La review of Mech Arena: Robot Showdown it is about huge robots that compete in different arenas with the aim of conquering control points or simply eliminating each other until one of the two teams on the field reaches the necessary score to obtain victory.
In short, the formula is not the most original, and even in the mobile field we have seen dozens of similar productions try to bring home the result, build a solid user base and therefore create a platform capable of sustaining itself through the inevitable microtransactions, which in this case serve to accelerate the progression and inevitably have implications pay-to-win.

It is precisely these drifts of the model freemium to put a spoke in the wheels of Mech Arena: Robot Showdown, because beyond these aspects, which begin to be felt albeit slightly after the first few hours, the title developed by Plarium Global is really, really solid . Indeed, to be honest, it is surprising how all the elements fit together perfectly to create an extremely pleasant experience.
It starts with a single mech, but in the end our roster will be able to count on five different models that we will be able to customize and enhance as we see fit, and which actually represent our "energy" during matches: when all our robot will have been destroyed, for us it will be the game over. Before reaching surrender, however, we will be able to play it by taking advantage of the equipment and special abilities of each of them.
Il control system touch, almost perfect, has a repositionable virtual analog stick on the left side of the screen and the ability to rotate the view at will by acting instead on the right side, where there are buttons to open fire with both weapons mounted on the arms of the mech or with only one of them. Here, in fact, the concept of independent recharge takes over, which can make the difference between victory and defeat in a direct confrontation.
In short, there is no automatic fire when a target is framed, but considering the rather rhythmic rhythms of the action this does not represent a problem. To give you an idea, Mech Arena: Robot Showdown is closer to World of Tanks Blitz than any competitive hero shooter, so you won't find yourself dodging shots quickly but moving (often slowly!) Behind cover to avoid. to take too much damage.

The unlockable robots are currently fourteen, but the weaponry they are much more numerous and make a difference in battle, substantially influencing our approach to combat. In fact, we move from machine guns to missile launchers, from lasers to energy cannons, with different fire timing and yield. The ability to mount one tool rather than another depends on the development of the mech, governed by the credits and items earned in battle.
The whole part relating to the upgrades takes up the traditional progression of this genre of games, which as mentioned at some point is inevitably spoiled by pay-to-win implications. However, matchmaking seems to bring order from this point of view, keeping the balance within the three mode available to us: Control Point Scuffle, Deadly Combat 5V5 and Deadly Combat 2V2.
Technical realization

Beyond the numbers and mechanics that characterize the experience of Mech Arena: Robot Showdown, the game is undoubtedly supported in an important way by a technical sector of excellent workmanship, which allows you to adjust the graphic quality and frame rate (on the iPhone 12 Pro we were able to set everything to the maximum without problems) to obtain a remarkable glance and the fluidity necessary to guarantee the best possible shooting accuracy.
It is all very beautiful to see, the pastel colors that dominate the arenas are reminiscent of the aforementioned hero shooters and the mechs appear well differentiated, although their design go and draw on an aesthetic that over the years has been fundamentally abused in any way and is therefore quite inflated: do not expect very original robots or particularly fresh solutions.
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Readers (1)
Your voteMech Arena: Robot Showdown is a really solid and well-made competitive shooter, which draws lessons from the various similar productions available on iOS and Android to deliver us a system that basically lacks nothing, with an excellent touch control system, fluid graphics and detailed, a handful of modes always full of users to challenge and a matchmaking that during our tests never showed signs of uncertainty. In terms of aesthetics, mechanics and structure, the Plarium Global title is certainly not very original and at some point the pay-to-win elements inevitably pop out, but in principle the developers have packaged a great product.
- Solid and enjoyable gameplay
- Excellent technical achievement
- Effective matchmaking, many online users
- Don't ask him for originality
- Inevitable pay-to-win implications
- Sound sector a little too essential