Mortal Kombat 11, the latest chapter in development belonging to the well-known series of fighting video games and daughter of the 90s, is certainly one of the most anticipated titles of this promising 2019. The official release date is currently confirmed for the 23th April su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox Onewhile on Nintendo Switch will arrive with a slight delay, starting from 10st May. Immediately after that fateful announcement, announced publicly on the occasion of the The Game Awards 2018 in December, there were many trailers and short gameplay videos released by NetherRealm Studios during the months of excitement and pre-launch waiting. At the moment, therefore, based on what was officially disclosed by the various channels, they would seem to be well confirmed 25 characters that will become part of the roster (which could, however, count even more), many of which will be old iconic acquaintances, but others instead, turn out to be absolute news.
Species: Nomad Tarkata
Gender: Male
Birth place: Outworld
Weapons used: War Banner, Tarkatan Blades
Fighting style: Silat, Hung Gar
Baraka is one of the main characters in Mortal Kombat 11. He originally made an appearance in Mortal Kombat 2, making him the most beloved kombattente of the second chapter according to fans. It belongs to the nomadic mutant race called Tarkatan, a cross between the demons of Netherealm and the inhabitants of the Outer World, and who inhabit vast wastelands. Like most other members of its race, it possesses long retractable blades that extend from the forearms.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Baraka can perform two different moves fatality, or Food for Thought (Food for the Mind) e Rock, Paper, Baraka (Rock, Paper, Baraka).
Cassie Cage
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birth place: United States, in the Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Truncheon and Pistol
Fighting style: -
Cassie Cage is a young fighter who made her first appearance in the series for the first time in Mortal Kombat X. Daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, she defeated Shinnok a few years ago, but even that wasn't enough to get her out of the shadow of her legendary parents' fame. When not defending the Earth Kingdom, Cassie fights to prove to everyone that she is a worthy descendant of her acclaimed family.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Cassie Cage can perform two different fatality moves, including I <3 U (I love you).
Species: Ancient Goddess
Gender: Woman
Birth place: Heaven
Weapons used: -
Fighting style: Manipulation of the Four Elements, Telekinesis
Cetrion is a new character, and makes her first appearance in the world of the saga with Mortal Kombat 11. Very little is known about her, however we are told that she is Shinnok's cousin and daughter of Kronika. As an ancient Goddess of nature and life, it can control the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. In battle, he keeps his distance from the enemy, avoiding any involvement in hand-to-hand combat. It can emit shockwaves, fire beams of water, unleash pure energy, incinerate opponents, unleash tornadoes, summon metal blades and attack opponents from afar with its plant appendages.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Cetrion can perform two different fatality moves, namely Maintaining Balance (Maintain Balance) e Good and evil (Good and evil).
Species: Kytinn
Gender: Female
Birth place: Arnyek, Outworld
Weapons used: Ovipositories, Insects and Poison
Fighting style: -
D'Vorah is one of the characters first introduced in Mortal Kombat X. Originally from Arnyek, an island later annexed to the Outer Kingdom, she is part of the Kytinn, a particular swarm of sentient insects who share a hive mind. D'vorah has served Shao Kahn, Kotal Kahn, and Shinnok in the past, but what he is truly loyal to is only the swarm. Sneaky and double agent, she is a kombattente willing to do anything for the sake of her fellowmen: she lies, cheats and stabs in the back to ensure that, even when everyone else is dead, the Kytinn hive can continue to survive.
In Mortal Kombat 11, D'Vorah can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of the moves have not yet been revealed.
Erron Black
Species: Human
Gender: Man
Birth place: Texas, United States, Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Revolver, Dynamite, Carbine, Saurian Acid, Netherbeast Trap
Fighting style: -
Erron Black is one of the characters first introduced in Mortal Kombat X. Texas big shot, deadly and dedicated to action, has left his home to hunt for adventure and excitement in the Outer Realm with Kano and the Black Dragon The Outer Kingdom turned out to be an unexpected playground for him that could satisfy his ultraviolent dreams, so much so that he decided to make it his new home.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Erron Black can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of the moves have not yet been revealed.
