A Smart TV screen requires more attention than good old TVs that could be cleaned with a window cleaner and paper towel. Through this article you will learn how to clean a Smart TV screen: with a microfiber cloth, a mix of water and vinegar and finally we will see how to remove scratches from your Smart TV.
Since the application of some products can deteriorate the screen and therefore the image quality, it is important to have clear ideas about the solutions available to us to make our television shine.
How to install an application on a Smart TV
How to clean a Smart TV screen with a mixture of Water and Vinegar
- Turn off the television to get a better look at the dirt.
- Make a vinegar / half water mixture. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and mostly it is an environmentally friendly cleaner, less dangerous and less expensive.
- Dip a microfiber cloth into the mixture and gently wipe the screen. If necessary, press lightly while rubbing harder stains in circular motions.
- Do not pour or spray the mixture directly on the screen, you could damage it irreparably.
- If you prefer to purchase an LCD screen cleaner, they are available in supermarkets and specialty stores.
- Do not use products containing ammonia, ethanol, acetone or trichloroethane. These products can damage the screen ... by consuming it !!!
- Use another dry microfiber cloth to clean the screen. If you let it dry in the open air, traces will remain.
- Clean the screen bezel by dipping a paper towel into the vinegar / water mixture and wiping gently. Use another sheet to dry.
How to clean a Smart TV screen with a microfiber cloth
- Turn off the television to get a better look at the dirt.
- Find a microfiber cloth, it must be the same type of fabric used to clean the glasses. They are perfect for screens.
- Clean the screen using this cloth the cloth to gently remove visible smudges.
- Don't press too hard on the screen if the dirt doesn't go away right away.
- Do not use paper towels, toilet paper, or old pieces of cloth. These materials are more abrasive and can scratch the screen. Also, they can damage the screen… consuming it !!!
- Examine the screen, if it's clean you're done. Clean the frame, it is less fragile than the screen, so calmly use a microfiber cloth or a duster to clean it.
How to remove scratches from your Smart TV
If the scratch is very large and your TV is still under warranty, I recommend that you replace it. Trying to fix this can make things worse, as the damage will no longer be covered under warranty if you mess it up.
If you are sure of what you are doing, you can use a repair kit. They are available in specialty stores and supermarkets. This is the safest method. Or use petroleum jelly, just dip a cotton disc and spread it over the scratch.
You can also use hair spray. Purchase clear lacquer and spray it directly on the scratch. Let it dry.
These techniques work on all types of displays. Read the manual carefully, there may be instructions on how to clean your TV. You can also use the screen wipes that are on sale in specialty stores.
Don't press too hard on the screen if you have a CRT because the screen is very thin. Be careful when using the mixture of water and vinegar, use it carefully, do not spray it so as not to cause a short circuit.