Assassin's Creed Valhalla, twelfth chapter of the famous series Ubisoft, is finally available! The game, of which you can find the review at the following link, is divided into different areas, each with different collectibles. In this guide we will explain where to find the Mysteries di Asgard, one of the areas that can be explored in this new work.
The Mysteries consist of some side quests and random encounters. The Asgard area contains some of them 9, which we will deepen in the next few lines. However, it is an area to be fully explored, in order to achieve the Platinum Trophy or in any case to complete the game in its entirety. Hoping that the text will be useful to you, we refer you to our specific section, containing new guides on Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Ready to discover all the Mysteries of the game? You can consult our dedicated text at the following link.
Before leaving you to the text, we remind you that in the following lines you may find some major or minor spoilers on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, regarding some playful sections and the narrative sector. We therefore advise you to continue carefully before completing the game in its entirety.
1 - World Event (Milk of Humankind)
For this Mystery, you will have to free a cow. Then destroy the wooden wall and move the platform to break the next two walls. At this point, just follow the animal.
2 - World Event (Noble Harts)
Once you reach the icon indicating the location of the event, you should see a deer. Follow it to complete the Mystery.
3 - Cairn
Go to the location indicated by the icon and interact with the Cairn.
4 - World Event (Hel's Well)
Get to the icon and defeat the enemy.
5 - Canzonatura
Here are the correct answers:
- Be careful what you wish for, I'll finish the battle.
- I am wise as an owl, you are a false god
- Well, your victory is not in my predictions.
6 - World Event (Valhalla Bound)
Talk to the guard.
7 - World Event (Food of the Gods)
Talk to the hunter and follow him. You will meet a boar, kill it.
8 - Altar of Offerings
Deliver all of Ymir's Tears. To find them, please refer to our dedicated guide.
9 - World Event (Njord's Lament)
Take a boat and head to the northernmost island in the area. You will find a drunkard, load him into the boat and bring him back to shore.