Dead Island - Complete Objectives Guide [360]
![Dead Island - Complete Objectives Guide [360]](/images/posts/4156c542cc9122df50980d0fa87c557b-0.jpg)
Here is the complete guide of with tips and video-guides to unlock them all the Goals of Dead Island
One shot Kill 5 Infected with one hit. |
20G |
To unlock it you have to kill 5 infected in a row, each with a single shot using a melee weapon. You must therefore try to decapitate them the first time, and you must do 5 in a row. Follow the video | ![]() |
Untouchable Use a hammer to kill 15 zombies in a row without taking damage. |
20G |
Try to unlock it at the beginning of the game. You can also kick enemies to the ground and finish them off without major problems. It's not that easy as a result, the sooner you try the better. Follow the video | ![]() |
Humanitarian Kill 50 human enemies. |
15G |
These will appear in Act 2. You will have no problem getting to 50. | |
Do you have a light? Set 10 zombies on fire at the same time. |
20G |
Using Molotov cocktails is the best way to unlock it. Follow the video | ![]() |
10 test per me Kill 10 zombies in a row by shooting them in the head. |
15G |
A good technique is to knock them down with a kick or melee weapon and then finish them off with an easy blow to the head. | |
A little bit of everything Kill a zombie with 10 different melee weapons. |
25G |
You will have no trouble finding 10 different melee weapons in the game. Just remember that different types of hammers do NOT count as different types of weapons. | |
Hit hard Kill 250 zombies using blunt melee weapons. |
25G |
Blunt melee weapons are all those NOT sharp, such as hammers, pipes, baseball bats, and so on. Get to 250 kills using these and you will get the result. Sam B is the character with whom it will be easier to use these weapons. | |
Cut and slice Kill 250 zombies using sharp melee weapons. |
25G |
Sharp weapons are precisely knives, swords, axes and so on. Get to 250 kills using these and you will get the result. Xian Mei is the character with whom it will be easier to use these weapons. | |
Armi a go go Kill 250 zombies using firearms. |
25G |
Any weapon that spits out bullets is fine. In the game, however, you will not find in huge quantities, so I recommend using the fixed weapon at City Hall and reloading the checkpoint every time, up to 250. |
Martial jumps Kill 25 zombies with your bare hands. |
25G |
Again I recommend doing it as soon as possible, at the beginning of the game. Select your punches as your weapon and go for it. | |
I take one Customize 25 weapons. |
30G |
For this result, individual weapon upgrades do NOT count, but these must be fully customized. So choose weapons that offer few customization options such as the Deo-bomb. Remember also different customizations of the same weapon type will also be counted. | |
Dangerous driving Kill 50 zombies using a vehicle. |
15G |
Drivable vehicles will be found already at the beginning of the game. Use them to spread 50 zombies. | |
Bomb! Kill an Infected with a grenade. |
10G |
The infected are zombies that run fast. To make things easier take them down and then finish them off with the grenade. Follow the video (the video also shows how to unlock the "Fuck" achievement) |
![]() |
Driver Drive a total of 10 kilometers. |
10G |
Drivable vehicles will be found already at the beginning of the game. Go around the island up to 10 km. During the race make sure to put as many zombies underneath as possible, it will be useful to unlock the "Dangerous Driving" achievement. |
Marathon runner Travel a total of 20 kilometers on foot. |
10G |
In the street game you will do a lot, especially if you like to explore. You will have no difficulty unlocking it. | |
Truly exceptional! Loot 5 exceptional weapons. |
30G |
Finding these weapons will be purely random. These differ from the others because they appear with the orange name. Keep looting dead zombies or other containers. Once you have taken one this will be counted towards the result so if you want you can also resell it or throw it away. | |
It's just a scratch! Mozza 100 arti. |
10G |
To do this you have to use sharp weapons such as knives or swords. Deliver horizontal blows to the head or knees, or vertical blows to the shoulders (to sever the arms). | |
Andata e ritorno Explore the whole island. |
30G |
This is a nice result. The island has 72 particular places that you will have to visit to unlock this achievement. At the moment this result seems to be buggy as many players cannot find the last of the 72 places and unlock the result. If you find a map showing all these places it will be posted immediately. | |
Health! Healed 100 times with a Med Kit. |
10G |
It will not be easy to unlock it due to the limited availability of medkits in the game. One way to finish earlier is to use all your money at the end of the game to buy the missing medkits and use them all together. Or, you can use a medkit and then reload the checkpoint, repeating the operation until you unlock the result, but this will certainly take you more time. | |
Master stalk Kill 150 enemies with analog combat controls. |
25G |
First of all you have to set this function in the options. For this result, the kills made on board a vehicle and those with firearms also count, the important thing is that the analog controls option is activated. | |
Quatern Complete the first act with 4 different characters. |
30G |
