How to recover data, photos and videos if the screen is broken? Since the display of all smartphones covers most of the front area, it is not at all difficult to break the display of a phone. We are not only talking about the visual aspect (which in itself is rather sad), but also the tactile response.
Usually when a smartphone is dropped, the touch screen membrane loses control or is completely damaged. This means that it will be impossible to control the device as we always have. So if you have broken the display, how to recover data from your mobile? If you can't access the settings what would you normally do?
Pay attention to the following article, as we will teach you how to recover data from your mobile with broken display. Below are some tips for recovering data from a broken screen cellphone.
The easiest and fastest way to recover data is take out the micro SD memory card. If you don't keep it, or if you also want to recover data from internal memory, read on.
How to recover data with broken display
Using another screen to retrieve the data
By literally using the saying Dead one king, one makes another, we can think of connecting our Android device to a TV for example. In this way we can use technologies such as SlimPort o MHL to mirror on our TV and thus be able to retrieve what we want.
But logically, it will be limited to those people who have actually implemented one of these technologies on their device. If your device doesn't have any of these options installed on your device go ahead.
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Using ADB
Another alternative is use ADB on our computer. This option allows us to use Android Debug Brigde to connect to our mobile phone remotely, having our device connected to the computer via the USB cable.
Let's say you already have ADB installed (if you don't have it, you can for example download the SDK) and your device drivers. To copy the files to our PC we can use the adb pull command. For example, let's see how we can transfer files from a Nexus camera to a local folder on our computer:
adb pull /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/* C:/fotos
When we don't know the directory we want to copy, we can always use adb shell to navigate through the Android directory tree. Even so, you'll want to consider some of the more useful ADB commands. Although you can always check all available files with the adb -help command.
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Usando Droid @ Screen
If anything Android can boast about, it's the community behind it. In this case, an xda-developers user has developed an application that allows us, in a very intuitive way and thanks to ADB, to control our android device via mouse and keyboard.
To do this, we need to download the program here and start it with our device connected via USB to the computer. From there, we can see the screen of our device and control it from the same program. This program allows us to start ADB commands in the background, but from a graphical interface, making it more intuitive for the user.
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Take it to a service center?
If we are talking about very sensitive data or files the best way to recover data is to go to a technical assistance center and explain what happened. This will be necessary as they will have to perform certain procedures on the device that require programming skills.
The most used "advanced" method is accessing the device via a Micro USB cable and the program SDK. Subsequently, some commands are executed to access the locked device and thus be able to access the files stored in the internal memory as well.
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Other methods to recover data from damaged screen cellphone
Another method that has become very popular is the use of a mouse, connected to the device via a OTG USB cable. This will bring up the pointer of mouse on your device screen. Therefore, it is possible to unlock it and / or recover the necessary data.
We have seen that having your phone screen broken doesn't necessarily mean losing all your data. So don't despair without trying the tips above first. Once the data is recovered, you can also restore WhatsApp chats.
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Last tips
Current cell phones have the ability to store hundreds of files of all types (images, videos, audio…).
Personal information, memories or music that depend, even if we sometimes forget any, on the correct functioning of our device, which like any other device can break making us "lose everything".
In this case it can be traumatic for the user if he does not have a backup copy of the files.
What can you do?
There are several programs to recover files on Android and iOS devices.
If the device is not working properly or we think it is broken, a good solution is to connect it to the computer and try a number of useful programs for recovering files.
Some of the most popular programs for this are Remo Recover, Wondershare MobileGo Android, and Recuva.
All of them are easy to use, according to Androidpit.
With Wondershare MobileGo Android and Remo Recover, you just need to connect the terminal to your computer, select the data storage path and then the files you want to transfer and wait for the transfer to complete.
Recuva is more powerful, and the process requires one more step: select the type of file to restore and the folder in which to search for files.
Then, select the data to recover from the damaged drive and restore to start the operation.
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USB debugging mode
Not everything could be perfect. While we have discussed alternatives for saving data, they have limitations.
In the first case we have seen that our device must have implemented a technology that allows us to see the display of our phone on a TV or on a computer.
But what happens in the other two cases?
Very simple: the only way to be able to use ADB is that the our device has USB debugging mode enabled (for which we must have the developer options active).
Otherwise, these two alternatives are not protectable, because when we run the adb devices command we will not see our device connected to the computer (in the best case it will appear as offline).
So the advice that I can give you, if we want to have two of the above methods available is to check if our device is equipped with a mirroring technology or leave the debug mode activated directly.
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