If you know No Time to Explain, you already know that the recent one is the third release on the market for this game. The tinyBuildGames title can in fact date its origin to 2011, the year in which the team formed by Tom Brien and Alex Nichiporchik published it for the first time in Flash format on the Newsgrounds website. Given the success, two years later No Time to Explain replied on Steam, on which it arrived after a successful campaign on Kickstarter: although the backers had guaranteed about 19.000 dollars more than the 7.000 requested, the final version for PC was haunted from bugs that heavily undermined its playability. Given the failure of the first attempt, the two guys didn't give up, and decided to put together a Remastered version arrived a few days ago on PC and Xbox One.
2011, 2013 and 2015: for No Time to Explain there is no two without three, thanks to the Remastered version!
I am you from the future
True to its name, No Time to Explain throws the player straight into the middle of the action, sketching the plot with a very small introduction in which the protagonist is surprised at his home by a mysterious character, who claims to be himself from the future. .

Not even time to finish the phrase "I am you from the future" (a catchphrase in the course of the adventure), that the self-of-the-future is carried away by a giant crab, dropping a laser beam that will become the endowment principal of the present-self launched in search of the other character. Contrary to what one might think, the ray is not a real weapon, given that for most of the time it is used as a jetpack, exploiting its thrust towards the opposite direction with respect to which it is aimed to make jumps and reach platforms around the level otherwise not accessible. Unlike the game seen in 2013, the experience offered by this Remastered version undoubtedly manages to reach enough, but unfortunately it is not exempt from some problems that end up annoying the player. In particular, the laser is the main accused: during the adventure its power seems to change without an apparent explanation, thus causing an unpleasant swing in the precision of the jumps that one expects to make. In the worst cases, we end up trying our luck by trying again until fate decides to get us past the tipping point. It is no coincidence that No Time to Explain paradoxically gives its best in the phases in which the main weapon is put aside, such as when it is necessary to use a rifle to exploit the recoil to make the jumps in a similar way. , but much more precisely than the laser. The level in which the genre of the game completely changes, entering a horizontal scrolling shooter where the laser is used as a real weapon to take down enemies is also quite successful. The other occasions where this happens are represented by the bosses, apparently difficult in some cases, but all simple enough to deal with once their dynamics have been properly studied. During the normal levels the lives available to the player are infinite with the presence of checkpoints from which to resume in case of death, but during the final clashes there are three lives available before the fight against the boss of the turn resumes from the beginning , erasing progress.
Simple and straightforward
Compared to the 2013 version, from a technical point of view No Time to Explain Remastered is presented in a completely different way: the developers have in fact completely cleaned up the graphics sector, eliminating the annoying frame rate losses that had sent the players into a beast.

In analyzing the details of No Time to Explain we must not forget that it is a title created to appear in Flash format on Newsgrounds: the style is therefore minimal, with reduced details and almost absent animations. The levels reflect with their variegated colors the madness that pervades the whole adventure, passed to chase the character from the future between jokes and screams that offer moments of quite pleasant humor, even if not always at the same level. The Remastered edition also brings with it a multiplayer mode, which allows you to play locally up to a maximum of 4 players thanks to the addition of controller support, both on PC and Xbox One: at full ranks it adds further chaos to the dynamics of the game, thus obtaining a good way to spend an evening. The soundtrack is very satisfying, which accompanies us with an adequate rhythm as we jump around the various levels, in which at times the good effects and the speech are lost perhaps a little too much in the general confusion of the screams thrown by the protagonist, both in present and future version. The price of 14,99 euros is perhaps a bit exaggerated, considering that we are talking about a title that can be completed in about three hours and replayable only to collect some alternative hats, or try the levels created by other users thanks to the internal editor.
PC System Requirements
Test Setup
- Operating System: Windows 8.1
- CPU: Intel i7 920 2.66 @ 4.00 GHz
- RAM: 16 GB
- Video card: GeForce GTX 970
Minimum requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP
- CPU: 1 GHz
- RAM: MB 512
- Video Card: 256 MB
Tested version PC Windows Digital Delivery Steam Price 14,99 € Resources4Gaming.com6.2
Readers (4)
Your voteNo Time to Explain Remastered certainly represents the best version of the game made by tinyBuildGames, but that doesn't mean it has become a masterpiece. The not always adequate use of the main weapon ends up overshadowing the good work done to clean up the 2013 version, which at the time came out with too many problems. Overall, No Time to Explain offers some particularly fun moments especially for those who love Super Meat Boy-style platformers, but it's not a title you'll remember for long.
- Very nice music
- Very funny in some places
- Cleaned up compared to 2013
- Not very precise in some phases
- Insignificant plot
- A little short for the price