You have to complete the first act with all 4 playable characters. The safest way to unlock it is to complete the game once with one character and then start over with a new save (and new character) from Chapter 4 until you complete Act 1. Repeat with all characters. | |
A day to remember Kill 250 zombies with modified weapons. |
30G |
Busy Complete 75 missions in total. |
60G |
Any mission, of any rescue, even those done in a cooperative, is counted. | |
Beginners Reach level 10. (see School of Life) |
10G |
Conscientious student Reach level 25. (see School of Life) |
25G |
School of life Reach level 50. |
30G |
By the end of the campaign you should already be close to level 40. By then it shouldn't be very difficult to climb the last 10 levels. Joining a friend's game who is already level 50 should make you progress a little faster. | |
Knock Knock Break through a closed door on the first shot. |
15G |
Closed doors present a kind of mini game that you will have to complete in order to open them. To get the result you have to do it the first time. Follow the video | ![]() |
I must have them all Find 60 collectibles. (see Almost there) |
20G |
We are almost there Find 120 collectibles. |
25G |
There are 140 collectibles in the game. Follow our dedicated guide to find them
Dead Island - Complete Guide to Collectables |
Fire and flames Create weapons worthy of the gods of fire and thunder. |
30G |
To do this you will have to create weapons using the shock modification or the torch modification. The torch mod will be awarded as a reward after completing the "Counsel of Despair" side mission while the Shock mod will be the reward for completing the main story mission called "Black Hawk Down". Demonstration in the video | ![]() |
Need a hand? Join another player's game. |
10G |
Have a friend invite you or, after finishing the prologue, see if you find anyone available to play. To find friends available to play and boost the results of this game, ours is at your disposal Friends Finder |
No guarantee Create a custom weapon. |
10G |
Use the work tables scattered around the map, see what elements you need to create the various weapons. Once found, create a weapon to accomplish this. | |
iracondo Kill 100 enemies with Fury attacks. |
25G |
Fury attacks will be available whenever you have accumulated enough Rage, indicated by the appropriate indicator. | |
Compagnone Play with 10 different co-op partners, for at least 15 minutes with each one. |
10G |
The result is cumulative so it is not necessary to do it in one session. Continue to participate in co-op sessions (of at least 15 minutes) until you unlock it. To find friends available to play and boost the results of this game, ours is at your disposal Friends Finder |
Threesomes Complete 5 missions with 3 co-op partners. |
25G |
At the expense of the title of the result in the group you will have to be 4 (you plus 3 other friends). Complete any 5 missions. While you're at it, remember that by each choosing a different character, you will also unlock the "Original" achievement. To find friends available to play and boost the results of this game, ours is at your disposal Friends Finder |
original Play in a co-op team of 4 different playable characters. |
10G |
See suggestions for the result "Menage a trois" | |
Together forever Complete 5 missions in a single co-op match with the same partners. |
10G |
There is no restriction on the number of partners so you can do it even with just one friend. The important thing is to do it in a single game session, without leaving the game. To find friends available to play and boost the results of this game, ours is at your disposal Friends Finder |
Sure step Complete 25 missions while playing with at least one co-op partner. |
25G |
The result is cumulative so it is not necessary to do it in one session. The partner can also be different from time to time, when you complete the XNUMXth mission in co-op you will unlock the achievement. To find friends available to play and boost the results of this game, ours is at your disposal Friends Finder |
Dead Island Secret Goals
Ah! Marcia meat! Kill a Butcher with an ax. |
10G |
There isn't much to explain. Follow the video (the video also shows how to unlock the "Waste" and "One Shot" achievements) | ![]() |
Forget it Kill a Ram with the Charge ability. |
10G |
Sam B has this ability among the Combat buffs. Follow the video | ![]() |
Waste Use a large med kit to heal a wound equal to or less than 5%. |
20G |
You have to use a large medical kit to heal yourself after suffering very minor damage (starting from health at best). In fact, 5% corresponds to less than half of an energy cell. Follow the video (The video also shows how to unlock the "Ah Rotten Meat" and "One Shot" achievements) | ![]() |
Hell in heaven Complete the first act. |
30G |
A nightmare city Complete the second act. |
30G |
King of the jungle Complete the third act. |
30G |
The rebirth of Banoi Complete the fourth act. |
30G |
How many days later? Play Dead Island at least 28 days after starting it for the first time. |
10G |
Play 28 days after starting it, or take the console offline and move the system clock forward 30 days and then play, you will get it right away. | |
Screwed! Kill a Suicide with a Grenade. |
15G |
You will find this type of zombie a little later in the game. Killing him with a grenade won't be difficult. Follow the video (The video also shows how to unlock the "Bomb!" achievement) | ![]() |
Savior Save 5 people besieged by zombies. |
20G |
If you dedicate yourself to completing the secondary missions, you will have no difficulty in unlocking it as many of these are rescue missions. |