Six years have passed since the end of one of the most famous and beloved series of all time, that Breaking Bad. which has been able to win the hearts of millions of users all over the world. Beautifully written characters and a continuation of events that are always engaging and pressing have represented the pillars of an adventure lived perpetually with the heart in hand, and in these six years any fan could not help but wonder what he would have done. Jesse pinkman (Aaron Paul) after escaping aboard the El Camino. Well, the long-awaited question has finally found an answer.
A name, a program.
The name of Jesse's car is certainly not accidental: in Spanish "El Camino" means "The road", and it is a road to salvation and freedom that our protagonist will have to take, all in order to finally be able to free himself from a cumbersome past of suffering and atrocity. No doubt it is emblematic that in order to do this and earn a 'normal' life he will have to abandon all that remains of that past, even the few good things that this had left him: his car, his parents and his friends Skinny Pete and Badger, willing to the last to help him before what apparently will be a goodbye.
The film, always written and directed by Vince Gilligan to Netflix it is not a watered down episode of Breaking Bad nor a mere fan-service: we are in the presence of a real action and redemption film, knowing full well that anyone who has loved the series would not be satisfied with a product "just for ". Jesse must rediscover his freedom and to do so he is willing to do anything and we notice it immediately, even from the direction that abandons cold and light colors to turn to dark ocher shades.
Directed by those who know what they are doing
The direction is skilful: it is not only the colors that make us understand the change of register, but also the speed of the action times, in a crescendo of adrenaline and twists with the usual breathtaking photography in the background. They will make the most passionate fans of the i series particularly happy flashback in which we find many of the characters (among which there will also be Walter White played by Bryan Cranston?) to whom we had had time to grow fond of for better or for worse over the five seasons of 2008-2013.
So this is the conclusion of our story, and without spoilers, we can safely say that Jesse and we with him, will find the end of an adventure that lasted five years and with this film we will have to say goodbye to that world so fascinating in its rawness. We cannot go back, the protagonist tells us at the beginning of the film, and perhaps this is a bit of a metaphor for anyone's life: what is done is done, it cannot be changed, because it is we who have changed and what we have lived cannot be canceled. Yet you can go on, looking for a way, a road, a "chimney".