In April the highly anticipated will be released in theaters Avengers: Endgame, which has been talked about a lot since the day of Avengers: Infinity War. However, it is not the only thematic topic Marvel Cinematic Universe which in recent times has been of interest to fans: in fact, for some time now we have been wondering "what will be the characters that will be introduced in the next phases ofMCU? "
Although the definitive answer to this gigantic question will be up to the Marvel Studios, today we will try to speculate and predict on the characters that could see the light on the big screen after that Thanos will have (theoretically) received the welcome.
The character of Jennifer Susan Walters aka She-Hulk was born from the mind of Stan Lee and from the pen of John Buscema in 1980. Cousin of Dr. Bruce Banner, or Hulk, he was part of several groups of heroes within the various narrative worlds The Marvel movies (including obviously that of Avengers). She-Hulk has found favor with the public and has gone from minor character to prominent super heroine thanks to the stories of John Byrne. However, its popularity is certainly not at the level of the great superheroes like Iron-man, which makes it a perfect candidate to be brought into vogue a bit like it was done with. Black Panther e Doctor Strange.
An important peculiarity of She-Hulk, given to him by John Bryne, is the awareness of being in a comic book world, a characteristic similar to Deadpool. This peculiarity could bring to the character a very particular representation if contextualized in theMCU, but it could also be one of the reasons to avoid inserting it into the shared universe alongside the Avengers.
Wonder Man
Wonder Man, whose real name is Simon Williams, made its first appearance in 1964 in n.9 de Avengers, and was born from the joint work of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby e Don Heck. The character of Wonder Man he has a strong moral sense and is among the first heroes to have taken part in the project Avengers. The character, composed entirely of pure ionic energy, is one of the creations of Baron Zemo, born to serve the lords of evil and to destroy precisely the Avengers. However, the hero soon creates a bond with the aforementioned group and takes their side becoming one of the fundamental pillars of the same.
Also Wonder Man is part of that large band of characters who quickly fell into oblivion and known mainly by fans of the universe The Marvel movies. However, this could change drastically if the house of ideas decided to relaunch the character with a dedicated cinematic film (which would also be well contextualized since Wonder Man one of the first Avengers (if not one of the main members of the group).
Robert Reynolds (aka Sentry) was born in 2000 from the pen of Jae Lee and from the mind of Paul Jenkins. Protagonist of only 5 issues dedicated to him and belonging to the cycle Marvel Knights, the character of Sentry he has long been left on the sidelines and even his story is based on the fact that he himself has decided to erase all traces of himself from the memories of humanity.
Only the last mentioned fact shows us how incredible such a character can be, yet its origins stem from an extremely enhanced variant of the super soldier serum used to Captain America and a few others. The powers of Sentry and his abilities partly follow the figure of Superman, as this character represents the superhero par excellence, although it must be said that his dissociative schizophrenia makes him a real threat to everyone when he transforms into Void.
The golden sentry appeared, first against and then alongside the Avengers, already in the series of New Avengers during a super villain escape from the Raft. Robert Reynolds is undoubtedly an incredible character who would easily find a more than important space within theMCU and as a member of the Avengers in general in view of threats significantly greater than Thanos, such as Galactus.
Namor, The Sub-Mariner
Namor McKenzie, or simply Namor, is one of the first characters of the Timely Comics (later became Marvel Comics) created by Bill everett in 1939 during the Golden Age, and then picked up by Stan Lee e Jack Kirby during Silver Age. In fact it is one of the first characters The Marvel movies together with Captain America and to the original Human Torch.
Namor he is an Atlantean king in the same way, in some ways, of Aquaman. In fact it is able to communicate with marine animals and has powers derived from its nature as a human / Atlantean. The character is a historical ally of the Dr. Destiny and met (clashed) the group of gods several times Fantastic Four. However in the 80s Stan Lee made Namor supporting actor of Avengers and Defenders, of which he is a founding member.
The character of Namor currently has a good chance of being considered for a big screen appearance and, why not, for a definitive inclusion within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, following in the wake of the characters to be made known to the general public, Namor could (and should) have a place of honor in the next stages ofMCU.
Spider Woman
Jessica Drew is one of the characters created by Archie Goodwin e Sal Buscema in 1977, the first undisputed to play the part of spider woman. Appeared for the first time in the series Marvel Spotlight, the super heroine Spider Woman became a member of New Avengers. Like many heroes The Marvel movies also Spider Woman it has been rewritten several times, and one of its most famous reinterpretations is that of the universe Ultimate where deliver the costume from Ultimate Spider-Man a Miles Morales.
The origins of the character are mainly two and very different from each other, the original sees Jessica gaining one's powers through a radioactive spider venom cure to neutralize the radiation absorbed during an experiment of High Evolutionary. While in the second version the father, agent of theHYDRA, subjects her (for experiment) to a series of radioactive stings since she was a baby, from which she develops her sting.
The character of Spider Woman, riding the wave of Spider-Man di Tom Holland, it could be next "Spider persona" to see the light on the big screen. Spider Woman he is first a member of the New Avengers and following the Civil War has joined the Powerful Avengers di Tony Stark. Therefore, its inclusion in the fourth phase of theMCU with a stand alone it could immediately lay the foundations to make it a candidate member of the Avengers "post Thanos".