Frost ★
Species: Cryomancer
Gender: Female
Birth place: Earthrealm (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Ice Daggers
Fighting style: Tong Bei, Yuan Yang, Ninjitsu
Frost is actually a fighter not yet officially confirmed in the Mortal Kombat 11 roster. However, in the game demo the bronze trophy called Cyber Initiative, the obtainability of which is possible only after the execution of two different fatality moves with Frost. It would seem, therefore, that in the eleventh chapter of the saga it will be possible to play with an exclusive cyborg version of the icy and lethal character.
Species: -
Gender: Man
Birth place: -
Weapons used: Brass Knuckles and Sword
Fighting style: Ability to manipulate sand and time, Teleportation
Geras is a new character, and makes his first appearance in the world of the saga with Mortal Kombat 11. Very little is known about him, however it seems to be an artificial construct created by Kronika (main antagonist of the new chapter, Keeper of Time and Architect of Destiny and of the Universe) to faithfully pursue its goal of restarting time and rewriting history. Shrewd and powerful servant, he was designed as a fixed point in time. Every time Geras dies, he is reborn becoming more and more intelligent and above all resistant to the method used to kill him.
In Mortal Kombat 11 will have two different moves available fatality, or Phasing Through Time (Time Offset) e Peeling Back (Pulling back).
Jacqui Briggs
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birth place: Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Ice Daggers, Ice Ax
Fighting style: -
Jacqui Briggs is one of the characters first introduced in Mortal Kombat X. She is the daughter of Officer Jax Briggs, and joined the Special Forces like him in defiance of their will. Seeing what her father had to sacrifice because of his work and because of his inexhaustible dedication, did not discourage or frighten her: rather, a strong feeling of justice was born in her, which leads her to protect both his family than his homeland. You must not be deceived by appearances: it hits hard and calmly holds up even to opponents much bigger than her, proudly carrying on the tradition and tenacity of the Briggs.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Jacqui can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of the moves have not yet been revealed.
Species: Edeniana
Gender: Female
Birth place: Edenia
Weapons used: Steel Fans (Steel Fans), Extendable Staff (Bo), Steel Triblade (Cyclone Thrower)
Fighting style: Fan Zi, Kou Shou, Ninjitsu, Shurikenjutsu, Sōjutsu, Bōjutsu, Tessenjutsu
Jade is an undead of the Occult realm, and one of the main characters in Mortal Kombat 11. Silent Assassin and Imperial Guard, she had been sold by her family when she was still a child to Shao Kahn. Although the latter was the only "parent" and master I have ever known, the girl refused the orders received that forced her to kill her best friend, Kitana, thus deciding to desert him. Reunited with her faithful companion to defend the Kingdom of Earth, she now vows to put an end to the reign of the Emperor.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Jade can perform two different moves fatality, or Bow Before Me (Bow to me) e Pole Dance.
Jax Briggs
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Earthrealm (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Machine Gun, Bionic Weapons and Grenade Launcher
Fighting style: Judo, Muay Thai, Ju-Jitsu
Defender of the Earth Realm and veteran of the saga, Jax Briggs makes an appearance again in Mortal Kombat 11. A cyborg officer belonging to the Special Forces, the fighter lost both arms in a fight, but returned to the battlefield even stronger and more powerful than before thanks to some cyber installations and updates. Despite this transformation, the defeat that saw him mutilated still burns deep within him. He is guided by a strong sense of honor, and he is willing to do anything to protect the Earth.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Jax can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of both moves have not yet been revealed.
Johnny Cage
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Venice in California, Terrestrial Realm (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Bowie Knife, Pistol, Nunchaku
Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Shinto Ryu, Shorin Ryu
Parody of the well-known actor Jean Claude Van Damme, Johnny Cage is a B-grade celebrity, who has never in his life managed to get awards or accolades. After participating in a series of Ninja Mime VHS sequels, his career died out at the age of 28. Narcissist and very vain, he is dedicated to fighting cinematically to save the Earth Realm, to show everyone in real life how, despite his decline, he remains as much a hero as he was on the big screen.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Johnny can perform two fun moves fatality, one with a name still unknown and the other called Practice Makes Perfect (Practice makes perfect).
