Il rhythm Game it is probably one of the most versatile genres currently on the market, as each product in this category has its own style of play. The different usable gimmicks, the innumerable accessibility options and the control systems offer a great possibility of approaches for the developer on duty. Mad Rat Dead identifies itself as one of those productions that exploits various possibilities offered in the field of game design, inserting in the middle also a pinch of platformer it's a typically Japanese art style. The latest work by the boys of Nippon Ichi Software, currently available for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, therefore presents itself as an absolutely interesting experience, at least for the objectives it sets itself.
A mouse and a half
The story of Mad Rat Dead is downright surreal and over the top, not taking itself too seriously but offering good interaction and dialogue. We play the role of a mad rat without a name that, after being apparently dead at the behest of a human, he awakens in a kind of paradise made entirely of cheese. Here it meets the god of mice, a being with female features who decides to allow our protagonist to relive the last day of his life so as to fulfill his greatest wish. Our anti-hero certainly has no good intentions, since his goal is to kill the human who has always been experimenting on him in that hateful laboratory. Start like this a training trip where there are some small twists, good ideas of the narrative and a friendship that is created in an unexpectedly natural way. In particular, this last characteristic of the script is interesting, a relationship that is created between the mouse and a sentient heart from one eye, which is very simple but functional in its purpose. The story, although it is absolutely nothing original or superlative, manages to be characterized by gods good characters and a simple but well-written moral.
The real beating heart remains the gameplay which, as we have already mentioned, is a mixed between rhythm game and 2D platform. We find ourselves having to listen and play the rhythm of the soundtrack through every single movement of the protagonist. In fact, to perform excellent jumps, attacks or simple fast movements you must press the keys at the right time. The goal of the game then becomes pretty simple, that is reach the end of each stage in the best possible way to earn the S + rating. Like any good product of this kind, any performance made by the player materializes in a conclusive evaluation based on the points earned, the combos and some other factors. Unfortunately, the difficulty required to achieve good results is particularly low, so that the player can get good scores without making serious efforts. Each level then presents a timer which, having reached zero, causes the only real game over possible for our hero. Unfortunately, this too is a feature made to make up numbers, given that only in the final stages is required that minimum of commitment and extra attention. Obviously, in case you reach this fateful and unwanted game over, you are forced to replay the level from the beginning.
A watch in the heart
One of the main features of Mad Rat Dead remains the ability to travel back time. In fact, by pressing two certain buttons on the controller, it is possible to correct our mistakes at any moment of the level. This feature certainly has its advantages but even of the disadvantages, like the interruption of the combo count or the timer that does not come back unlike our actions. The game, however, provides that this function is used continuously since it is possible to take the maximum score even by making several mistakes. It should be noted that this journey through time has begun automatically in case we make a fatal mistake, thus avoiding having to return to some checkpoint. It all helps the player a lot but it turns out too rewarding, disappointing those who might seek some degree of challenge in such products.
The guys from Nippon Ichi Software have however inserted one difficult mode to compensate, but even this does not fully meet the expectations it sets itself. Unlike the normal difficulty, where it is required to follow patterns composed of a single key, here a variant is added in which every now and then you have to quickly press the usual button twice. Of course, following the rhythm of the combinations is slightly more complicated, but for more experienced gamers even this feature may seem like a joke. Another flaw of the game is summed up in one rather short main story, which can be completed in a period between three and four hours. The number of accessible internships is not very high, aiming mainly at the replayability factor of the work. The latter is certainly a winning card, moreover with the possibility of being able to try every level with any trace of the product. Unfortunately, in addition to dealing with the usual sections, there is really nothing else to do, with the monotony that will soon take over.
To the rhythm in the sewers
Mad Rat Dead could not then be missed boss battles, all so varied that they are among the most successful parts of the product. In fact, if the structure of the level design of the main levels is likely to tire soon, the boss-fights give a good variety and offer always different strategies for each fight. Then thehigh customization rate offered by the options, where you can change the preset functions of the controls. We cannot then forget to mention the soundtrack, since we are talking about a rhythm game. Well five artists they have lent their talent in the musical sector of the opera directed by Kazuma Osaka, thus managing to present tracks that are not unforgettable but certainly catchy. In fact, the compositions succeed well in their task of transporting the player between the various levels, albeit without ever really shining.
As regards the Criware, the engine has been used properly to give the production the splendid cartoon look. The art design curated by Yu Mizokami it is dynamic and lively, striking a lot of all audiences. Furthermore, at least in the PlayStation 4 version we tested, it is not present any kind of slowdown or bugs whatsoever, detail that demonstrates an excellent job in terms of optimization. Finally, a localization must be reported only in English, although the dialogues are easy to understand.