Talk to Toryu to the Stalling of Ushanka di The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, on the western edge of the hill region. He will give you 500 rupees and ask you to find the Source of the Radiant Fairy, climbing the Colbacco Tower and identifying it through the afternoon shadow of the tower. The source is located south of the Torre di Colbacco, at the foot of the mountain Becciacca, in the small pond visible on the map. Find the source and report it to Toryu.
Talk to Parissa to the River stalling, which will ask you to find an item from the royal guard series. Go to Hyrule Castle, where you will find the Royal Guard sword behind at an entrance blocked by breakable rocks, in the corridor on the left after reaching the top of the stairs beyond the armory. After completing the mission, by talking to Parissa you can exchange items belonging to this series in exchange for gems.
Talk to Trott close to the Stable of the Plain because he needs some XXL meat to regain strength. It's an ingredient that you can get from a variety of mammals, including wolves, bears, buffaloes, and rhinos. Give Trott a piece and he'll give you a silver rupee in return. Upon completion of the mission Trott will continue to buy XXL meat for 100 rupees.
Talk to Irisa standing under a tree around the Stable of the Plain. You just have to show her the supreme sword. At that point he will recognize a king in you and give you a sliver of a star.
Talk to Gohetaf to the River stalling southeast of the Piana by Hyrule. He needs some things to be recovered from Hyrule Castle. In the Castle library you will find two recipes, one is on a large wooden table on the ground floor and the other is on the lectern on one of the upper walkways. The recipes are Fruit pie e Monster Cake. You must prepare at least one to receive a silver rupee in exchange, but if you do the other you will get another silver rupee. Now let's see the ingredients and where to find them. For the Fruit Cake you need two or three pieces of fruit of different varieties, such as an Apple, a Bananalama and a Strawberry, then Colbacco Grain and Sugar Cane which you can buy at the Borgo dei Rito. For Monster Cake you need Monster Essence, available from Kilton, or as a gift from a traveler attacked by monsters in the plain of Hyrule, then Colbacco Wheat, Goat Butter and Sugar Cane, all available at the Rite village of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild.
Talk to All to the Stable of Piana, in the southwest area of the reason for the tower of the plain, which will ask you to find a White horse specific. Go to the Salufan Hill, across the river to the northwest where the horse in question grazes. You can tame him like any other horse but you must be careful to approach him cautiously, walking crouched and as slowly as possible up to the last meters, if necessary use food and armor that guarantee a stealth effect. When you get on the back, stroke the horse repeatedly and you'll need a stamina gauge at least two circles long to keep you from being thrown off. When the horse has calmed down, take him to the stall and register him and take a look at his amazing vestments. Talk to Totes again as you mount the horse to receive as a reward the Royal saddle and Royal Bridles.