"The attack of the Giants“, Written by a Hajime Isayama just twenty-two, it was published for the first time in Japan in 2009 and only two years later the manga was awarded as best shonen of the year (2011). The attack of the giants arrives in 2012 and within a few years it becomes a real world phenomenon, thanks also to the help given by the animated series of the work that arrives in 2015. This manga is undoubtedly one of the most revolutionaries of recent times and today it presents itself to us under a new and unmissable guise, that of the "Colossal Edition“, Format published by Planet Manga (Panini Comics) which contains the first three volumes of the original manga and which will have a quarterly frequency.
We are in the year 845, humans live free in an era that we can define medieval and live a peaceful existence, but suddenly humanity became the target of enormous and monstrous creatures, or giants. These frightening creatures, with a height ranging from 3 to 15 meters, have the sole purpose of destroying the human race. Nothing is known yet about their reproductive capacity and it would appear that they don't even need to feed, so what drives them to hunt down humans seems to be only their hunger for death and destruction. Humanity, to avoid extinction, decides to erect high and imposing walls in such a way as to prevent the giants from attacking them. Men now isolated from the outside world but protected by the main walls, that is Wall Maria, Wall Rose e Wall Sina, form a military body divided into three different main groups: the Garrison Corps which protects the city from possible attacks, the Gendarmerie Corps, which has the task of monitoring the population within the walls and the Reconnaissance Corps, composed of rangers who have the thankless task of venturing outside the walls in search of clues that can help them understand the real nature of giants. Eren jaeger, Mikasa Ackermann e Armin Arlett, or the three protagonists of the story, they are three boys whose life was upset five years before the beginning of the story by the attack of a mysterious giant taller than the walls erected to protect human life. The giant manages to open a breach that allows his fellow men to enter and sow death and destruction again. During the attack, the three young people are miraculously saved, unlike their parents who have been able to do nothing against the fury of the giants, and driven by the desire for revenge they decide to undergo a very hard training that will lead them to join the Army reconnaissance and devote their lives to the fight against giants. From here begins a story made up of heroes in continuous search for the truth, who fight daily against oppression with the sole purpose of obtaining the much desired freedom, all seasoned with continuous clashes, bloodbaths and implications as unexpected as they are dramatic. .
An edition not to be missed
This new "Colossal Edition" is both an excellent starting point for those who decide to approach the world created by Hajime Isayama only now, given that this mammoth work contains the first three volumes of the manga in standard format (increasingly difficult to recover given the time passed since the first publication), both fans of the manga, who will not be able to miss a work of this kind and who will find in their hands a volume of exaggerated dimensions (17,6 x 26,5 cm). As we all know the drawings of Hajime Isayama they are characterized by a very simple, rough and dirty line and, in some tables present in the “Colossal Edition”, the lack of details is felt and not a little. On the other hand there are tables in themselves spectacular, which are enhanced thanks to the size of the "Colossal Editon".