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Earthrealm (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Hooked Swords
Fighting style: Sun Bin, Goju Ryu, Super Speed
Undead of the Occult Realm, his incredible speed is surpassed only by his greed. Before becoming a revenant, Kabal was a rookie cop, until he met the evil Kano, the one who pushed him to sell his police department in exchange for money and a place in the Black Dragon organization. During a battle against Kahn's demons, the man was seriously injured, suffering serious damage to the respiratory system and finding himself with a now disfigured face. Because of that bad accident, he is therefore forced to wear a mask that hides his face, and which, thanks to a full-face respirator, allows him to breathe.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Kabal can perform two different moves fatality, or Road Rush (Asphalt abrasions) e Hooked (Skewered with Hook).
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Australia, Earthrealm
Weapons used: Butterfly Knives, Boot Knives
Fighting style: Xing Yi, Aikido
Kano is a rude and unscrupulous mercenary from the Outer World, a weapons trader and leader of the Black Dragon organization. Over time he has managed to build a dense network of connections in the black market, a network so vast that it crosses all realms. However, he is never satisfied: his business acumen is also such that he would be willing to stab even his mother, if that were the real price to pay. The bionic eye allows him to launch a powerful laser beam, a feature he was given based on the character's inspiration Terminator, played by Schwarzenegger.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Kano can perform two different moves fatality, among which Face Like A Dropped Pie (Face reduced to a Sfracellata Pie).
Species: Edeniana
Gender: Female
Birth place: Edenia
Weapons used: Steel fans, you know
Fighting style: Eagle Claw, Ba Gua
Kitana is undoubtedly one of the most famous and acclaimed characters in the entire series, and makes her very first appearance in Mortal Kombat 2. Daughter of Queen Sindel and King Jerrod, the girl was originally the princess of the Realm of Edenia, while now she rules the Occult Kingdom alongside her beloved. Liu Kang. The young woman has in fact met death during the invasion of the realm of the Earth, after having sided with Raiden in defense of the earthlings; to kill her was her own mother, Sindel, transformed into a revived. His fatality, Kiss of Death (Kiss of Death), remains the most iconic and well-known of the saga, and is inspired by the death of Dr. Kanaga in the James Bond film Live and Let Die.
At the moment, however, the list of moves is not yet known fatality of Kitana in Mortal Kombat 11 - although it is possible to see one through the presentation trailer of the character.
Species: Naknada
Gender: Man
Birth place: -
Weapons used: Flail, Scythe, Knife, Lantern, Chakram and Bolas
Fighting style: -
Kollector is a new character, and makes his first appearance in the world of the saga with Mortal Kombat 11. Very little is known about him, and even his origin is still unknown. However, we are told that he is a greedy and selfish kombattente, a creature who cares only for his own wealth and status, and who is willing to kill, without delay, anyone who dares to challenge him. Kollector has six arms, two of them smaller, coming from his back, which support a backpack. He is slender and apparently very agile, while his dress is adorned with objects that seem to particularly flaunt his wealth.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Kollector can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of those moves have not yet been revealed.
Kotal Kahn
Species: Osh-Tekk
Gender: Man
Birth place: Outworld
Weapons used: Macuahuitl, Tecpatl, Scythe
Fighting style: -
Kotal Kahn is one of the characters first introduced in Mortal Kombat X. Aztec-inspired warrior, whose realm of Osh-Tekk has been merged with the Outworld, is currently the Emperor of the Outer Realm. Years ago he saved the Empire from the chaos that tormented him, and thus claimed and obtained the throne of Kahn. Now his reign is plagued by growing internal and external tensions: however, determined to maintain order, Kotal struggles against the temptation to resort to the same brutal strategies implemented by his predecessors.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Kotal Kahn can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of the moves have not yet been revealed.
Kung Lao
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: China, Earthrealm
Weapons used: Circular Saw Hat, Dao Sword, Battle Ax
Fighting style: Shaolin Kung Fu, Chinese Kung Fu and Martial Arts, Japanese Martial Arts
Shaolin monk, descendant of Kung Lao the Great and cousin of Liu Kang, unlike what it seems he is a man moved by the constant search for peace, even at the cost of using hard manners. The young man claims his greatness by beating Shang Tsung and Quan Chi's mortal alliance in Mortal Kombat. Unconventional and rebellious, but courageous and indomitable, Kung Lao fights to prove himself worthy of his glorious ancestors. After being killed in the ninth chapter, and being revived in the tenth title of the series, in Mortal Kombat 11 he will make an appearance in two different versions, that is, a "normal" and a revived.
