A year has passed since the last title of the new generation of Pokémon and Game Freak, as usual, offers us a third title in the saga but with small differences compared to its predecessors: in addition to being a third game divided in turn into two video games, this arises to mix what we have seen with third products of the saga such as Pokémon Emerald, expanding and modifying the plot with the addition of novelties of the story as if was a remake of the title (another example, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire). Ultrasole Pokémon e Pokémon Ultraluna they are all this and much more.
Alola to you!
The formula used by Game Freak is the same as used in Pokémon Platinum: Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon in fact they start with the same plot and then be developed in a completely different way, giving all the necessary space to the legendary Pokémon of these titles, or Necrozma. In fact, if in previous titles this creature was nothing more than a simple post game bonus of the Ultra Beasts, here we discover its true nature and power, characteristics that will bring a very special team to Alola. None other than the members of the Ultra Patrol, a team from another reality that aims to preserve the other dimensions and prevent Necrozma from stealing the light of these. This patrol is made up of four members: the first two are Darus and Zoy, who will play a major role on Ultrasole Pokémon, while Syron and Mirin will have their glory space on Pokémon Ultraluna. Of course, such an important change in history also leads to a post-league chapter that is different and definitely much more interesting than that of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon: the chapter dedicated to the Rainbow Roket team is excellent and brings to light old glories of the teams of villains of the past. adventures of the Pokémon saga allowing, plus an open ending, endless theories, and easily reconnected with the next titles coming out on Nintendo Switch. I'm sure at this point in the review many of you are wondering: "But isn't a Marva review supposed to be spoiler free?" Don't worry, I remember the Pokémon marketing campaign itself focused on these issues, and we haven't mentioned anything that hasn't already been revealed.
A very good change has been given to the difficulty level of the game; if in fact Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon were very affordable titles that led the player not to think too much, in Ultrasole Pokémon e Pokémon Ultraluna the difficulty level will have an excellent learning curve that will cross the entire main story, passing through the post-league chapter up to the post-game title. Don't expect Dominant Pokémon that will call in helpers only to then perform a very powerful tail swipe! The choice of the helpers of the taming Pokémon has been so accurate that the tests will be complicated to pass on the first try.
An evolving title
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon they learn from previous titles and implement new mechanics compared to its predecessors. One of these is the possibility of interacting with the Pokémon that we will find in the Alola region outside the battles: by playing with them and making them our friends, they will become attached and will begin to follow us around the map. Right now this thing has a purely "aesthetic" factor, that is, it will not affect the game in any way, except for a couple of Pokémon that moving from their position will reveal objects that were hidden under them. This feature, however, could be an excellent starting point for the future. Let's take Super Mario Odyssey as an example: in this title we will be able to find hidden moons thanks to dogs that will follow us on the world map; wouldn't it be interesting if by making friends with a Growlithe in future titles, we could use his sense of smell for the same principle? Or what if, like in Zelda Breath of the Wild, we could tame a Rapidash to use it as a mount? The possibilities are endless. Possibilities that are not so remote when you think about the evolution of the team in the development of secondary missions: in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon in fact the quests are much more numerous and will allow the player to face fun puzzles and mysterious events, giving him the opportunity to discover very interesting secondary plots.
A new feature added to the game is that of the Surf Mantine: as the name implies, this minigame will give us the opportunity to surf on Mantines between the various islands of the Alola region by performing as many "tricks" in the air as possible, while avoiding the aquatic Pokémon that will be obstacles to our ride to the limit of the speed. In addition to entertaining us, this minigame will allow us to accumulate a good amount of Fighting Points, offering the player not only a pleasant pastime, but also an alternative to the Fighting Tree. Another addition, that of the Dominant Pokémon Stickers: these stickers are scattered throughout the four islands of the region and will allow us to obtain through SamsonOak (the Alola version of our favorite professor) some Pokémon in the size of the Dominants of the various tests. The advice I can give you to find all 100 of them is to explore every crevice, every house, and destroy every possible rock with your trusted Tauros. A final addition is given by the Rotmdéx: in addition to becoming attached to us, it will allow thanks to the power of friendship to recharge the ultra-bracelet once per fight, giving us the possibility to use a second Move Z. It will also have the function of Rot'n'roll, which is nothing more than a return of the O Powers of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, powers with the function of helping us in the game by increasing the statistics in the fight or acting as repellents. We will unlock Rot'n'roll by interacting with our Rotom oEvery time you ask us a question and increasing our friendship. This, like a slot machine, will give us a power!
Game Freak a Splash! It has no effect!
But what are the problems with Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon? First of all, the recycling of cutscene: for example in front of the temple of Tapu Koko we will have to face one of the three Sperows attacking Nebby. Once we have defeated the Spearow that will attack us while we defend with our body, the little Cosmog will also be three. This is just one of the many cases of how some events that somehow slightly change the story of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have not been changed in the scenes… and how they have been recycled "in good faith". We also find other small errors, such as the Grimeralola which is actually a Muk, therefore a conscious use of a wrong sprite on Sun and Moon, incorrect in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. in conclusion Game Freak has recycled every cutscene to the best and hasn't changed those two or three little mistakes in the least that he has been carrying for a year! The biggest mistake made by the manufacturer though it's about the Ultra Megalopolis: this futuristic city was presented by advertising as something very different from what it turned out in the end: a simple corridor. The exact same mistake made with the Ultramondo of the Nihilego in Pokémon Sun and Moon. The biggest mistake was therefore to have advertised this Megalopolis as something epic, only to discover that once faced with Necrozma this city will be nothing more than a cosmic nothing, a structure left to rot without the possibility of being exploited in the post game. Let's put the dots on the Unknows: even in these titles the Ultra Worlds are very small and only serve as a side dish for the capture of the Ultra Beasts, but with the fact that they are 7 Ultra Worlds, in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon we have the opportunity to admire the enviroments of these worlds, made in a way that reflects 100% the nature of the Ultrabesties. Absolutely a very acceptable artistic compromise!