So here we are, the second episode of Life is Strange 2 is finally available and already from the title given by the developer, that is “Rules”, we can guess what direction this chapter will take. We would like to make a small premise though: this second episode, if we want to call it that, is the classic moment of transition, when finally the foundations narrated above are developing but, unfortunately, it is still too early to reap the benefits. However, let's take a slight step back: we left Sean and Daniel still on the run from the police, the two are still wanted after the terrible events that led to the death of their father and, together with him, also of an agent. In a panic Sean, the eldest of the two Diaz brothers, ran away taking the little one with him, cutting all ties with the past and taking with him what he could, with the sole aim of getting to Mexico before the law can reach them. The two boys are obviously innocent, but explaining some dynamics to adults is never easy.
The importance of the family
Certainly one of the main themes of Life is Strange it is the importance of the family, a warm nucleus which, in most cases, has exploded, leaving room for hatred and sorrow. Despite a childhood that saw Sean and Daniel abandoned by their mother, the life of the two brothers was quite normal, at least until the day of the accident that left them fatherless. In the first episode we saw how difficult it is to get up after a bad fall, or to restore something broken, but in Life is Strange everything is possible. We have seen scenes of deep racial hatred and moments of infinite tenderness, in Rules the music has changed slightly. The two brothers are still in the forest and, as their temporary shelter is not the best in comfort, a solution will need to be found soon. This turns out to be the home of the maternal grandparents who, despite no longer having a relationship with their daughter, are closely attached to the two grandchildren. If the development house with the first episode kept us hooked thanks to a higher pace, in this chapter we will enjoy a taste of "normal life", as if it were so easy to forget what happened a short time ago.
The family as a fixed point, for better or for worse. In all houses there are rules to be respected and these can be of various kinds, which serve to behave well or to hide secrets we do not know. However, a minimum of common sense is enough to understand that there is a fine line that allows us to break them, a context in which to act in the right despite our actions being ethically wrong. Sean and Daniel act just like that, breaking the rules to find the right path in this very wrong world. The adventure will lead you to get to know your grandparents better, thus starting to understand some of the attitudes of the mother who has now disappeared. As previously stated however, you lack a lot of rhythm, even if the historical moral choices of the saga start out subdued and then become more and more important. Rules mostly relates to Captain Spirit's Fantastic Adventures, which now finally acquires a completely different flavor. Daniel's power now enters the life of the boys with arrogance, carving out a preponderant role. Although this time you will not be in control of it, you will be directly accountable through your own decisions.
Rules, rules and more rules
The entire production of Life is Strange it revolves around a system of choices, and even in this chapter, your actions can forge one ending instead of another. If survival was essential in the first chapter, now social relations are back too, difficult to balance and maintain. The decisions will not only affect both brothers, but you will also be forced to take into account other people and how they might react to certain stimuli or inputs. Surely, now that Daniel's powers are getting stronger, managing such a small boy will not be easy at all, you will have to know how to balance your attitude, understand the right moment to use a hard fist against your little brother or leave him alone and see. how he develops his personality "autonomously". The powers are conveyed this time, they can be very useful for providing extra approaches to the player, but remember one thing: every action has a price to pay. You will not be directly using telekinesis, you will be forced to take into account many factors, such as the ability to control, the danger of situations and much more. You won't just have to help Daniel manage his peculiarity, but also educate him to know when and how to use it.
The rules in this episode are not only given by the adults, but it is Sean himself who imposes them on Daniel, so as to protect him and try to better manage his paranormal nature. These commandments will not always be respected, or rather, it will be difficult to understand that thin gray line in which you can work. Both will be challenged, given the contrast in keeping these powers hidden and using them to help the people who orbit the two boys. Rules are important, but morality too, and when they prevent us from doing the right thing, sticking to them becomes difficult.
In conclusion we can say that the second episode of Life is Strange 2 could actually kick off a not indifferent gear change for this series, but for now it's still too early to talk about it. Certainly the experience differs for some small peculiarities, even if basic is always and in any case LIS. The music led us again to identify with the adventure, once again taking the narrated events to heart. Living situations beyond our control leaves the player with different sensations, first of all the moral obligation to educate a little brother upset by past events, who uses a power he knows nothing about to feel special and unique. The ability of the development company in knowing how to bring tremendously intense scenes in a delicate way remains amazing, and it is equally astonishing how the impact of some images can reach straight to the heart making you breathless. The only real flaw is that Rules only take off at a later time, remaining slightly under known in the first part.