In this eleventh chapter, Kung Lao can perform two different moves fatality, although for the moment the official names have not been disclosed.
Liu Kang
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Honan in China, Earthrealm
Weapons used: Sword of the Dragon, Nunchaku
Fighting style: Shaolin Kung Fu, Chinese Martial Arts and Pyrokinesis
Monk and champion of the Earth Realm, Liu Kang is an adopted orphan trained in the fighting arts of the Shaolin order. He honored the order of monks by defeating Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat, and thus saving the Earth Realm - which allowed him to assume the prestigious title of "Chosen One". Just like Kung Lao, Liu Kang initially met death in the ninth chapter of the series, but managed to come back to life as a revived towards the end of Mortal Kombat X; then becoming master of the Dark Realm, he rules the realm together with his faithful beloved Kitana.
In this eleventh chapter, Liu Kang can perform two different moves fatality, among which One Inch Punch (Punch to a Thumb), taken from the famous technique of Bruce Lee.
Noob Saibot
Species: Dark Cryomancer
Gender: Male
Birth place: China, in the Terrestrial Kingdom, then reborn in the Dark Kingdom (Netherrealm)
Weapons used: Scythe, shadow control
Fighting style: Hapkido, Pi Gua, Chinese Martial Arts
First appeared in Mortal Kombat II, he is a cold and violent, bloodthirsty and amoral warrior. Shadow of the Dark Realm, when Noob Saibot was still alive he was known by the name of Sub-Zero. Unjustly killed by Scorpion after the first tournament, he was later resurrected by Quan Chi, who allowed him to acquire great dark powers in exchange for his services and loyalty. The slavery imposed on him by the man, however, has finally dissolved after his death: now that Quan Chi has disappeared, Noob Saibot can reclaim his freedom and regain the honor that had been taken from him.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Noob Saibot can perform two different ones fatality, but the names of the moves have not yet been revealed.
Species: God
Gender: Male
Birth place: Heaven
Weapons used: Divine staff
Fighting style: Nan Chuan, Jujutsu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, electrokinesis, teleportation
Appeared from the very first chapter of Mortal KombatPresenting himself to the public as the immortal god of lightning and protector of the Earth Kingdom, Raiden is part of the forces of good. Sent by the elder Gods on a mission to protect mankind threatened by Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn, he repeatedly saved the Earth by rallying the most fearless and powerful warriors of the time. However, after so many centuries of fighting and massive bloodshed, he fears that unintended consequences, both for humanity and for himself, are now lurking.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Raiden can perform two different fatality moves, one of which is Alternating Kurrent (AC).
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birth place: Japan, in the Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Kunai, Tantō, Mugai Ryu
Fighting style: Hapkido, Pi Gua, Moi Fah
Scorpion Grandmaster of Shirai Ryu, he is probably the most iconic character and symbol of the entire Mortal Kombat seriesas well as one of the most loved kombattenti by fans. Scorpion is the speudonym chosen by Hanzo Hasashi, a revenant moved by anger and revenge: he has in fact gone and returned from Hell to avenge his family and his clan, and only found "peace" after the death of the their exterminator, Quan Chi. Now he leads a new Shirai Ryu and works in the service of the weakest, of those who cannot take justice for themselves.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Scorpion can perform two different moves fatality, or Chain Reaction (Chain Reaction) e You're next (You're next).
Shang tsung
Species: Human / Sorcerer
Gender: Man
Birth place: China, in the Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Sword Jian
Fighting style: Chinese Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Shapeshifter
Powerful sorcerer and a main antagonist in the Mortal Kombat saga, Shang Tsung he is a shapeshifter who needs to consume souls to sustain his health and continue to stay alive. In the series he is a symbol of cunning and decadence, a man who loves to attend sumptuous parties, live in grand buildings and wear elegant clothes. But all this constant ostentation is only a facade: this apparent and sumptuous superficiality voluntarily masks Shang's true intellectual and mental stature.
