While the videogame market together with the players rediscovers in recent years the taste for graphic adventures, experimenting with artistic visual solutions and refined narration systems, the developer CrazyBunch aims to renew an old glory born in the late 80s. We are talking about the spicy series Leisure Suit Larry which relies on a purely classic and traditionally irreverent style to present the new chapter, Wet Dreams Don't Dry, entrusting its distribution to Assemble entertainment.
Parodies VM 18
Once again the good Larry laffer, self-styled playboy, finds himself the protagonist of a point and click adventure that has the retro and mischievous taste of sexy comedies. For this reason, as soon as we access the initial screen of the game, we will be asked a series of questions, to prove to the system that the player is of age: in fact, the questions concern various icons of the 80s, many of which require an average in-depth knowledge of that period. Once our age maturity has been proven, we are ready to slip into the provocative plot of Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry.
This time Larry awakens from a cryogenic sleep, finding himself nowadays in a world very different from the one that characterized his first adventures. Ours will not lose heart and will immediately start doing what he does best: dabbing women (and men) hoping for an appointment that in the best of cases will never happen. Larry is in fact a clumsy character but at the same time not very aware of his condition, a factor that also in this new chapter will be the driving force for a series of explicitly sexual jokes and various comic and surreal situations.
The developers of the studio CrazyBunch they joke in LSL: Wet Dreams Don't Dry on modern society by parodying brands and products we use or hear about every day. To get a date, Larry will have to rely on the apps of his new one PiPhone, the smartphone produced by Plums, the company located in a building with a phallic shape and headed by Bill Jobs which mimics the well-known Apple by replacing the apple symbol with a vagina. It will be in the offices of Prune that Larry will meet the unreachable Faith, who will promise him an appointment in exchange for obtaining the maximum score on the dating app. Timber.
Timber is the gimmick to meet the various characters who will need our help, in the form of a dating match. The various encounters will be connected to each other by the various clues and objects that we will have to take care to collect and assemble in an incessant succession of puzzles, the solution of which very often ends in demented ideas to the limit of the surreal (sometimes forcing the capacity to the limit. of abstract and parallel reasoning of the player). But the functions of the PiPhone are not limited to dating apps: by opening the smartphone menu we will be able to access the services of Under, the Leisure Suit Larry version of the well-known Uber. To review the cut scenes or the images of the most significant moments of our adventure we can open Instacrap. The satire behind the title obviously also touches on the social stereotypes of our times, from hipsters looking for refined and expensive beers to nerds passionate about electronics but with repressed sexuality. They are not missing attractive influencers and sexy cam girls, which will naturally end up in the crosshairs of Larry Laffer's hormones.
A title that is not exactly "clean"
The title constantly fluctuates between irreverent idiotic jokes and vaguely soft porn atmospheres, between omnipresent scenic elements with a phallic shape and dialogues that do not always shine with originality and that are lost in allusions and jokes in the long run repetitive and obvious. On the other hand, the dubbing (completely in English but subtitled in Spanish) is well done especially in characterizing Larry's voice and expressions. While testing on the PlayStation 4, unfortunately the game's CrazyBunch it proved unsuitable for the platform, especially when it comes to controls.
Born as a point and click, Leisure Suite Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry affected by not using mouse and keyboard on Sony console. The analog controls and the layout of the controls are not ideal for solving the mysteries in the city of New Lost Wages. To this we must add the lack of an auto-save function: on a couple of occasions this deficiency has represented a real thorn in the side since we have witnessed sporadic crashes of the application which led to the forced closure and the loss of unsaved progress. previously.
On balance Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry he managed to have fun and get us some healthy and goliardic chuckles. Although series creator Al Lowe did not participate in the production, the title of CrazyBunch it does not betray the comic and irreverent spirit that made Larry Laffer's fortune. Our advice if you really want to immerse yourself in Larry's wet dreams is to play him on PC.