Nobody can deny that the "bad" side of things brings with it an innate, enthralling and in many ways intriguing charm. One of the companies that with its many works has managed to boast of the creation of fictitious sick criminal mentality is the DC Comics, which undoubtedly finds in the “Villans” the most appreciated part of his works. In this case we are faced with the videogame collaboration with the brand of the most famous bricks in the world, LEGO, giving shape to what it is LEGO DC Super Villains, which taking up the game formula that made the titles of the franchise developed by TT Games, this time takes us to the side of the bad guys. The game distributed by Warner Bros. it therefore brings us some healthy “more of the same”, enriched as always by a comic and very apt direction, expanding a target audience that is already quite broad.
Losing team, they want a rematch
In LEGO DC Super-Villains, everything will come to life in a maximum security prison, where not a few villains and supervillains are locked up and kept at bay. Here, Gordon, dear old acquaintance, will come to seek the cooperation of a Lex Luthor strangely condescending ... and who apparently has completely different plans. Before the great escape that will see us as protagonists, however, the phase of creation of our character arrives: with some slots available, we will be able to customize our supervillain to our liking, in terms of aesthetics and powers. Clearly not all objects or sections are available at the first start, but it will be possible to change our choices even when the game is started. This feature is layered more than one might expect, and the combinations we can create are truly innumerable. Once the creation is finished, we will live the story with the eyes of this original protagonist, or rather of our Recruit (so we will be defined immediately); the peculiarity of this new calamity will be to be able to obtain and manage at will - as the game progresses - a series of super powers details, most of which will certainly not be new to fans of the DC brand.
Of course, during the main story mode we will not only control this new villain, but we will also be able to take possession of other supervillains who form the party at that moment. Their use will also be fundamental for solving small and often simple environmental puzzles, which at times will require a specific character to advance in the story. This applies not only to their combat skills, but also to their technical skills. Among the most popular actions, as it should be, the destruction of machinery and any possible object returns, with the consequent reassembly to create (automatically) a whole new object that will be useful to our cause. What LEGO would they be otherwise?
Break them apart!
Unfortunately, even in LEGO DC Super-Villains, in terms of gameplay we are not faced with anything innovative. In fact, if it were not for the incredible charisma of the characters and the sparkling comedy of the performers (whether they are the villains or the Superheroes with whom we will often have to deal), the trend of the title would be decidedly flat, already seen. The pattern of the blows to be inflicted and the actions to be performed have remained almost unchanged from the titles of the LEGO brand that we have been used to seeing over the years, but on this there is a clarification: even if in many ways and for old players given all this may seem "stale" or accumulation of laziness on the other hand we can assure you that TT Games' technical work is very good, confirming that being rooted in one's roots is only a matter of functionality for the target audience. Like all his family's games, LEGO DC Super-Villains turns out to be the perfect game for small children who approach their first video games, especially where the market is saturated with extremely violent titles and never too suitable for a minor audience (except for the majority of titles developed by Nintendo). This does not detract from a good usability even for fans of DC itself, or for those who do not miss a number of games dedicated to Danish bricks.
The biggest increase we can see is the one related to level design, with the various scenarios that will take us back to iconic places in the DC universe, faithfully reproduced in LEGO sauce, but above all with that slight bit of extra challenge that never hurts. However, the difficulty level remains quite low, even if a couple of boss fights in particular will give you not bad satisfactions. On the graphic level LEGO DC Super-Villains proves to be very stable and inspired, even if in some circumstances the transparency of columns or elements that cover the view of the commanded character would not have spoiled. Last note, definitely positive, concerns the large number of villains that the game makes available to us, with a roster that counts many of the craziest - and in this case funny - bad guys branded DC. To increase the longevity of the game, the Free Mode, which will allow us to repeat the adventure by choosing the companions who will be following us, and thus unlock many of the secrets that were previously unattainable. To explore freely, there will still be some special moments here and there in which we will be able to give ourselves to the craziest joy.