In Mortal Kombat 11, the fighter can perform two different fatality moves, both of which have not yet been revealed. We also point out that the character will only be available through the purchase of the DLC.
Shao Kahn
Species: God
Gender: Man
Birth place: Outworld
Weapons used: Hammer of Wrath
Fighting style: Tai Tzu, Lui He, Khapsagay
Main antagonist of the saga, Shao Kahn was initially in the service of the Dragon King Onaga, the emperor of the Outer Realm, the one who managed to create the largest empire ever made. However, before Onaga's dream of immortality could finally be fulfilled, Shao Kahn decided to betray him, poisoning him and taking his place. For millennia he has thus dominated kingdoms, rapidly expanding his empire by means of conquests. But when he set out to conquer the Kingdom of Earth, he was stopped by the rules of Mortal Kombat. Discouraged but very determined, Shao Kahn still claims absolute victory.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Shao Kahn can perform two different fatality moves, including Double Down (Double). We also point out that the kombattente will only be available through the purchase of the DLC.
Species: Genetic experiment
Gender: Female
Birth place: Outworld
Weapons used: Kunai, Tantō, Blood sickle, Blood spear, Blood whip, Blood tendrils
Fighting style: Ninjitsu
Skarlet is a rather enigmatic character in the Mortal Kombat universe: originally born from a programming error, it was later made an integral part of the roster. Bloodmage and Imperial Bodyguard, very little is known about her and her history; but before Shao Kahn consecrated her with blood, Skarlet was a desperate and starving derelict. Reborn from her sorcery with an insatiable desire for blood and the power to feed it, her vampiric cravings are only comparable to her immense and inexhaustible desire to be praised by Shao Khan. It is therefore no coincidence that the kombattente is currently his most lethal and faithful creation.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Skarlet can perform two different moves fatality, or Bloody Mess (Blood Slaughterhouse) e Heart Kondition (Kardiac Disorder).
Sonya Blade
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birth place: Austin in Texas, Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Strangle wire, Grenades, Firearms
Fighting style: Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do
Veteran of the series, makes his first appearance in the first chapter of Mortal Kombat as a member of the United States Special Forces Unit and the Outer World Detective Agency, as well as the only selectable female character. A valiant medal-winning officer, Sonya faced the Mortal Kombat tournament, defended the Kingdom of Earth and rescued her partner Jax Briggs. Serious and workaholic, she never gives herself a day off, preferring work and constantly staying alert, at least until all kingdoms are safe from attempts to conquer.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Noob Saibot can perform two different moves fatality, or To the Choppa (To the helicopter) e Supply Drop (Supply Delivery).
Spawn ★
Species: Demon
Gender: Man
Birth place: -
Weapons used: -
Fighting style: -
Probably made available as guest character only through the purchase of the DLC, the infernal creature conceived by Todd McFarlane (co-creator of Venom) is expected to appear on the post-launch Mortal Kombat 11 roster. Still, however, it has not been released nothing official in this regard, nor revealed anything more specific about the lore and the moveset of the character within the fighting game.
Species: Cryomancer
Gender: Man
Birth place: China, in the Terrestrial Kingdom (Earthrealm)
Weapons used: Ice Daggers, Ice Ax
Fighting style: Shotokan, Dragon, Teleportation, Cryokinesis
Among the most symbolic characters of the series, Sub-Zero has made its appearance in the universe of Mortal Kombat since the first chapter, remaining to date the only kombattente to be always present in all the titles of the saga. Sub-Zero is the pseudonym used by Kuai Liang, Grand Master of the Lin Kuei clan, the one who defeated death to save his clan from the misdeeds of Sektor and the cyborgs Lin Kuei. After successfully re-establishing the clan and negotiating peace with Shirai Ryu rivals, Sub-Zero now hopes he can finally put an end to Lin Kuei's string of past sins.
In Mortal Kombat 11, Sub-Zero can perform two different fatality moves, namely Ice-Cutioner (Ice executioner) e Frozen in Time (Frozen in Time).