Max Payne 3 Goals Guide [1000G Xbox 360]
Here is the complete solution to unlock all achievements of Max Payne 3. Our tips to unlock all the achievements and get and get the 1000 G.
Taste the pain Completed story MEDIUM See suggestions for the "Unbearable Pain" result. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. |
Intense pain Completed story DIFFICULT See suggestions for the "Unbearable Pain" result. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. |
Extreme pain Story completed OLD SCHOOL To unlock this game mode, you must first complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting. |
Unbearable pain Story completed HARDCORE Complete the game on this difficulty and you will also get the "Taste the Pain" and "Intense Pain" achievement. Then you can play "Old School" mode to unlock "Extreme Pain" as well. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. ![]() |
Part I completed Complete Part I of the Story Objective linked to history, impossible to miss. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. |
Part II completed Complete Part II of the Story Objective linked to history, impossible to miss. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. |
Part III completed Complete Part III of the Story Objective linked to history, impossible to miss. Follow the video solution if you have difficulty at any point. |
At the last breath Finish Last Breath Mode To unlock this mode you will have to finish the game at least once on any difficulty. You will get additional seconds for each kill you make, time will slow down when you use bullet time. |
The shadows enveloped me Unlock and complete Last Breath Hardcore To unlock Last Breath Hardcore you will need to complete this mode first on Normal difficulty. Be very careful because dying means starting from the first chapter. |
At the window Get 6 kills while jumping from the window of the VIP room MANUAL AIM Chapter 2 - Checkpoint 2. The target must be set to manual. If you go out and reload the checkpoint (you can only do this if you already finished the chapter once). Follow the video. |
The one-eyed man rules Cover Passos without missing a shot with the sniper rifle Chapter 3 - Checkpoint 12. You have to kill a total of 13 enemies without missing a shot. If you fail, exit and reload the checkpoint (you can only do this if you have already finished the chapter once). Follow the video. |
Something they won't forget Get 7 kills while jumping from the boat. MANUAL AIM Chapter 5 - Checkpoint 6. In the video I propose below the explosive tank is used to kill a part of enemies. Fire a miss to alert the enemies, then immediately hit the tank and jump with the bullet time in order to kill some enemies with the explosion while you finish the others with the gun, all this while you are in the air with the manual aim. . Note: it seems that with the patch the enemies killed by the explosion of the tank do not count, so you should kill them all with your weapon. Try it out. |
A known feeling Clear the corridor of lasers Chapter 4 - Checkpoint 8. Follow the video |
Among the wreckage Destroy all the models in the meeting room Chapter 6 - Checkpoint 3. To be counted as destroyed, just shoot the models a couple of times. Follow the video |
All this to be clever Get 9 kills while being pulled up by a MANUAL AIM chain Chapter 7 - Checkpoint 9. Remember to have the manual Aim. Follow the video |
The only way out Get 8 kills while dangling from a MANUAL AIM chain Chapter 10 - Checkpoint 5. Remember you have manual aiming. Follow the video |
The problems had come to me Eliminate all enemies during the bus ride Chapter 10 - Checkpoint 11. Do this on the lowest difficulty so that you have a longer bullet time. At the end of the tunnel you will see a guy with the rocket launcher. After killing him a rocket will explode which will take out several enemies, finish the ones left. Video |
On the caravan of life Activate a Bullet Cam on the MANUAL MIRA cable car Chapter 11 - Checkpoint 11. Remember that you are in manual aiming. To activate the bullet cam you have to kill all the enemies. Follow the video |
Just a matter of luck Get a headshot while the roof shakes Chapter 12 - Checkpoint 11. Help yourself with bullet time to perform this headshot when the roof starts shaking. |
The only thing is to strike blindly Get 6 kills while on the MANUAL AIM TROLLEY Chapter 13 - Checkpoint 14. Remember to have manual aim. If you fail you can always reload the checkpoint. |
