Despite what happened with Konami, Kojima presents us with his new (and perhaps last) masterpiece of the most famous series of all time. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain it was undoubtedly a great surprise and exceeded all our expectations. With this article we are going to analyze and summarize what will be Snake's last testament.
Change of plans
At the first approach the title shows itself as a successor to Ground Zeroes in all respects. The movements and feel of the controls are improved and perfected, making everything much more comfortable. The peculiarity of this title is comparable to the Mother Base itself: at first a simple meeting point, it will be upgradeable and you can get to make it so big and majestic that you have to move in a Jeep! The whole game will show this approach, giving you features and news from time to time: as soon as you think you have seen everything in the game, you will understand that you have thought wrong.
Remembering the old Metal Gear Solid, the inclusion of a free roaming world was an important change of course. Kojima also promised us more substantial missions and so it was. The approach methods in the missions will have to take into account many factors: the player is granted the possibility to use his own tactics, the dynamics of the infiltrations will be similar to those of the origins of the saga, forcing Snake to be extremely stealthy when he moves. At your choice, you can also interrogate an enemy for information on missions. Obviously Metal Gear Solid V does not want to be a free roaming like GTA, and therefore the open approach at the same time will not sacrifice the characterization of the characters, the narration and the twists, which have always been the cornerstone and excellence of this saga. . But unlike Metal Gear Solid 4, the key moments of the story will not be shown through scenes, but will be deepened and told through the dialogues of the characters, others through text files, audio cassettes or classic calls via codec.
To complicate matters will be the vast size of the areas to be explored and the frequent risk of running into patrols of soldiers, but don't worry, you will be given alternatives to evade surveillance. This will also happen thanks to the variable climatic conditions that will help you to be invisible, perhaps hiding among the local fauna or waiting for the right weather. Unlike Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, in fact, set in a base, we will have a larger world in this chapter.
In weapons, a bullet drop system will be implemented that will regulate aiming and firing through physical factors related to the weapon's shooting capacity, target distance and gravity. We will find the classic Slow Motion of the Reflex system when you are discovered by the guards, a necessary feature according to Hideo Kojima, as the vastness of the map makes everything more difficult. But to increase the difficulty you can safely disable this function.
Hours and hours
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will have side missions with different objectives, not always related to the plot, and they will be sometimes funny and sometimes crazy. The title promises a really high amount of hours of play, touching about 30 hours of history. With the side missions, challenges and objectives, you should get to about a hundred hours of gameplay. Recall that this game will be 200 times larger than its predecessor.
Dear (and old) Snake?
In this chapter, after the 9 years spent in a coma due to the attack received at the end of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Snake will be angry, seeking revenge, and most of all disturbed. This shattered psyche of his will be the co-star of the whole story, accompanying him in his choices.
As for the audio-video sector, the soundtrack was once again entrusted to Harry Gregson-Williams, while the FOX Engine will give a great visual impact for this generation of consoles.
A game, a reality
But this title, which goes to videogame frontiers never visited, how much does it revolutionize the videogame world? Of course the game is a big step forward, and its tendency to have real and natural approaches is demonstrable by a couple of features. Firstly, the people you bring to your team on your missions, as it should be, will all be different, with unique abilities, and therefore it will be up to you to decide who to bring and when. Also, being in foreign areas, the language to dear old Snake will be incomprehensible. In your opinion, what would the “real” solution to the problem be? Find an interpreter! And here, if you find him and recruit him, everything will be more understandable.
Fulton, what a passion!
The Fulton system, already seen in Peace Walker (that balloon that you attached to soldiers to send them to Mother Base) will return to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. This time, however, you can attach it to any element, of course always if the weight allows it. If it's too heavy, no problem - just upgrade.
And here you can take soldiers to recruit, vehicles, animals or containers (containing various objects and materials).
Metal Gear Online
Finally, how to forget one of the funniest ways: Metal Gear Online! Already in the old Metal Gear Solid 4 this mode caused a sensation (remember that a similar thing had already appeared in Metal Gear Solid 3), placing all the dynamics of the game in an online context. We sincerely hope that all the unique characters return, that is, the ability to use these characters from the main story in the online mode. We do not know anything else about this mode, except what we already wrote some time back in this article that we recommend you to read.
In short, the game is very much awaited in the editorial office, we can't wait to get our hands on it. We remind you that, on day one, or 1 September, you can find the review directly on our portal. We leave you with a video of the game. Good vision!