Almost a year has already passed since the release of Avengers: Endgame, the great event of MCU which has been awaited by fans for more than 11 years. According to some rumors and speculations we won't have to wait that long again for the next big event The Marvel movies which would have already been anticipated by the film dedicated to the superheroine Carol Denvers, Captain Marvel. The imminent Phase 4 ushers in a new era for Marvel Cinematic Universe, also considering the fact that some TV series will be produced directly by Marvel Studios for the platform Disney +, and will be considered as official chapters of the narrative universe. Some sources consulted by Bleeding Cool claim that Marvel Studios intend to make a series for Disney + based on the famous Marvel event, Secret Invasion. Already before the release of Avengers: Endgame the theories that saw the arrival of Secret Invasion were many, but now there are more and more clues that are pushing fans to believe in this possible development of the cinematic universe.
But what is Secret Invasion?
Secret Invasion is a crossover created by Brian Michael Bendis, winner of five Eisner Awards, and designed by Leinil Francis Yu, published in 2008 and published by Panini Comics in 2009. At the center of the plot is a religious sect of Skrull who has planned a "secret" invasion of Earth, using his shape-shifting powers to take the place of some famous heroes. It all begins when the Secret Avengers are returning from Japan, where they managed to dismantle a large operation of the Bro, the most dangerous assassin sect in the world. At the head of this criminal organization we find Electronics who, having died in battle, is revealed to be a Skrull, a shape-shifting alien completely indistinguishable from a human being.
On the way back Jessica Drew Spider Woman, decides to bring the body to Tony Stark, head of SHIELD from after the events of the civil war, and see how he reacts. But now no one can trust anyone: a race of warlike aliens, which have already been rejected in their attempts to conquer the Earth in the past, has managed to insinuate itself unseen among the population. Anyone may not be who they say they are. What follows is a full-scale battle, with the superheroes and supervillains of Earth engaged in fighting an army of Super Skrull, but against whom? Who is the enemy and who is the ally? Who to trust?
There are many theories to consider, and they all lay the foundation for what the The Marvel movies has shown us over the years. Scoop specialist Daniel Richtman is absolutely certain of the presence of the TV series Secret Invasion in the studio's schedules, and thinks it will lay the groundwork for the next Captain Marvel 2, due out in theaters on July 8, 2022. Both the Kree is, of course, the Skrull, and so too SWORD it could play a very important role. In fact, it seems that from the photos shown from the filming of the highly anticipated WandaVision, the series for Disney + that sees as protagonists Elizabeth olsen as Wanda Maximoff e Paul Bettany in those of Vision, some are present agents of SWORD (Sentient World Observation and Response Department). This he is in charge of overseeing and fighting any extraterrestrial threats, and his support could be particularly important in fighting the Skrull emergency.
The main factor is precisely the introduction of the Skrulls in Captain Marvel and their surprise return in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The same Kevin Feige - US film producer and president of Marvel Studios - last year stated that there are not only Skrulls as good as those seen in Captain Marvel, so an invasion of Earth by them would make full sense. Skrulls were originally introduced in comics as enemies of Fantastic 4, but over the years their influence and importance within the Marvel universe have grown a lot, making them present in many crossovers that involve the entire continuity.
Another particularly discussed factor is the possible involvement of John Krasinski (The Office, A Quiet Place) in MCU, given the recent rumors that see the actor in talks with Marvel. There are many rumors and fan art from fans who see the famous actor in the role of Reed Richards, better known as Mr. Fantastic, one of the most important characters of Secret Invasion. This would consequently entail the introduction of Fantastic 4 in MCU, which would finally allow us to see a worthy film adaptation of them after the flop of the 20th Century Fox 2015. Reed Richards is a key character in the story of Secret Invasion, and it seems apparently impossible to tell the story without his presence. The physical similarity between John Krasinki and Mr. Fantastic is undeniable, and it was the actor himself who repeatedly suggested that he wanted to join the lineup of the Fantastic 4.
According to some fans, even the figure of Spiderman would seem to suggest a possible arrival of the great Marvel event. In Secret Invasion, in fact, Spiderman is wanted by the law for having sided with Iron Man during another great event, Civil War. On this occasion he also wore a black costume, very similar to the one he wears “Night Monkey” in the latest Spiderman movie: Far From Home. Could this also be a clue? Although few actually expected to see this product arrive on the online platform, considering the fact that it looks more like material for the big screen, serial narration would allow the story to be told in a more gradual way, adding more details. At the moment it is rumor, Then nothing is confirmed, but many Marvel fans are increasingly convinced that this will be the possible development of the cinematic universe.