The flame of Nioh 2 it has not yet gone out, despite the fact that after the initial explosion during the lockdown period and the release of new important titles, it has slowly weakened. The excellent title of Koei Tecmo e Team Ninja a fair group of proselytes has been created, who still grind hours of gameplay, both online and in single player. The exclusive PlayStation 4 has distinguished itself thanks to excellent evaluations by the specialized critics, but also by a good response from the community, with the most passionate ones who do not seem to have enough yet. With a streamlined and faster gameplay compared to the first Nioh (which inevitably was even more difficult), new weapons, the customization of the protagonist and the much appreciated yokai skills, all turned out to be winning weapons to take the game to the next level, with general approval. Not even 5 months after the release of the main game, then comes the publication of the first DLC of Nioh 2, called "The Disciple of Tengu“, Which expands the already packed range of available skills, bringing with it a dozen missions, new weapons, and clearly new Yokai to face and annexed Bossfight.
Further back
In order to play the new missions proposed, and consequently continue the story of our protagonist by a short step, we will necessarily have to having finished the main storyline (for both narrative and mission level reasons). Once the requirements are met, a new area will be unlocked, called Il Discipolo del Tengu, and which will bring us and the protagonist without too many compliments to the 1185 (when the events of the final game take place over 4 centuries later). How will we get there? And why? We will let you discover this for yourself, but know that in addition to the pleasant additions that we have listed at the beginning, we will also be able to compare ourselves - in full Nioh style - with historical characters of the period, first of all Minamoto No Yoshitsune e Benkei.
Nioh 2 still manages to attract players, and the continued support from the developers is certainly a big help in that regard. This new expansion, available on the PlayStation Store at a price of € 9,99, first of all adds 2 main missions and several secondary missions, for a total of 12. The longevity offered by these contents is around 6 hours, but that they could be a little less if you avoid collecting the various collectibles, but they could be much more in case you find particular difficulties in some points of the missions.
The additions
As mentioned, this DLC brought several things with it, as well 3 new Guardian Spirits e 6 Nuclei, expanding the already varied roster of available skills, and strengthening the tactical quality of the real-time change of mind during mission clashes. Clearly these upgrades will be unlocked only thanks to our sweat and skills, having the better of the various bosses (including Benkei himself who will "test" our strength in the first main mission) and the new yokai proposed. The challenges proposed on a practical level are intriguing, and force the player, in a couple of cases in particular, to vary their style and / or to adopt tactics other than those used in Nioh 2 to take down enemies.
Precisely for this reason the new weapons come to the aid: in addition to a couple of additions for the already existing types, the Bō Composite (defined in English Splitstaff), that is a particular rod that thanks to a chain can be used in a different way by changing its structure. A very different weapon from the ones we were able to use in the base game, but incredibly tactical and versatile.
We do not deny that it will take a few minutes to get familiar with it, but once you have mastered the aforementioned variables and manage the different combos to continue them in one way or another, it could become your favorite death machine. Clearly, in addition to the periodic update of the various missions, no other epochal changes have been received, much less variations on the basic gameplay or visual quality.
Finally, in addition to the new armor with sets dedicated to the game's heroes, there are also a handful of new ones objects e accessories, which without infamy and without praise enrich the discreet offer proposed by this additional content. The new settings offered for the missions are pleasant, but nothing that made us open our mouths in amazement, as for better or for worse the taste of already seen and familiarity has remained strong.