Finally, too DICE has bent to the tastes of the new generations of gamers, implementing within the videogame offer of Battlefield V the Battle Royale mode, titled Firestorm. Plunging to the ground after a thrilling launch from a plane, players will find themselves alone against "the world" (64 players per session) in the Halvøi region, ten times larger than the largest Battlefield V map. As tradition dictates for every Battle Royale you respect, once you hit the ground you will immediately have to hunt for the best equipment available nearby, randomly placed in the interior of structures of various kinds (from simple houses to abandoned industrial buildings). The most relevant resources are positioned, however, in 12 key points - specially selected on the map - towards which all the soldiers will throw themselves in a timely manner to then get the better of the enemy, trying to remain standing until the end (which is the purpose of Battle Royale). The participants in the battle are divided into different units, composed of a maximum of 4 members each, and can rely on four different slots reserved for different types of bullets, different vehicles and deadly tools.
The narrowing of the playing area is generated here by an immense and spectacular wall of fire (hence the name "Firestorm", which characterizes the Battle Royale of this Battlefield) which literally devours the game world, and does so with a destructiveness of an unrivaled level for the competition, thanks to the amazing potential of the graphics engine Frostbite Engine. Houses and buildings of various kinds are lovingly broken up even under the blows of 17 different vehicles (including wagons and helicopters) in perfect DICE style. Relying on one of the means present in the game region is however somewhat difficult, especially due to a notification that alerts players in the vicinity of the opening of the hangar that hosts them. Opening the doors of one of these structures is equivalent to firing a signal rocket high in the sky, in the middle of the night, screaming "I'm here, come and get me!". Add to this the fact that the vehicles consume fuel and require specific ammunition to explode their destructive power on the unfortunate soldiers who will stand in your way.
Within the game world the soldiers will also have to pay special attention to several balloons which act as refueling points. Getting the better of the enemy and securing one of these supply points will ensure high-value loot, such as le epic weapons or parts of armor considerably more resistant than standard ones. It is also possible to find backpacks that increase the capacity for the objects and ammunition to be transported and different types of weapons, present in several variants. With the right equipment you can also rely on the dreaded artillery, which swoops death and destruction from above.
In our opinion DICE should have changed some aspects of the gameplay, such as offering greater running speed (and movement, in general), considering the nature of the Battle Royale mode, which offers endless maps to explore in the early stages, and which gives life to a real hell of bullets in the final stages . So, however, it would not have been Battlefield, so we do not feel like we are rejecting the choice of the developers not to change the classic game feeling of the series by one iota.
Ultimately, Firestorm looks like a Battle Royale experience completely different from other titles already on the market, belonging to the same genre. The BR offered by DICE is slower, more reasoned, but also the most impressive on a technical level. If nothing else, an additional game mode to have the excuse of going to war, in perfect Battlefield style.