Moon Knight
Marc Spector, presented under the name of Lunar, is a character born from the mind of Doug Moench and from the pen of Don Perlin in 1975. First appeared in Werewolf by Night, the character of Moon Knight was entered by IGN in the list of the 100 most important characters in the history of comics in XNUMXth place.
The identity of Marc Spector has been hidden by three other different and fictitious ones such as: Jake Lockley, Steven Grant, Yitzak Topol. Originally the character of Moon Knight was a mercenary who, having fallen victim to a betrayal during a mission in Egypt, was resurrected by the divinity Khonshu with the express purpose of being a warrior God on Earth. Characteristic traits of Moon Knight are the facts that he is a character who acts in favor of the moon (thanks to which he can fully exploit his powers) and who suffers from multiple personalities.
The character, during his career as a mercenary and executioner, was recruited into the Avengers once and immediately pulled out of it since Khonshu he's not the type to join superhero groups, preferring to do his job solo. In fact, however, Moon Knight was a Avenger and is a character belonging to the group of little known by the general public but still appreciated by fans, and these alone would be enough as factors that would justify an arrival on the big screen.
Galactus, the Destroyer
Galactus is Galan, is a character created by Stan Lee e Jack Kirby in 1966. Also known as Il Eater of Worlds e The destroyer, this character appeared for the first time in the number dedicated to him of the series of Fantastic Four, accompanied by his (then very loyal) Silver Surfer.
Unlike what many people think Galactus he is not a super villain, or rather he cannot be classified as such, in fact the only reason why he is a threat is the fact that he is forced to feed on planets full of life. But since the latter is his task to balance the universe, he carries it out without feeling either joy or remorse.
The entrance of Galactus in 'Marvel Cinematic Universe has been rumored for some time and, for some, this could already arrive in the fourth phase of the aforementioned accompanied by characters such as Fantastic Four and the inevitable Silver Surfer. To reinforce the convictions of fans there is the not so recent acquisition of Fox by Dinsey and the arrival of the Skrull (breed related to Galactus for various vicissitudes) with Captain Marvel. Obviously also this time, the last word belongs to the insiders of the Marvel Studios.
Living Tribunal
Il Living Tribunal is a character created by the collaboration between Stan Lee, Marie Severin ed Herb Trimpe in 1967, with its first appearance dating back to n.157 of Strange Tales. This character is one of the most powerful in the entire universe The Marvel movies, second only to the figure of Supreme, from which he takes direct orders.
The birth of Living Tribunal has never been clearly delineated, he exists as an omnipotent creature, second (as already mentioned) only to Supreme, by which he was charged with keeping the whole in balance Marvel multiverse and therefore imbued with powers to do so. However every single decision made by Living Tribunal must be fully shared by its three parties: Equity, Revenge and Necessity.
Of Figure Living Tribunal in the comics currently belongs to a Adam Warlock coming from an alternate universe. Its inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe could be justified by the need to separate the gems of infinity (which happens by him also in the comics) which will certainly happen after the defeat of the mad titan Thanos.
Ares, besides being a god of Greco-Roman mythology, he is also a character The Marvel movies created by Stan Lee e Jack Kirby in 1966 and first appeared in The mighty thor. Its presence in the Marvel Universe it is accompanied by many gods of various mythologies, including of course Thor, Loki (and others from Norse mythology) Hercules, Zeus, Venus, Jupiter and who has more put it.
Its purpose within the comics, in addition to that of unsuccessfully attempting to conquer theOlympus, is to foment the war between the latter and Asgard. Also more than once he collided with Hercules, Thor and Avengers (who most of the time came out defeated).
One of his appearances in Marvel Cinematic Universe during the next narrative stages it could be justified, if not necessary, since Asgard was destroyed and therefore could be supplanted by the reign of another mythology such as the Greco-Roman one with theOlympus. And even more Ares is one of those characters not too well known but equally appreciated that thanks to the big screen could get a greater visibility.
Squirrel girl
Squirrel Girl, aka Doreen Allene Green, is a creation of Will Murray e Steve Ditko 1992. First appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes. Its presence within the universe The Marvel movies it was important to raise the level of light-heartedness that in those years was dying out in the various publications of the house of ideas. To create this character Murray he was inspired by an ex-girlfriend of his and, of course, by squirrels.
The history of its origins is unclear as it is Doreen since birth it has inexplicably developed genes that have given it characteristics derived from squirrels, but it cannot be defined as mutant like the X-Men since his gene only accidentally changed after he was born.
Although this character never actually joined an official group of Avengers, actively worked as a heroine alongside the current Great Lakes Initiative (amateur group made up of superhumans with "useless" powers). Thanks to Squirrel girl the group can boast the defeat of enemies such as Thanos e MODOK The superheroine left the group after realizing she was the only super hero, to which she dedicated herself to babysitting Danielle Cage (daughter of Luke Cage e Jessica Jones), unofficially joining the New Avengers.
The inclusion of this character within the Marvel Cinematic Universe it could be justified by the fact that, like so many on this list, he is part of that group of characters that are little known but still highly appreciated by most, and who therefore deserve a chance on the big screen.
In conclusion, we would like to reiterate that this list was formed thanks to a series of strictly personal speculations and desires, so these characters will not be included 100% in the'MCU since the final decision rests only with the Marvel Studios. However, they still have a good chance of appearing on the big screen once the segment dedicated to the mad titan is over Thanos, which will see its proper term with Avengers: Endgame in April of this year.