Marvel's Avengers since its release (our review here) it has always been under the eye of the storm, but March 18 was probably a new starting point for the game. In fact, with the arrival of the next gen update and theOperation Future Imperfect, many small problems that previously undermined the experience have been solved, even if from a playful point of view the product is still far from what it should be. Regarding the content side Square Enix just launched its roadmap, with main focus on introducing Black Panther as the next hero. Net of everything, however, in addition to Hawkeye, this new upgrade brings a breath of fresh air, and although the general experience still does not differ significantly from that of day one, the Future Imperfect operation represents a really important step forward.
A way to save
The biggest introduction of this DLC is definitely Clint barton, or rather Hawkeye, one of the most beloved characters in the universe The Marvel movies comic book. Clint is a teacher and mentor of Kate bishop, already known in the previous expansion. In this new story Hawkeye takes the player to seek answers in a dark future, in one new area call Wastelands, so as to save the present Earth from the imminent invasion Kree. Finding out the exact location of Nick Fury will be crucial to the success of the mission, as well as fighting against Maestro, an evil Hulk who in addition to the power of the Jade Giant can exploit the intelligence of Bruce Banner.
Operation Imperfect Future lasts about a couple of hours, but what really perplexes is the choice of the hero. Hawkeye, of course, is without super powers, he uses only his katana and his arrows. So as regards its moveset and skills, although different from Kate and particularly more oriented to an offensive game, you will find two very similar heroes. As for the enemies instead, they will always be mainly the same, but with the addition of the Cargo Runner Synthoid, a new opponent who can appear in various places. This syntoid transposes objects and will try to escape at the first sign of danger. If you are able to chase it and destroy it, the enemy will lose the items it is carrying.
Marvel's Avengers Technical Enhancements
The next gen update will be free to download for all those who have already purchased Marvel's Avengers on old gen. You will find yourself in front of a game with a new graphic design, detail improvements and the now classic loading speed. But not only this, in fact you can choose between having a graphics optimized to the maximum or prefer the performance mode, or the one with a stable frame rate and that we highly recommend. Furthermore, users will now be able to take advantage of cross-gen to facilitate machmaking, which has been significantly improved but which in some cases sobs a little. Certainly now it will be possible to do a series of missions in the company by finding players online, since everything has been well balanced even according to the level of the heroes. If you have a low-level character and want to have a quick game, the game will put you in the mission that is most congenial to you with other players with your same needs. As for the users of PS5, DuaslSense it literally seems to explode: almost everything uses adaptive vibrations and triggers, for an even more immersive experience.
The most interesting function, but also the one most requested, is the one dedicated to the possibility of replay the available campaigns from the beginning. Passing the game data of the two versions is simple, but for anyone who has problems, I refer you to our dedicated guide. At the end, the HARM room will finally be customizable, so that you can train according to your tastes. Regardless of this, the main thing that emerges is that the technical problems of the game have almost been solved: the continuous drops in frame rates of the last version were giving some players, myself included, a headache from the moment of the release of this version. next gen version instead are you can play in peace without getting tired.
In conclusion we can say that the operation Future Imperfect of Marvel's Avengers is a major step forward, both as regards the overall content and the technical side. Certainly nothing is upset, but finally the product begins to have the characteristics of a real game. The future looks bright, the development house has been clear in the communication and reveals the desire to continue to focus on a winning horse like the Marvel licenses. Unfortunately, this kind of titles will have to be evaluated over the long term, but today, finally, it is starting to have its own strong identity.