description of the area will open and in the lower left corner of the box itself, you will see the word fast travel. Press the corresponding x / square button and you will see a quick loading screen and then move to the chosen area.