Trail of corpses Destroy everything on the runway Chapter 14 - Checkpoint 12. In pursuit of the plane you will have to destroy all vehicles on the runway, including the police car and helicopters. If you miss any, remember that you can always reload the checkpoint. Follow the video |
The fear of losing it Survive in a level without using painkillers It won't be difficult at all in the first level playing on the easiest difficulty. |
It is fear that gives wings 10 kills in a row with Bullet Time® You need to get 10 kills in one bullet time. Here is an example |
You could hurt someone, you know? Shoot 10 grenades in flight There are some sequences in the game where you will be asked to do just that, you won't have a hard time unlocking it. |
One bullet at a time 300 headshots Always aim for the head during the game and you should have no problem unlocking it. This Achievement is cumulative, so after finishing the game repeat a few chapters if you haven't unlocked it yet (and always aim for the head!) |
We'll see who laughs last 100 melee kills As per description. It won't be difficult to get to 100 by continuing to play. This achievement is cumulative, so after finishing the game, repeat a few chapters if you haven't unlocked it yet |
Darkness advanced in the sky 100 kills during Shootdodge As per description. It won't be difficult to get to 100 by continuing to play. This achievement is cumulative, so after finishing the game, repeat a few chapters if you haven't unlocked it yet |
Bullets of ice were raining Kill 30 enemies in 2 minutes Chapter 5 - Checkpoint 14. It is the best place to try to unlock it. Do as in the video. |
A hundred bullets ago Use every weapon in the game The weapons in total are 26. Do a few kills with each and you will get this Achievement. Here is the complete list of weapons.
Beyond the point of no return Use 100 pain relievers You will certainly need them in the course of the game. If you fail to reach 100 in the first game, reload a chapter and continue until the achievement is unlocked. |
A voice from the past Find all the clues Follow our guide to clues. |
Nice place for a date Find all the places where tourists are hiding Follow our tourist guide. |
License to kill Find all the pieces of the golden weapons Follow our guide to weapon parts. |
This was enough for me and advanced Complete all Grinds in single player mode To see the complete list of grinds go to the "Grind" screen from the main menu. To get this achievement you will have to complete them all at Platinum. Follow our grind guide. |
Great complete Complete every multiplayer mode including all Guerrilla stories ONLINE goal. You must complete a full game of each mode to earn this achievement. |
Pain bearer Kill 100 players ONLINE goal. Keep playing online and you will unlock it very soon. |
Max Payne Invitational Invite someone to play through the game menu. ONLINE goal. There is no need for the friend to accept the invitation, just send it and you will get this Goal. |
The man of a thousand weapons Unlock all weapons ONLINE goal. Keep playing online, leveling up and unlocking various weapons. |
The man of a thousand faces Unlock all faction characters. ONLINE goal. The characters are 6 in total. Keep playing online and leveling up and you'll unlock them all (just get around level 7) |
Deadly challenge Win in any public Deathmatch ONLINE goal. Play a Deathmach (NO teams) and finish first. Keep playing and practicing, sooner or later you will make it. (can be boasted together with a friend). |
Desecrator of graves Loot a corpse ONLINE goal. Playing online as soon as you see a killed opponent approach and press the button to loot him and you will get this Achievement. |
Gambler Bet won ONLINE goal. In guerrilla mode it is possible to place bets. Win one and you will get this Achievement. |
Complete training Reach level 50 ONLINE goal. Keep playing online to earn experience points (XP) and level up. Multiplayer challenges are a good way to earn extra XP. |
My best friend Kill someone on your friends list ONLINE goal. This applies to any type of multiplayer game, just kill someone on your friends list. |
Max Payne's Secret Goals 3
Sweep Perfect victory in team guerrilla warfare. In a guerrilla match, your team must achieve a perfect victory, ie they must win all 5 rounds of the match. |
You push a man too far Don't shoot the Un-armed man. Warning: SPOILER In the last mission of the game you will face Becker who will have the grenade launcher. When you get close there will be an intermission downhill, DO NOT shoot him for this objective. |