NOTICE TO READERS: given and considered that the game we are dealing with, Goat Simulator: The Bundle, makes student spirit one of its greatest strengths, we decided to tackle this review using an unusual but just goliardic modus operandi, just to respect what is the very identity of the first goat simulator ever created before.
PS The content of the review is not suitable for the faint of heart and goat lovers.
How much do you think you know about a goat's life?
If you also thought that the goat did not have an intense life, besides grazing in the mountains, bleating and eating grass, well guys you were very wrong. Today thanks to the visionary developers of Coffee Stain Studios, already known to most thanks to the development of the two Sanctum, we can enjoy the most unique experience of living in the shoes of a beautiful Goat. Thanks to this beautiful and, as I said, unique experience you will be able to fully understand how difficult it is to live like a Goat in a simple and small modern town.
The first steps for a great future
The first time we tried Goat Simulator, initially released in PC version on April 1, 2014, we really thought we were in front of the biggest videogame April Fool ever (it's not far from reality). But then we realized that the developers wanted to make a title absolutely like this, ugly but free, a nonsense mockery, however, leaving the players a freedom that at the beginning is really difficult to understand, only once understood and made your own can you say that you know the enormous intrinsic potential of the title, that is bleating, licking, jumping, running and butting everything and more. When the developers launched the first images of the game, they certainly did not expect that they would go viral on social media shortly thereafter, so much so that they set to work to complete the game and get it out as soon as possible. And it is precisely from this rambling way and songbook that it was born Goat Simulator, the satire game par excellence of all those "Simulator" games that have taken themselves so seriously as to go off track from the fundamental themes of video games. The latest work done by the guys from Coffee Stain Studios, we have to say it for the record, it is really mean to the eye, something so ugly and buggy that initially we would all like to turn it off immediately and ask for a refund to all those who still today after all this time speak well of it, after the first 10 minutes of disorientation, however, you will soon understand the cheerful and unpretentious spirit of the game that leaves us a truly incredible freedom. Yes, because the title is a parody of the toughest simulators, but in its small way it manages to make us fall in love with its great freedom of choice and action, so much so that from the beginning there will not be a tutorial or a map to follow, but like the most common skateboard titles, players will be free to perform incredible cataclysms.
From the very beginning, players will notice that they will be rewarded every time they conduct a destructive action e the greater the damage, the more points you earn, this is the goal of the game. All you have to do is test whatever comes into your head, or lick an object and then take it and throw it around the town, jump on the different trampolines and so on and so forth, all also seasoned with a environmental and scenic physics to say the least pitiful, so much so that you will find even this huge bug fun and easily bearable, because I started having fun with everything that surrounds you. The ultimate goal of the game is to get the maximum score, unlocking increasingly difficult objectives and with even more hefty rewards. Unfortunately, this is all the sense that the game is able to give, after a couple of hours spent winning weird prizes we will be able to test the Time Trial mode, which will allow you to measure yourself against yourself trying to reach the best possible score in the course of a single minute of play. The results obtained in the entire game experience, however, will always be collected and published online, where you can aspire to occupy the highest places in the standings, which certainly adds a touch of depth to the entire title.
As demented as it is beautiful
Have you ever stopped to look at a contemporary art painting that apparently seems so ugly and repulsive, but from which you can't take your eyes off? Trust me, Goat Simulator It is not so. The simulator of the life of a Goat, is not that deep experience that requires a certain psychological preparation, no, it is the exact opposite. As I have already analyzed in the previous paragraph, the game tends to leave the players free, enjoying the enormous freedom of choice that it leaves, there are no ways to go forcibly or missions to force to find, you can approach the title simply with the desire to break everything and then switch off without this detracting from your experience of game, indeed. However, we must point out that perhaps the deepest point of Goat Simulator it is precisely the vast explorability, which is stimulated by developers with i lots of easter eggs scattered across the two maps of the game. In addition, there are many other mini scenarios that will become part of the game in a completely rambling way: for example, you may find yourself lost in infinite space or even in the palace of the king of the goats where you will have to offer human sacrifices to make you evolve into a pestilential satanic goat.
These elements scattered throughout the map season everything and give the player some little pills of madness, making him forget not only his thoughts but also the enormous technical problems that the game is expertly full of. Among the merits of such a villainous game, we must admit that there is also the complete freedom of development released by the developers, since the title supports Steam Workshop, and even the source codes of the title have been made available to anyone feel like creating mod. This freedom of action allows the title to continuously update itself, undergoing continuous attacks from UFOs, or even playing the role of a goat Darth Vader against Jedi enemies and much more. Despite this, the developers themselves have come up with two different DLCs, called respectively Goat MMO Simulator e Goatz Simulator. These two expansions make fun of two other themes: that of MMOs and that of zombies, both of which are included in the latest version of the title released in the Sony version, PlayStation 4.
Modus Operandi: the review you just read was written based on the version PlayStation 4 of the game, after a game experience lasting several hours, also testing the DLC.